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“Nagkon Wat (Siam.). Imposing ruins in the province of Siamrap (Eastern Siam), if ruins they may be called. An abandoned edifice of most gigantic dimensions, which, together with the great temple of Angkorthâm (Bayon), are the best preserved relics of the past in all Asia.
After the Pyramids this is the most occult edifice in the whole world. Of an oblong form, it is 796 feet in length and 588 in width, entirely built of stone, the roof included, but without cement like the pyramids of Ghizeh, the stones fitting so closely that the joints are even now hardly discernible.
It has a central pagoda 250 feet in height from the first floor, and four smaller pagodas at the four corners, about 175 feet each. In the words of a traveller, (The Land of the White Elephant, Frank Vincent, p. 209): “in style and beauty of architecture, solidity of construction, and magnificent and elaborate carving and sculpture, the great Nagkon Wat has no superior, certainly no rival, standing at the present day.” (Theosophical Glossary. See also Isis Unveiled., Vol I. pp. 561-566.)
Indeed, consulting the Isis Unveiled reference above, yields far more commentary from HPB, edited by this author:
“Thus is it that all the religious monuments of old, in whatever land or under whatever climate, are the expression of the same identical thoughts, the key to which is in the esoteric doctrine.
It would be vain, without studying the latter, to seek to unriddle the mysteries enshrouded for centuries in the temples and ruins of Egypt and Assyria, or those of Central America, British Columbia, and the Nagkon-Wat of Cambodia.
If each of these was built by a different nation; and neither nation had had intercourse with the others for ages, it is also certain that all were planned and built under the direct supervision of the priests.
And the clergy of every nation, though practicing rites and ceremonies which may have differed externally, had evidently been initiated into the same traditional mysteries which were taught all over the world.
In order to institute a better comparison between the specimens of prehistoric architecture to be found at the most opposite points of the globe, we have but to point to the grandiose Hindu ruins of Ellora in the Dekkan, the Mexican Chichen-Itza, in Yucatan, and the still grander ruins of Copán, in Guatemala.
They present such features of resemblance that it seems impossible to escape the conviction that they were built by peoples moved by the same religious ideas, and that had reached an equal level of highest civilization in arts and sciences.
There is not, perhaps, on the face of the whole globe, a more imposing mass of ruins than Nagkon-Wat … nowhere are there buildings of such tremendous antiquity to be found in a better state of preservation than Nagkon-Wat, and the ruins of Angkorthôm [Bayon], the great temple.
… in style and beauty of architecture, solidity of construction, and magnificent and elaborate carving and sculpture, the Great Nagkon-Wat has no superior, certainly no rival standing at the present day. The first view of the ruins is overwhelming … the ruins of the past Egyptian splendor deserve no higher eulogium than Nagkon-Wat."
Secrets of Electricity in the Norse Myths
The Norse myths and legends hold much of the esoteric wisdom, as other traditions like Greek mythology. Reflecting upon these themes while in the mountains of Norway - via HPB's commentary from Isis Unveiled:
"There is both religion and science in these Scandinavian songs of heathendom. As an example of the latter, take the conception of Thor, the son of Odin.
Whenever this Hercules of the North would grasp the handle of his terrible weapon, the thunderbolt or electric hammer, he is obliged to put on his iron gantlets.
He also wears a magical belt known as the “girdle of strength,” which, whenever girded about his person, greatly augments his celestial power. He rides upon a car drawn by two rams with silver bridles, and his awful brow is encircled by a wreath of stars.
His chariot has a pointed iron pole, and the spark-scattering wheels continually roll over rumbling thunder-clouds. He hurls his hammer with resistless force against the rebellious frost-giants, whom he dissolves and annihilates.
When he repairs to the Urdar fountain [Shamballa?], where the gods meet in conclave to decide the destinies of humanity, he alone goes on foot, the rest of the deities being mounted.
He walks, for fear that in crossing Bifrost (the rainbow), the many-hued Æsir-bridge, he might set it on fire with his thunder-car, at the same time causing the Urdar waters to boil.
Rendered into plain English, how can this myth be interpreted but as showing that the Norse legend-makers were thoroughly acquainted with electricity?
Thor, the euhemerization of electricity, handles his peculiar element only when protected by gloves of iron, which is its natural conductor. His belt of strength is a closed circuit, around which the isolated current is compelled to run instead of diffusing itself through space.
When he rushes with his car through the clouds, he is electricity in its active condition, as the sparks scattering from his wheels and the rumbling thunder of the clouds testify.
The pointed iron pole of the chariot is suggestive of the lightning-rod; the two rams which serve as his coursers are the familiar ancient symbols of the male or generative power; their silver bridles typify the female principle, for silver is the metal of Luna, Astartè, Diana.
Therefore in the ram and his bridle we see combined the active and passive principles of nature in opposition, one rushing forward, and the other restraining, while both are in subordination to the world-permeating, electrical principle, which gives them their impulse.
With the electricity supplying the impulse, and the male and female principles combining and recombining in endless correlation, the result is — evolution of visible nature, the crown-glory of which is the planetary system, which in the mythic Thor is allegorized by the circlet of glittering orbs which bedeck his brow.
When in his active condition, his awful thunderbolts destroy everything, even the lesser other Titanic forces. But he goes afoot over the rainbow bridge, Bifrost, because to mingle with other less powerful gods than himself, he is obliged to be in a latent state, which he could not be in his car; otherwise he would set on fire and annihilate all.
The meaning of the Urdar-fountain, that Thor is afraid to make boil, and the cause of his reluctance, will only be comprehended by our physicists when the reciprocal electro-magnetic relations of the innumerable members of the planetary system, now just suspected, shall be thoroughly determined.
... The ancient philosophers believed that not only volcanoes, but boiling springs were caused by concentrations of underground electric currents, and that this same cause produced mineral deposits of various natures, which form curative springs.
Speaking broadly, these forces and groups are occupied with material values and mental ideas. They are not principally occupied with the more subtle values, though these are incidentally present.
The emphasis is upon the economic situation; upon the possession of land or cultural predispositions and tendencies and with the relations between people and nations; these latter are based fundamentally, as you know, on that which is tangible and objective, guarded, defended or gained and procured by definitely tangible means which are in themselves separative and divided.
This statement, I think, the people of every nation would regard as true. The basic underlying methods employed are those of organisational arrangement (large, as in nations, or smaller, as in the groups within the nations), propaganda, the imposition of favoured ideas through the use of the spoken and written word in every country, group loyalty, group adherence to the leader, and group methods. Success depends upon the gained group cohesion, the group willingness to sacrifice, plus loyalty and allegiance to some directing personality.
Behind these many groups stand the forces of ancient origin which are pledged either to the material or the spiritual values. Because many ages have gone by in the building up of the material values, to the development of the personality consciousness, and to the achievement of a tangible and objective civilisation, the forces of materialism are apparently far stronger and more potent than the forces of the spirit or of the intangible worlds.
Up to the present this has not been wrong, though it has been accompanied by much that has been undesirable and which has led to a one-sided evolution. But the time has now come for the shift of the human consciousness into the world of true and spiritual understanding and of the intangible and more desirable standards of living.” (The Externalisation of the Hierarchy”, Alice A. Bailey. pp.83-4.)
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