🔥 我們發布最好的 和加密貨幣項目
💯 投資前一定要做好自己的研究
☎️ 營銷聯繫人 @lgexpertise
🚀 官方合作伙伴: www.chimpzee.io https://coins.game
Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago
We are aware that external opinions about us are mixed. We have mentioned our dreams countless times, and we deeply need the community and all of the people who was part of us. We have enough time to prepare everything, and this will be our final public token sale. I hope this time we can create miracles together with you.
As of now, 103 spots have been distributed for the T1 whitelist, and 105 spots for the T2 whitelist. We encourage you to reach out to us through the Telegram group. Please note, we will never DM first. Beware of scammers!
准备好见证 BSC 上最新出生的宝宝 - Baby Koma 即将上线🚀
👶 预售在 1 秒内完成
👶 预计爆炸发射
👶 基于开发和团队
👶 神父 Koma 120 milly
👶 发布时间 - 星期四下午 3 点(UTC)
👉 DEX 提升、广告和所有平台上的趋势
🔥 CMC 和 CG Fasttack
🔥 TG 和 Twitter KOLS 将在发布会前后进行通话
🟢CA - 0x1d7197177E5EF70A59B92A5Af57A36986e5FD548
🟢CHART - https://www.dexview.com/bsc/0x1d7197177E5EF70A59B92A5Af57A36986e5FD548
✉️TG: https://t.me/BabyKOMABSC
My New Project SquidGame2 Coming Tomorrow! 60 BNB HC .
How join Whitelist? Whitelist Contest Link Tomorrow
每日节目单 推荐信息频道+引流广告位 Recommended channel+traffic advertising location
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🔥 我們發布最好的 和加密貨幣項目
💯 投資前一定要做好自己的研究
☎️ 營銷聯繫人 @lgexpertise
🚀 官方合作伙伴: www.chimpzee.io https://coins.game
Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago