Eastern Approaches—Alex Thomson

Alex Thomson of ukcolumn.org. Geopolitics, Christianity, education, constitution.
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2 months, 1 week ago

Can some enlightened subscriber explain to me why I always work much more satisfactorily and with better concentration when I have a laptop parked on my lap than I do in a full office setup with a monitor and peripherals?

2 months, 1 week ago

For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 3:20 (preaching on the passage from v. 17 to the end of the chapter)

The Greek noun politeuma—which William Tyndale, copied by the later King James men, translated as “conversation”—means “citizenship” in contemporary English.

Citizenship was my theme in this parting sermon at Grace Baptist Church Tbilisi today, superbly interpreted by Eliso, whom I’ve known since we were barely out of our teens.

I deliberately took a political bent in this sermon, reviewing the cycles that Georgia has been through in the three decades of independence (almost all of which I have witnessed as a specialist) and encouraging the dwindling numbers of conservative evangelical believers to plough on regardless of which geopolitical bloc gobbles up their little country.

2 months, 2 weeks ago
Eastern Approaches—Alex Thomson
2 months, 2 weeks ago

Yesterday I went for a scan at 0730 at the local infirmary. It was a bit like the opening scene of 'Alien' when Sighourney Weaver awakes from stasis and as she moves about the lights start coming on. It was shift change time and nobody was about, and as I walked down the dark and windowless corridors the tube lights ahead of me came on as the ones I had past turned off. Very depressing and surreal.
I found what I thought to be the correct department. 'Hello' I called, but there was no reply. So I sat down and waited. After twenty mins or so a member of staff turned up wearing a two piece overall affair which made her look like a street cleaner rather than a nurse. I suppose at some level that is how they could be regarded. She asked me to take a seat on the red seats five feet opposite. So I moved, but there was nobody else about! Ten mins later she re-appeared and told me she was waiting for the computer to warm up. I didn't know computers had valves in them!
Another ten mins and another nurse turned up wearing the same garb and directed me into another windowless room. She asked me about my diet. I told her I grew my own veg, never eat takeaways or fast food and source my meat carefully. She commended me and told me 'You'll be alright in the next pandemic then!'
'What next pandemic?' I asked. Adding 'Do you really think I'll pay it any little attention, which is what I did during the last nonsense?'. She scowled at me.
'Breakfast?' She queried. 'That's very kind.' I replied. 'Two eggs, sausage, bacon tomatoes and a slice of black pudding please' I suggested expectantly. She was not impressed, and asked if I had eaten anything in the last twelve hours. I assured her I had only had a black coffee. Scan completed she said she would forward the results to my consultant. 'Mr Carradice?' I asked. 'No,' She told me as he was my cardio-vascular consultant. 'Then Mr Abouda?' I asked. 'He's my liver guy but I've not seen him for five years!' Not him either and she rattled off some other name 'Wozafvktggp' that had far too many consonants in it for my liking. 'Never heard of him' I said'
'She.' She corrected. 'Oh! Has he had a sex change then?' I asked. Her eyes guided me to the door!

Outside, and back in the sunshine, the shift changed nurses stood about wearing masks
Anyone for a summer lock-down I wondered?

2 months, 2 weeks ago
Bharat boys taking a cricket break …

Bharat boys taking a cricket break from Tbilisi Medical University on a casual ground beside the Hippodrome.

2 months, 3 weeks ago

He goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. John 10:4b

2 months, 3 weeks ago

There’s Whites in them thar hills.



Geopolitics & Empire

“I want to know about all of those right-wing organizations [Feds] that he’s connected with who are training up in the hills somewhere and targeting you know what communities they’re going to attack,” she added. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/maxine…

2 months, 3 weeks ago

— Boker is senior in the equivalent party to the Tories or Republicans, not a fringe religious politician.

2 months, 4 weeks ago
Eastern Approaches—Alex Thomson
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