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Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago
Creating Our New Reality (Audio)
A short audio video with an introduction to our mission and invitiation to join us! Over 4 years have passed since founding the Community Assembly of the British Isles. We have travelled a long way and overcome many obstacles to get this far. Setting up…
Here stands before you a great opportunity and a new beginning for all the people of Kernow ( Cornwall ) .
A New Era for Kernow (Audio)
A unique opportunity for those born in or living in Kernow (Cornwall). Here stands before you a great opportunity and a new beginning for us all. Kernow is, and always has been, a country with its own sitting Parliament. The Stannary Parliament is independent…
The world is a wonderful place and has its surprises for sure .
Just yesterday I found out there was a particular person trying to slur the Community Assembly claiming that we are somehow connected to
" the beast system " .
It turns out that by using the bar code like on some of our leaflets that is the beasts system .
The bar code takes people to our CABI website nothing more .
It was also mentioned that because there was a picture on our website of someone that made the love heart sign that was also an indication to them that we are connected to something bad .
Obviously the Community Assembly of the British isles is here to do good things and to help good people to create a better society for themselves , we are certainly not connected to any organisation or individuals or ethos that wish to do harm to or hinder people in their pursuit of freedom .
So to connect individuals, groups and organizations to a certain thing and hindering and slurring them just because they believe there is a connection to something is little crazy , these kind of unfounded accusations are just ridiculous.
The word is full of surprises sometimes .
The world is also full of good people and it is no surprise that good people will look to help one another when there is a need .
The community Assembly of the British isles and the Assemblies of the World are full of good people that have come together to help each other .
We can forget the crazy and keep focusing on the good because we know what we are doing is the right thing .
Love .
Nick x
Follow us #Facebook
Attention folks !
To all those of you who are NOT receiving the weekly updates from the Community Assembly of the British Isles (CABI) and are members of the online groups in Facebook and Telegram (which are for information only ).
The only way you can become a member and get all the information and benefits that CABI can offer is by joining via our website.
CABI is about real people meeting to discuss local needs and to build a parallel way of life without interference from the Bash Street Kids. We have that power now we need the active people to implement it. Just in Cornwall/Kernow alone it has 18 Assemblies with more forming up and throughout the British isles we have 72 Community Assemblies and under the Assemblies of the world we have America , New Zealand, Australia and Malta that have assemblies .
We are not going to wait around for people to join us , that's up to you .
It's like waiting at the train station.
Imagine yourself sitting on a railway station knowing that the train you need is right there in front of you but you can’t make up your mind to get on it.
You may want to read every book on how to survive in the event of a train crash, you have agonised about taking a train to a destination that you feel you know nothing about, you wonder if you can learn enough to survive in the old system and there are loads of people saying to you that if you give your money to them they will supply all the information you need to protect yourself. Do you stay or do you leave.
Suddenly you look up and realise the train has locked its doors and the guard is signalling the train to leave. You stand up in a panic of indecision. It is too late. The decision has been made for you.
There are way too many people sitting there waiting to board the train and feeling safe in the knowledge that others were taking action and so they don’t have to do anything right now.
At least not until they see which way the wind is blowing.
This indecision will see you standing there watching the train leave without you.
Success for us is all very simple and requires only a change of attitude and very little learning.,we have to give our consent to anything which comes out of any government, local or national., no-one can just make a ‘law’ asserting that the rest of us must follow blindly, that is not how it works because you have to give it your consent for it to acquire the force of law.
At what point did you give your consent and can the government, local or national, prove that you did.,this is not about contracts or joinder or any of the myriad of suggestions to reclaim your sovereignty .
Your independence is yours to do with as you wish. It is not up to others to deny you that and it is certainly not up to us to claim back that which we already have.
Much love.
John Gilbert .
Hello Folks .
The solstice has come and gone here in the British isles and we continue to move on with forming Community Assemblies all over the British isles and abroad .
We can form many more than we have but are coming up short on facilitators .
We need 3 facilitators for each community Assembly .
A facilitator's only role is to pass on information nothing more , it is not a taxing role and is within anyone's capability .
My home county of Lincolnshire is looking to form Lincoln Community Assembly .
We need one more man or woman to agree to be a facilitator
They would need to reside in the Lincoln area .
If you are in this area and would like to help please get in touch .
If you are in other areas of the country and would like to help please consider becoming a facilitator as this would be a great help .
You can contact either myself by PM or John by email.
Love .
Nick .
In the begining
When three of us set out to build a parallel community none had any idea of how far we should take it or how it should be achieved. The idea wasn’t even mine but conveniently planted in my head just as it had been planted in the heads of many others around our beautiful blue home. What we all had in common was that we were determined to build a community without distractions and side shows, of which there are many.
We have seen some areas torn apart because of “experts” promising riches if only their plans were followed, we have seen others offering complex and extensive training on their version of common law or yet more offering ways to get around travel restrictions or people organising great demonstrations. We have seen any number of targets for peoples ire but little or almost nothing on how to build the world we desire. Anger uses up much energy, is very addictive and self-sustaining.
Our task was to never be side-tracked from our path, never to chase after money, never to get lost in the jungle of lies and deceit but to build a community that was powered by love and respect by those with vision.
We understand the attraction of instant gratification when complaining to others about the corruption and fraud of the establishment but how long can that sustain us. If the current establishment fails then how will we maintain ourselves? Without a system of communities willing to help each other and work together how can anyone other than the most resourceful hunter gatherers amongst us can possibly survive in the short term. Even so a determined and ruthless regime can hunt down and dispose of those independent souls who are capable of survival.
We have been backed into a corner and there is only one peaceful and effective way out so it is time to stop playing a game that we cannot win and start doing something other than simply mumping our gums. There is no greater strength than a community dedicated to living together and protecting each other.
This is why the Community Assembly of the British isles was formed so we can bring people together in a structured way and provide the tools and knowledge and cater for all the needs of a community so we can function aside from the system in a parallel society.
We have come far since the beginning.
We have passed through the time of knowledge and into the time of building for our future. This has to be done in the community with real people meeting in person. The time for the passing of information on the internet has been found wanting with far too much corruption in circulation.
The beginning is now over .
Let's move to the next stage.
Much love.
John Gilbert.
Join with us now .
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The Duchy of Cornwall was set up in 1337 and control of the Stannary Parliament was given by the crown to the Duchy along with all of the taxes raised through coinage which now went to the Duke of Cornwall. There is no evidence that the Stannary Parliament ever agreed to this.
Although this was a money grab the important point here is that from this point onwards, the whole of Kernow (present day Cornwall) was considered to be covered by Stannary Law. Similarly, the whole of Kernow was governed by the Duchy and the Stannary Parliament combined. Both the Duchy and the Stannary helped Kernow to maintain its independence and it was, at that time, considered to be a separate country.
In 1496 the folk of Kernow had had enough of Henry VII and his overbearing son the then Duke of Cornwall (the future Henry VIII). Due to the growing unrest Henry VII suspended the Stannary Parliament and increased taxation which was the last straw for the people of Kernow. The people of Kernow attacked England but eventually lost the battle and ended up as a Country under occupation. Kernow then had to raise £1000 in war reparations to free themselves from the crown.
When the task had been completed and the money paid in 1508 Henry VII gave the country back to the people of Kernow and the function of the Stannary Parliament was reinstated. All Laws prior to that date imposed on Kernow were rescinded and all future attempts to impose laws on Kernow from the Crown and Westminster had to be approved by the 24 members of the Stannary Parliament first.
Here we have to remember that up until 1496 the whole of Kernow was considered to be under Stannary Law and that this was re-established in 1508. The Duke of Cornwall’s power had been removed and the Duke of Cornwall no longer had authority over Kernow leaving the Stannary Parliament in sole control. We have to remember as well that Kernow and the Duchy of Cornwall did not share the same borders and what we now know as Cornwall was at that time known as Kernow by its people.
The last official meeting of the Stannary Parliament was in 1752/1753 so no Law or Legislation issued by Westminster Parliament nor any imposition by the Crown has had any legitimacy in Kernow since that time. Stannary Law continued to be used after 1753 and the last case heard in a Stannary Court was in 1896.
In 1977, a Welsh Member of Parliament called Daffyd Wigley asked the government if the Charter of Pardon of 1508 had ever been withdrawn. The government said that there was no record of the Charter being withdrawn. This meant that the charter was still current and that the Stannary Parliament could meet again at any time without anyone’s consent other than the need for the cooperation of the people.
On Saturday the 2nd March 2024 and after much research into the Stannary Parliament and Stannary Courts it was decided that there were grounds for adding another layer above that of the Community Assembly of Kernow. This new layer of administration would be known as the Stannary Parliament and this ancient institution was the perfect match for the current Community Assembly of Kernow and would preserve the identity of Kernow.
To consent or not consent.
Having been to the St Austell Police station yet again I find that both police and a duty solicitor are still holding on to the notion that Acts of Parliament and even government guidance is law. They do not accept that it could be disputed by individuals and people who belong to groups such as CABI or others who reject Statutes.
A Statute is defined as a legislative rule of society given the force of LAW by the CONSENT of the governed, a rule as of a framework formed by a corporation. By its own definition it is not LAW but only given the force of law by consent of us if we accept that we are governed by those creating statutes. If we state clearly that we do not give consent to Statutes, Legislation or Acts of Parliament both primary and secondary then there should be no further argument, however, could we be giving our consent without knowing.
One way to become part of the Statute making business is by registering to vote whether or not we want to vote or whether or not we spoil our ballot papers we are still a part of the Parliamentary process. The best way is to declare that there is no-one in our household who is eligible to vote or to tell them that our fiction (our name in CAPITAL LETTERS) is no longer resident at this address. It would mean that I would have to inform my local council and their online electoral register that ALL CAPS NAME is no longer in residence.
There are a few more things you can do to make the point. You can make a declaration like we have done in CABI which is the Declaration of Assembly Folk of the Worldwhich states “With utmost reverence and loyalty, we pledge our allegiance to the sacred concepts of customary, natural and common law, individual sovereignty, property rights, the right to assemble, and the recognition of individual and collective jurisdiction of consent, all under the trust of the Creator”.
I know that it quotes from the Bible but the Bible is a sacred book of Law and has been accepted into law.
Much love .
John Gilbert.
Founder of the Community Assembly of the British isles.
Follow us on Facebook
Hello Folks .
The snow drops are out in bloom here in the British isles and we are closing down on our winter .
It will be great to experience some warmer weather (hopefully) .
We are still seeing the establishment trying it on and flexing their muscles and I am sure it is worldwide not just on the shores of the British isles.
You will have seen a big push back by farmers in many countries .
This is very welcome and I would encourage you all to take a look and get behind them .
We need farmers and the produce they can supply us with .
It would be a great idea go out and contact your local farmer and set up something where they can supply your community directly so to cut out the supermarket chain .
It is important to look at things on a local level by supporting local farms and businesses .
The battles will be fought and won locally .
With this in mind I encourage all of you to join us and form a Community Assembly in your area .
By forming an Assembly or joining one you are helping to win the battle by a show of strength and a voice of authority , which is us , the people .
As time ticks by we get closer to one future or another .
Let's make it a future we want to see and live in .
Community chat:
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