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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States


Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage: mygov.in

MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi

Last updated 7 months, 4 weeks ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.


Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

3 months, 4 weeks ago


The goal of all spiritual people on Earth is to do as much good and light as possible for humanity:
Spread the healing knowledge around the world.
Gather large circle healing prayers in the Field of Love.
Protect all light souls from lies and attacks by dark powers.

Then harmony and love will enter every family and the heart of every woman. Only in unity can we create paradise on our planet ??

And that is why the wisest spiritual school on Earth is opening a portal to create the Settlement of the Happy.

? Let’s all together learn the Great Knowledge of our school and believe in Miracles with all our hearts. Faith will change the fate of all humanity.
Constantly read yourself and share the Book of Miracles and the new 38th episode of the animated masterpiece with women. Then the next Book of Wonders will start with your story. ?

Every soul saved thanks to you is the healing of your lineage and all humanity.
? Together we will heal the whole world! ?


Life after life. Episode 38. The Temple of all Religions. Spiritual Channel

Dive into the mysterious realms of the afterlife in Life After Life Cartoon, Episode 38 ***💥*** Why did they build pyramids and not other temples in ancient times? ***💥*** How does the pyramid receive the flow of energy, and where is the strongest point within it?…

3 months, 4 weeks ago


Das Ziel aller spirituellen Menschen auf der Erde ist es, so viel Gutes und Helles wie möglich für die Menschheit zu tun:
Das heilende Wissen weltweit zu verbreiten.
Große heilende Kreisgebete im Feld der Liebe zu versammeln.
Alle hellen Seelen vor Lügen und Angriffen dunkler Energie zu schützen.

Dann werden Harmonie und Liebe in jede Familie und in das Herz jeder Frau einkehren. Nur in der Einheit können wir ein Paradies auf unserem Planeten erschaffen ??

Und genau deshalb öffnet die weiseste spirituelle Schule der Erde ein Portal zur Schaffung einer Siedlung der Glücklichen.

? Lass uns gemeinsam das große Wissen unserer Schule erlernen und von ganzem Herzen an Wunder glauben. Der Glaube wird das Schicksal der gesamten Menschheit verändern.
Lies ständig selbst und teile mit den Frauen das Buch der Wunder und die neue 38. Folge des animierten Meisterwerks.
Dann wird das nächste Buch der Wunder mit deiner Geschichte beginnen ?

Jede Seele, die durch dich gerettet wird, ist die Heilung deiner Ahnenlinie und der ganzen Menschheit.
? Zusammen werden wir die ganze Welt heilen! ?


Tempel aller Religionen. Zwischen den Welten. Folge 38. Spiritueller Kanal

Der Zeichentrickfilm basiert auf dem Buch "Zwischen den Welten - Die Abenteuer der Seele". ***💥*** Warum baute man in der Antike genau Pyramiden und keine anderen Tempel? ***💥*** Wie die Pyramide den Fluss der Energie aufnimmt und wo sich der stärkste Punkt in ihr…

4 months ago
4 months ago
Congratulations to you and your friends! …

Congratulations to you and your friends! ?
? Together, we can find these light souls, lead them on the path of perfection and goodness, so they can gain the knowledge of our wise school and start living a happy life! ?

? My dear, do you know that when you help others and tell them they can come to the SEMINARS FOR FREE, your life situations are resolved more quickly? And your wishes are fulfilled instantly! ?****

The light powers begin to help you and all your loved ones. What you expected to happen in 5 years according to your destiny (increase in income, happy relationships with a partner, healing from illness) will happen in 5 months or even in 5 weeks ??

The best comes into your life and the lives of your loved ones! ??
We await all light souls at the seminars, where all dreams come true!

4 months ago


We thank you for your pursuit of happiness ?? Through your example, tenderness, and love, you help women find a happy destiny ?

?? An important astrological period has begun on Earth, during which the saving energy of LOVE will manifest through young women ??

And now they especially need help to avoid difficult life situations and prevent mistakes. Therefore, we support their desire to develop, help their families, and our entire PLANET ❤️*?***

?????? All girls under 25 can participate in city WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS for free, even without the technical part! ??

❣️ The donation payment is also waived for them.
❣️ Such girls can simply come and participate in the seminars and workshops for free.
❣️ At the retreats of our wise school, those who are 25 years old and younger only have to pay for the technical part ??‍♀️

4 months ago
4 months, 1 week ago


You can:
?? Help a stranger
?? Buy groceries for a grandmother
? Feed a kitten
? Become a volunteer
? Organize a charity event yourself

The spirit of the sun will surely appreciate this and help you do good ?

If you really want to open your heart, then take part in our charity events! Older people often feel very lonely and need the warmth of your heart, support, a kind word.

You can learn about true kindness and compassion for people by participating in international charity events. Watch our happiness course on the YouTube channel to understand how you can help people fulfill their purpose ??

Millions of people have already received a flow of love and care and have become part of such a mission to save all of humanity! ?
Do you love doing good deeds?
Would you like to participate in such events?

If so, then join the international movement "Field of Love" and our live seminars ?


Charity on an international scale. We need your help. Spiritual Channel

Congratulations, my dear! You have found a true Spiritual School and now everything in your life will get better and better with each passing day! Start studying the Great Spiritual Knowledge with these materials: Video "Miracles of the Flow": https://ww…

4 months, 1 week ago

On such a strong energetic day, it is the best time to unite with higher powers and place yourself under the protection of the most powerful spirits! ?
Are you ready?

Listen the music connection with the spirit of Egregor today and during 21 day!
This meditation will open the way to bright events in your life, helps attract happiness, immense wealth, health, and love in all matters ?

Every day perform a special ritual to prepare for this meditation:
*? Make a wish. What do you want?
?? Rub your hands until they become hot, and feel the energy awaken.
? Take 3 deep breaths.
??* Ask the spirit of the Egregor to fulfill your wish.

Feel how your supernatural abilities and well-being improve as you perform the practice ?

4 months, 2 weeks ago

?? Join us every Wednesday at 20:00 by Berlin time (02:00 PM by New York time) for the WORLDWIDE PRAYER FOR THE EARTH? Healing Female Energy: Spring Meditation for Family Harmony & Global Unity *??*????and ??*??*??

every Thursday at 20:00 Berlin time (02:00 PM by New York time)? Secrets of Unleashing Your Superpowers. Lesson 7.


Stand in the Flow of Light at this very moment!
Join our worldwide prayer ?
The more of us there are, the faster we can save the World! ?????

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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States


Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage: mygov.in

MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi

Last updated 7 months, 4 weeks ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.


Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago