бᴀɜᴀ Mᴏzᴀʙrᴇᴀ😚

ᴛуκᥙ! ᴛуκᥙ!
϶ᴛ᧐ ᴛ᧐ᴛ ᥴᥲⲙыᥔ ᥰρᥱ᧘ᥱᥴᴛныᥔ κᥲнᥲ᧘.💋
нᥲдᥱюᥴь ᴛᥱδᥱ ᤋдᥱᥴь ᥰ᧐нρᥲʙᥙᴛᥴя^^
ʙ᧘д:: @mozabrea
ᥰ᧐ ʙ᧐ᥰρ᧐ᥴᥲⲙ:: @mozabrea
δ᧐ᥴᴛ:: https://t.me/boost/mozabrea1
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