Terrain is Everything

Information about the terrain model of health and healing and related topics. The germ theory is a lie to keep people in fear of a "germ" in order to control them and sell them poisons.

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2 months, 2 weeks ago

If a life event can manifest as physical disease, then we are at the mercy of our experiences. It means we are victims of our very existence. This kind of thinking also breeds a fear and victimhood mentality. When is the next 'event' going to happen that will 'shock' me and cause physical disease? Is it today, tomorrow, next week, next year? With this limiting belief, people move through their lives in fear of the 'next bad event'.

This kind of thinking disempowers people. It means that you have no control over your own health. No matter what kind of health promoting practices you do, none of it matters because a random life event could transpire in front of you and cause illness. Preventative and health promoting practices like eating well, exercising, getting sun exposure, finding meaning and purpose in your life, are all futile. An event could transpire at any moment and undo all of it.

How can it be the traumatic event that causes disease when what is 'traumatic' for one person is not traumatic for another? Does this not mean it is a persons perception and belief that is the key denominating factor? If so, this ultimately refutes the claim that the trauma is the cause.

If emotional trauma causes disease it means that life happens to you, not for you. It implies that mother nature is out to get you. If it's not a germ or gene, then it's a life event, it's just plain old bad luck. Disease boils down to a matter of wrong place, wrong time. Conversely, health is happenchance, right place, right time. This is superstition at its finest.

If a traumatic life event causes disease, then we also must outsource our health to someone else forever more. We need to consult with someone to help release our trauma. Therefore, you can't heal yourself, only someone else can. You can release your trauma with a therapist today, but another trauma could happen tomorrow, putting you right back in the same position.

The idea that trauma is 'generational' is also incredibly disempowering. It implies that you have to physically suffer for an event that happened to one of your ancestors 50, 100, 150 years ago. This means you have to heal someone elses trauma in order to heal yourself. It means your health isn't determined by what you do in your life, it's determined by a random event that happened in someone elses. Furthermore, this story can never be proven, so why do we tout is as fact?

Finally, if emotional trauma causes disease, humans should have been riddled with it since the dawn of time. However, we know the overwhelming majority of illness, particularly the chronic form, is a consequence of 'hyper-civilisation'. Anthropological, medical, and historical evidence suggests when people live in harmony with nature, they are free from disease. Yet they are all exposed to so-called traumatic events. If traumatic events have always been with us, but disease hasn't, it suggests that the trauma is not the issue. It may be that something has changed which has impacted our ability to deal with it. It might also simply mean that emotional trauma is not the cause.

We have no control over the things that happen in our lives, but we do have control over how we respond. This perspective is the polar opposite to teaching people they are at the mercy of a traumatic life events. It means we hold the power. We chose whether or not we let things affect us. We choose what emotions to assign to an event. We choose whether we hold on to or let go of certain emotions or feelings. We choose how we feel. With this understanding, the event becomes inconsequential, of little importance.

If we continue believing emotional trauma is the cause of all our modern health woes, when it may not be, we fail to recognise and address the true underlying causes of disease.

It's time to rethink emotional trauma.

Follow Humanley: t.me/humanley



Helping people heal themselves. Good health is a journey not a destination. Humanley challenges the status quo of all things health and wellness. Can You Catch A Cold? https://www.amazon.com/dp/1763504409 Podcast, blogs & more https://www.humanley.com/

If a life event can manifest as physical disease, then we are at the mercy of our experiences. It means …
2 months, 2 weeks ago
While I'd argue that there are …

While I'd argue that there are firmly established truths derived from the scientific method, much of what is taught as firmly established scientific "truths," such as virology & immunology, is really pseudoscience that is passed off as being scientific.


2 months, 2 weeks ago
If the "Covid pandemic" taught us …

If the "Covid pandemic" taught us anything, it is that Huxley's 1961 prediction was right. People have been drugged by the pharmaceutical companies and brainwashed by the entertainment industry (of which the "news" is a part of) to give away freedom & love their captivity.

4 months, 3 weeks ago
Incorporating gardening and basic agriculture into …

Incorporating gardening and basic agriculture into school curriculums can yield a harvest of benefits for children.

Not only does it offer practical skills, but it also fosters a deeper understanding of where food comes from and the importance of sustainable practices.

By getting their hands dirty in the soil, children learn responsibility, patience, and the satisfaction of nurturing something from seed to harvest.

Moreover, it instills an appreciation for nature and the environment.

Equipping children with the knowledge of how to grow food empowers them to make healthier choices and cultivates a lifelong connection to the land.

So, yes, integrating food cultivation into education can sow the seeds for a brighter, greener future.

Join our Family*?***Gardener's Secrets*?***

4 months, 3 weeks ago
French philosopher Jean-Jacque Rousseau wrote this …

French philosopher Jean-Jacque Rousseau wrote this back in 1755.

When living in harmony with nature, humans are largely free of disease.

Nature doesn't do disease, Western society does.

Follow Humanley: t.me/humanley

4 months, 3 weeks ago
**What doesn't cause disease;**

What doesn't cause disease;

- Inflammation
- Oxidative stress
- Cholesterol
- Saturated fat
- Eating real food
- Elevated blood sugar
- Elevated blood pressure
- Leaky gut
- Dysbiosis
- Obesity
- Antibodies
- Hormonal imbalances
- Neurochemical imbalances
- Signs & symptoms
- Bad genes
- Mould
- Parasites
- Bacteria
- Viruses

What does cause disease;

- Toxins
- Poisons
- Emotional trauma
- Physical trauma
- Junk food
- Chronic dehydration
- Being disconnected from nature
- Being sedentary
- Living in fear
- Living without purpose

Follow Humanley: t.me/humanley

5 months, 1 week ago
*****?***Truth on Rabies:** Just another lie …

*?Truth on Rabies:* Just another lie done by the germ theory rockefeller medical push. This is a clip from the book the contagion myth by Dr Tom Cowan.

They push injections on to dogs so they develop the same health problems as humans. All the vaxxines are connected to the eugenics movement. Awareness makes change.

5 months, 1 week ago
Terrain is Everything
5 months, 1 week ago
Terrain is Everything
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