join us in our celebration for our beloved topaz birthday, kim hongjoong and jung wooyoung!

organised by @woaoahae (bella), @burrynaise (berenice) & @idubilu (chanel)
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8 months ago

oh btw!! we still have some extra instocks available as well. if you didn't manage to get your hands on these the first time, or if u simply want more, this is your chance 👀

pick up at the real choi brothers event this sun (03 dec) or mailing are both possible. dm @burrynaise to arrange.

8 months ago
hello! hope y'all are having a …

hello! hope y'all are having a good week.

we apologise for the wait, but the acrylic griptoks have finally reached us~ such a pity these cuties couldn't make it in time for the event 🥲

all affected buyers should have been contacted. if you have preordered these but did not receive a msg regarding it, please dm @burrynaise

p.s. how many of y'all still alive after the mama perf and the teasers?

8 months ago
"My lifetime motto is 'Let's be …

"My lifetime motto is 'Let's be happy,' in any circumstances and problems that may occur. If you are happy, then it's okay. I want you to make a choice that makes you happy."


Every day, every comeback, he always shows us his best — no matter how exhausted or upset he is, he will always show us our best. Let's hope that he gets lots of love this year, and the next, and the next.

What's your most memorable memory of Wooyoung?

8 months ago

i was just tipped by another eventgoer that someone is trying to take the cardholders from our table when no one was around.

both of the cardholders placed on the atiny zone table has been taken and are currently missing, and a group of people are seen rummaging through the box on the admins’ table.

please, may i just highlight that these cardholders are not just free decorations and are for sale for $6.50 each. do not just take them. one of the admins actually drew them personally.

while we will not ask anyone to return the missing cardholders, please be honest next time.

8 months ago

if anyone would like to adopt any of the pictures we have as the decorations , you can come to the admin table to grab them~

8 months ago

if anyone would like to adopt any of the pictures we have as the decorations , you can come to the admin table to grab them~

8 months ago

thank you everyone who has attended today’s event. i hope everyone has a good blast~ ❤️

please make sure to clean up after yourselves before you leave! thank you again from all admins!

8 months ago

whoa, someone actually guessed it. i wasn’t actually expecting it to be that fast. 😂

but yes, our theme accidentally has a ‘wedding-escue’ theme to it due to the colours, layouts and decorations.

it became a running joke and we just rolled with it to see if anyone could guess it!

8 months ago

the decoration is a bit hidden and subtle. the theme is very accidental and became a running joke between the admins because of the layouts, decorations and the poster layouts~

it looks like an invitation, doesn’t it?

8 months ago


take a look at the decorations~

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