Lluitem per la llibertat d’expressió, la independència d’internet i de les xarxes de manera anònima. No volem que pensis com nosaltres, només volem que pensis.
- @TardorCalentaBOT
Last updated 2 years, 9 months ago
??Pack full : Perfil ?? https://t.me/VictoriaMatosaReal
Last updated 1 year, 9 months ago
Hispagatos Mastodon Server
Anonymous Catalonia (@[email protected])
I. J. E. G. Ignacio Jose Enseñat Guerra https://directa.cat/un-agent-de-la-policia-espanyola-sinfiltra-a-lesquerra-independentista-i-al-moviment-pel-dret-a-lhabitatge/
Hispagatos Mastodon Server
Anonymous Catalonia (@[email protected])
CatalanGate: Extensive Mercenary Spyware Operation against Catalans Using Pegasus and Candiru - The Citizen Lab https://catalonia.citizenlab.ca/
We would like to show our solidarity with the people who have been struggling for the past 3 days and those who have died in the action to defend their homeland in Ukraine, as well as all the people in Russia and around the world who say NO to war.
Anonymous has launched an international action against the Russian government. We call on everyone who has the knowledge and means to participate, and we call on everyone to take to the streets and protest. We say no to war.
@TardorCalentaBOT ?
@trollHammer_bot ?
Cauen a nivell mundial Facebook, Instagram i WhatsApp. Passeu-vos a les xarxes socials descentralitzades, que no cauen mai. https://www.nobigtech.es
Lluitem per la llibertat d’expressió, la independència d’internet i de les xarxes de manera anònima. No volem que pensis com nosaltres, només volem que pensis.
- @TardorCalentaBOT
Last updated 2 years, 9 months ago
??Pack full : Perfil ?? https://t.me/VictoriaMatosaReal
Last updated 1 year, 9 months ago