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Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago
Funny videos😂Trends that is going to blow your mind💯❤️
Admin @omega_roar
Last updated 4 months ago
*??*??The Covid Lawsuit Australia Has To Have!**
“... the ACVVCA stands to not only bring justice and compensation to the Victims, but also, and importantly, it will become the National Covid Inquiry the rest of the country wants to see and needs.
... a Civil Law form of Nuremberg Trial the rest of the World will watch not only attentively, but will seek to replicate ... thereby calling governments everywhere to account.”
Jules On The Beach
The Covid Lawsuit Australia Has To Have
Australian politicians & political parties will Never conduct truly critical Inquiries or properly empower any Covid Royal Commission to do so .. to do so would reveal their legal liability.
*??*??Class Action Lawsuit Initiated By Over 700 Unvaccinated Canadians!**The lawsuit, filed by Alberta constitutional lawyer Leighton Grey, accuses the Canadian federal government of discrimination specifically pertaining to their vaccination status. The suit is divided into three sub classes; one for those who lost their jobs or faced work related consequences due to their unvaccinated status, another for individuals unable to travel due to being unvaccinated and a third for those who fall into both categories.
Over 700 Canadians have already enrolled for legal representation in this lawsuit, and it continues to welcome additional participants. It proposes that the case be heard in federal court in Edmonton and is open to Canadians who received no COVID-19 shots and experienced negative consequences as a result. The lawsuit seeks various damages, including $500,000 per plaintive for charter rights violations, $200,000 for intentional infliction of mental suffering, and an additional $200,000 for economic consequences.
Additionally, the lawsuit alleges that the federal government violated the Genetic Non-Discrimination Act by requiring plaintiffs to undergo PCR testing for COVID-19. It references historical statements indicating that compulsory vaccination was considered unconstitutional in Canada and that COVID-19 vaccination would not be mandatory. The lawsuit also mentions Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s harmful and unjustified rhetoric about unvaccinated Canadians.
Bridge City News
Class Action Lawsuit Being Launched In Support Of Unvaccinated. - Bridge City News - October 24, 2023 - Bridge City News
"OK, you were right. We admit the vaccine is contaminated with SV40... These Vaccines Are Adulterated. The FDA Is Required By Law To Take Them Off The Market And You Can Now Sue The Manufacturers!” Steve KitschHow is it that Kevin McKernan, and not any other world health authority, found the contamination in April 2023? And why are the FDA, CDC and the mainstream media still silent about this?
The vaccines are adulterated. The FDA should take them off the market. New court ruling shows how vax manufacturers are liable.
I've talked to multiple sources on this. Professor Byram Bridle first mentioned this to me, then Robert Malone, then attorney Warner Mendenhall. This is big.
*?*?⛔️Interview With Scientist Kevin McKernan Who Was Shocked To First Discover DNA Contamination In The CV19 mRNA Shots!**Kevin McKernan is a scientist with 25 years experience in the genomic field and a leading expert in sequencing methods for DNA and RNA. He has worked on the Human Genome Project and more recently in medicinal genomics involving DNA sequencing.
“One of the known risks of DNA contamination is genomic integration, which has raised concerns among experts about cancer formation.
Contaminant DNA can give rise to other adverse events, such as cardiac arrests or autoimmune conditions.
If genomic integration happens in oocytes, sperm or stem cells, this can then become permanent and pass to offspring....”
Interview with Kevin McKernan, scientist who discovered DNA contamination in mRNA shots
Kevin McKernan is the genomics scientist who first discovered plasmid DNA contamination in the mRNA Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines (trending as #plasmidgate). McKernan has been working in his field for 25 years, having managed R&D for the Human Genome…
*??*❌⚖️ CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act!**
This legislation gained traction but will not go to the final stages without more support! Introduced by U.S. House of Representatives Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN), it would amend the Federal Reserve Act to officially prohibit the Federal Reserve from quote “issuing a central bank digital currency (CBDC) or any digital asset that is substantially similar under any other name or label directly to an individual....” Get behind it and many other similar Bills and push hard! The Bankers, their lobbyists and Democrats want to squash any resistance.
🔴 CBDC Failed: Congress Is Banning CBDC With Massive Support
***⚫️*** Find more content here: ***▪️***Substack - ***▪️***Lena Petrova - Finance/ Economics: Rumble: YouTube: ***▪️***Lena Petrova, CPA - Business/ Tax/ Finance:…
????**Elon Musk Responds To The EU Commissioner Thierry Breton's Letter Regarding 'disinfo on X':
"Please list the violations you allude to on ?, so that the public can see them."**
? ? Water Powered Car in 1974!
• Goes 70 MPH
• Travels over 1,000 miles on one tank
• Releases zero pollution
• Shelved
We could have been driving water-powered cars all along. As human consciousness rises and the control system dissipates, we will see the re-emergence of great technologies like this.
Subscribe, Claim & Earn!
The First Proof of Subscribe coin
Powered by @notgram_game_bot
inspired by @notcoin
cooperation: @teamngt
No investment required
Notgram operates on the @TONblockchain independently and doesn't affiliated with Telegram
Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago
SRA Program Guidelines
Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago
Funny videos😂Trends that is going to blow your mind💯❤️
Admin @omega_roar
Last updated 4 months ago