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Doctor's House Call for Kal (by Iindoagorira on twitter) [Translated]
Zalaks From Terra: a Journey
Translated from Terra: A Journey
The Zalak race has a huge population, even compared with races like Felines and Liberis. They are also widely distributed across Terra, and could be found from Bolivar to Rim Billiton. In recent years, we can see a significant number of Zalaks emigrating to Columbia.
Zalaks generally have eye-catching round ears on their heads. For a small portion of Zalaks, their ears look sharp due to the presence of their fur. The bundles of hair on their ears are not grown from their scalp, but from their ears, and are called ‘ear clusters’. (A small number of Felines have this same kind of fur.) Zalaks living from Kazimierz to Kjerag often have furry ear clusters and large, fluffy tails. The fur on Zalaks’ ears and tails becomes shorter when it comes to warmer places in the south.
In terms of the average body size on Terra, Zalaks are generally smaller in size and nimbler in their movements. They are equipped with excellent hearing and outstanding reaction abilities, and are sensitive to air vibrations and changes in air currents, making many of them good couriers.For this reason, Zalaks can often be found in Catastrophe Messenger teams.
A notable fact is that there has been a recent influx of new Zalak actors in the film industry of Columbia, including prominent figures like Bernie Gale, Antony Erwin and Magda ‘Fastmouth’ Morenski. Gale played the role of protagonist Jack Scotner in the 1094 comedy film ‘Ah shit! Here we go again’, and revolutionarily reinterpreted the classic ‘Soldier in the wind’ by shaping an indecisive hero of humble origins who made the correct choice in the end. The film is critically well-received to the point it curbed the negative meaning of the phrase ‘Zalak syndrome’ in some places, transforming its meaning from ‘greedy hoarders’ to ‘visionary, detailed planners who prepare the best for their family and friends’. This directly attracted many Zalaks to participate in frontier trailblazing activities. Their perseverance and toughness in the barren wilds have often made headlines.
Ægir (race) from Terra: A Journey
The Ægir race is widely distributed across many regions, and can be seen from coastal areas to water bodies in inland locations. In recent years, myths revolving around them have caught more and more attention from people. Perhaps their origins are way more vast and deeper than we have imagined.
The Ægir race has many branches. While sharing similar characteristics, those from different branches have entirely different constitutions from each other. For example, Ægir are more likely to be close to water bodies, but it does not mean that all Ægir people have the same aquatic adaptability. I have seen some who are capable of breathing under water, yet the majority of the Ægir race does not possess such an ability.
The reliance on water of Ægir has most likely surpassed any other race, due to the fact that they have a higher tendency to live near water, such as great rivers and lakes, or even the ocean normal Terrans fear. On the other hand, Ægir people are more susceptible to dehydration, and the consequences they face from it are more dire, compared to other races. Their respiratory tracts are more reliant on water content in air, and they are more likely to have dry, chafing skin under prolonged sunshine and strong winds, where their lives might be threatened at the worst case. The Ægir people tackle the problem with their solution of using effective skin moisturizers to slow down the evaporating speed of water content in their bodies. In more extreme circumstances, for instance, when an Ægir is about to enter the blazing deserts of Sargon, they have a special distillation device to give them water supply. This method is simultaneously learnt by various desert inhabitants as well.
Adapting an influential race origins analysis method on history and cultural migration made recently, we can discover that compared to most races in Terra that took migratory paths with one or more points, the migratory pathway of a part of the Ægir race is an inward spread that started from the outskirts of Terra. The Ægir Land myths of Iberian ‘Island Residents’ and the ‘Kōryō Abyss’ legends from Higashi seem to have explained the origins of these Ægir people. Bold scholars of origin studies have deduced that these Ægir originated from the ocean.
Be careful she's gonna bonk you (@tomodach1_666 on X)
"Endministrator? Oracle? Perhaps I can just call you... the Doctor?" (Art by inusodate)
Dokutah... That's not an operator.
So how is the game?
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