It’s Just English

Добро пожаловать на It's Just English — ваш главный канал для всего, что связано с изучением английского языка! Мы стремимся помочь студентам улучшить свои языковые навыки.

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1 month, 4 weeks ago

В этом видео мы представляем эффективную методику преподавания английского языка для подростков в формате мини-групп. Как часть нашей программы English for Teens.

В рамках этого видео мы предложим вам эксклюзивный доступ к нашей методике планирования уроков, которая отвечает высоким стандартам Кембриджского университета. Кроме того, наши эксперты поделятся практическими советами по эффективному проведению онлайн-уроков, чтобы помочь вам достичь максимальной результативности в обучении.

Видео предназначено для учителей английского языка, которые хотят усовершенствовать свои навыки и получить новые идеи для своих уроков и для родителей, которые хотят посмотреть, как проходят наши уроки или просто узнать, сколько труда мы вкладываем в наши уроки для наших замечательных учеников. 😊

Мы приглашаем вас присоединиться к нашему online-сообществу ( и поделиться своими мыслями и опытом в комментариях.

Ключевые темы:

Английский язык для подростков


Планирование уроков


Методика Кембриджского университета

Профессиональное развитие учителей

Присоединяйтесь к нашему каналу и получайте новые видео, посвященные преподаванию английского языка!

2 months ago
2 months, 1 week ago

Here are some highlights from a recent lesson about predicting the future from my English for teens program.

Predicting the Future
Level: Pre-Intermediate (A2-B1)
Lesson Objectives:
To practice predicting the future using 'will'

To clarify the pronunciation of target language and practice distinguishing full forms and short forms

To develop listening skills for gist and detail through a video about children predicting the future

To engage in freer speaking practice discussing and evaluating predictions

To reinforce positive life choices through evidence-based discussions (optional)

Materials Needed:

On screen materials

Audio recording of Alice's predictions

Video of children predicting the future

Vocabulary game materials (if time allows)

Lesson Plan:
Activate Students' Schemata (5 mins)

Engage students in a discussion about the future and what they think it holds.

Encourage them to share their thoughts and ideas about what the future might look like.

Listening to Alice's Predictions (10 mins)

Play the audio recording of Alice's predictions about her future.

Have students listen and then produce similar language to predict their own future.

Encourage them to share their predictions with a partner.

Clarification of Target Phonology (5 mins)

Clarify the pronunciation of the target language, emphasizing full forms and short forms.

Play examples of correct pronunciation and have students choose the correct variant.

Listening Task: Guess the Verb (10 mins)

Have students guess the correct verb based on the context provided.

Play the audio for them to check their initial answers.

Ask students to categorize the topics mentioned in the listening task.

Listening for Gist and Details (15 mins)

Show a video of children making predictions about the future.

Have students identify the categories the children make predictions about.

Listen again for details and mark the things mentioned by the children.

Freer Speaking Practice (20 mins)

Engage students in discussions about their own predictions and evaluate the likelihood of them happening.

Use follow-up questions and the Socratic method to foster critical thinking and encourage deeper discussions.

Show Evidence Supporting Predictions (Optional)

Present evidence supporting one of the predictions made by students to encourage positive life choices and healthy decision-making.

Vocabulary Game (If Time Permits)

Play a vocabulary game to reinforce key terms and concepts related to predicting the future.

Participation in discussions and activities

Accuracy in predicting language use

Engagement in listening tasks and vocabulary game

Additional Notes:
Encourage students to support their predictions with reasoning and evidence.

Provide feedback on pronunciation and language use throughout the lesson.

Adapt activities based on student responses and engagement levels.

2 months, 2 weeks ago

Besides the fact that I am a native English speaker, I have two degrees from accredited higher education institutions in the United States. To top things off, I have a teaching certificate from Cambridge. But you can have all the qualifications in the world and not know how to keep a student engaged. I know how to keep my students highly engaged and motivated. Students look forward to their lessons with me—they know they’ll get results.

Business English? I’ve helped numerous managers and executives improve their skills. In fact, some of them have negotiated multimillion-dollar contracts with European companies thanks to my services. I have many years of international business experience. I’ve worked in the corporate sector and I’ve even run a couple companies of my own. I’ve developed entire English training programs while working at a business school. Not only that, but I am a professor of business English at the Moscow State University of Education.

Practical English? I’ve helped students prepare for their life in the United States. One of my students is so proficient that he is outscoring his classmates on English tests. He went over there, and he immediately started working with the other children his age. How’s that possible? Well, I know the American English Language Arts Common Core Standards. So, if a parent asks me, “Could you prepare our boy for elementary school in the United States?” I can answer, “You bet!”

Is your professor confusing you with his assignment? I got you! My academic English programs are world-class. I’ve worked with students who were studying in Oxford University, helping them with their philosophy papers. I’ve worked with students from Germany, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Greece, Germany, the Netherlands, the United States, England, and Russia. My programs are custom-built with each student in mind. My meticulously crafted students' needs assessment profile ensures that I have a plan for YOUR education from day 1.

Want to study in a world-class university? Good for you. Many of my students are now attending great universities in Canada, the EU, China, the UK, and the United States. Test prep is something that I do with a high level of precision. My last IELTS prep student went from a 6.5 to an 8.0 in 12 weeks. “It is overwhelming, I didn't think I can get THIS… I am so grateful for our lessons,” she said. Another one said, “Ilya helped us get into a great university abroad. Thank you!”

Why do clients study with me? Because I care about every single one of them, and I want to turn their dreams into a reality. This is why I even became an educator.

2 months, 2 weeks ago

My son learned how to crawl in one day after hanging out with a baby who showed him how to crawl

2 months, 2 weeks ago
This is business English at its …

This is business English at its finest.

2 months, 2 weeks ago


Achieving the Russian dream - Russian television interview with the founder of

Смотрите видео онлайн «Achieving the Russian dream - Russian television interview with the founder of» на канале «It's Just English» в хорошем качестве и бесплатно, опубликованное 26 июня 2024 года в 18:55, длительностью 00:09:14, на видеохостинге…
2 months, 2 weeks ago


Моё интервью на телевидении: Как я приехал в Россию и воплотил свою мечту и создал свою школы

Смотрите видео онлайн «Моё интервью на телевидении: Как я приехал в Россию и воплотил свою мечту и создал свою школы» на канале «It's Just English» в хорошем качестве и бесплатно, опубликованное 24 июня 2024 года в 18:52, длительностью 00:09:12, на видеохостинге…\_-Rf5AK1uM
2 months, 3 weeks ago
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