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Last updated 1 year, 10 months ago
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??This Channel Has Been Established With The Aim Of Providing Proper Guidance To Youths Preparing For All Govt Exam
Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago
➖Wrong position of adverbs➖
. "Not" misplaced with a compound verb.
✖️Don't say: I should have not gone ... .
✔️Say: I should not have gone ... .
Position "not" in a compound verb after the first auxiliary.
Note: With the present or perfect participle, place "not" at the beginning: Not having set the alarm, he was late for work.
Not being rich, he couldn't afford it.
➖Wrong position of adverbs➖
. "Not" misplaced with the negative infinitive.
✖️Don't say: I told Liz to not come on Monday.
✔️Say: I told Liz not to come on Monday.
Position "not" in the negative infinitive immediately before the word "to", and not after it.
?Have another look at...?
Questions can be formed in three ways:
By putting the verb before the subject. Only use this method with the following twenty-one verbs: am, is, are, was, were; have, has, had; shall, should; will, would; can, could; may, might; must; need; dare; ought; used.
Examples: Are you ready? Can you write well? Will he come tomorrow? May I go now?
By using do, does, did, followed by the subject and then the infinitive (without to). Use this form with all verbs except the twenty-one given above. The word order is: Do (does, did) + SUBJECT + INFINITIVE
Examples: Do you come here every day? Does the child learn English? Did they go to the theatre?
By using question words. The question word always begins the question, but the verb must be put before the subject as in questions of types 1 and 2.
Examples: Why are you late? When did you come? Where is it? Whom did you see? Which book do you want? If the question word is the subject of the sentence, put the verb after the subject: Who wrote the letter? Whose dog bit the man?
➖Miscellaneous examples➖
The relative clause misplaced.
✖️Don't say: A girl has a pony who is in our class.
✔️Say: A girl who is in our class has a pony.
Put the relative clause immediately after the noun to which it refers.
Note: Enclose a relative clause that may be omitted between commas: My brother George, who is in another class, has a new bicycle.
A relative clause that can't be omitted is not enclosed within commas: The boy who spoke to me is my brother.
➖Miscellaneous examples➖
. The ordinal numeral misplaced.
✖️Don't say: I've read the two first chapters.
✔️Say: I've read the first two chapters.
Place ordinal numerals before cardinal numerals. There can't be two first chapters, only one.
Similarly, we must say: The last two (three, etc.), and not The two (three, etc.) last.
*➖Correct order of words➖***
Subject 2. Verb 3. Object
The object is usually placed immediately after the verb.
Example: I speak English very well.
The indirect object usually comes before the direct object without a preposition.
Example: I gave him the money.
An expression of time comes after an expression of place.
Example: We stayed there all day.
Place adverbs of time and degree, such as always, often, never, nearly, hardly, scarcely, before the verb, or between the auxiliary and the verb.
Examples: I never see that man; or I have never seen that man.
Note: With the verb "to be" place the adverb after the verb: He is never late.
In indirect questions the subject comes first and then the verb.
Example: I want to know where they went.
In compound verbs with two auxiliaries, place "not" after the first one.
Example: She could not have been there.
In the negative infinitive, "not" comes before "to".
Example: I told him not to go there.
Grammarfy ? pinned «Channels to join in your preparation : BeFutureReady! YouTube Channel :? Ch2 : @Electricly Ch3 : @WordCzar Ch4 : @Grammarian Ch5 : @SevenSoulsEducation»
Channels to join in your preparation :
YouTube Channel :?
Ch2 : @Electricly
Ch3 : @WordCzar
Ch4 : @Grammarian
Ch5 : @SevenSoulsEducation
➖Prepositions often confused➖
.By for With.
✖️Don't say: The man shot the bird by a gun.
✔️Say: The man shot the bird with a gun.
When you want to show the means or the instrument with which the action is done use "with". "By" denotes the doer of the action: The bird was shot by the man.
Note: The following take "by" and not "with": by hand, by post, by phone, by one's watch, by the hour, by the dozen, by the meter.
Official Telegram Channel by Sarkari Result SarkariResult.Com
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Last updated 2 weeks, 1 day ago
?Only Current Affairs English & Hindi Medium.
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By Chandan Kr Sah
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Last updated 1 year, 10 months ago
✆ Contact ? @Aarav723
#UPSC, #SSC , #CGL #BPSC #STATE #PET #Banking, #Railway, #Mppsc, #RRB, #IBPS, #Defence, #Police, #RBI etc.
??This Channel Has Been Established With The Aim Of Providing Proper Guidance To Youths Preparing For All Govt Exam
Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago