Rasulov Jamshidbek

Jamshidbek Rasulov
SAT 1560 (English 770 / Math 790)
Part of Soulshare.uz @SATashkent @Unlockuz

Administrator👨‍💻 - @Ahmadjon_Kozimov
🏢UEHS 27'🇵🇱

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Eng ishonchli AKKAUNT SAVDO ??
Xalolik foydadan ustun ✅

‼️ Eslatma: Kanalimizga Joylanayotgan Akkauntlarning Barchasi Turnirda Yutilgan!


Last updated 11 months, 4 weeks ago

QASHQADARYO24 - Қашқадарё вилоятида энг тезкор янгиликлар ва видеолар етказиб берувчи биринчи рақамли каналга хуш келибсиз!

🌐 https://Qashqadaryo24.uz

⚡Реклама хизмат: @QashqadaryoReklama_admin

📩 Хабар юбориш: @zoirovs

Last updated 2 weeks ago

Bizni kanalda pubg akkauntingizni sotishingiz yoki sotib olishingiz mumkin🤝🏻

Reklama Narxi 19,000 so'm✅

👨‍💻Reklama uchun: @Cardinal_Admin
🤝Garant uchun: @cardinal_admin
💰 UC Uchun: @cardinal_uc
☎️Tel: +998906666646

🕗Reklama oraliq vaqti 20 minut

Last updated 1 month ago

7 months ago

A situation in the bus.

I got into the bus that was almost filled with passengers. Air conditioner was not working. People started to talk about it and saying “Can not they just fix this small thing?” After a while, 1-woman asked the bus driver if there was an AC. Driver replied, “Yes, but it doesn’t work now”. Some people heard his reply; some did not.
After a while 2-woman started to yell at the driver saying “Put the AC on!”. Driver yelled back saying it is not in his hands to just turn it on. The place of the AC is empty and it is the “ups” choice whether to buy one or not; so, he said, “Go and ask them”. The woman kept yelling and yelling that it is his responsibility because so many people in there were suffering. It turned into a loud argument. Driver and 2-woman. Some others were saying to keep calm to the driver, but he got too nervous. He was repeating that he is getting double more heat on himself. The woman was not saying any swear words till the moment the bust stopped at the stop, and from the moment she got off the bus, she started to “/@&:₽/&. Then, accordingly, driver did the same.

What would you do if you were in the place of the driver???@Rasulov_Jamshidbek??

7 months ago

You wanted to apply to Stanford?

7 months, 1 week ago

College Panda SAT Writing (2nd edition)

This book was for SAT Paper Writing, but trust me when I started SAT this book helped me a lot to understand SAT Grammar that is the same in Digital one.

*?? @Rasulov_Jamshidbek ??***

9 months, 1 week ago

I may have lost some subscribers in this channel, today. However, the time for watching this match and sharing the emotions with all you (no matter what fan you are) were priceless. Never wished for this. Definitely, as usual worth its time and sleep sacrifice. Those who slept and could not watch it will regret. We will watch Madrid's further matches together.

Thank you all.


PS. Will be focusing on academic studies from the morning)

*?? @Rasulov_Jamshidbek ??***

9 months, 1 week ago


9 months, 1 week ago

Penaltilar seriasi.

Natijadan qat'iy nazar, uxlab qolganlarga alam qilsin.

9 months, 1 week ago

Put the period.
Dortmund made the come back.

We will see ?? PSG vs BVB ?? semifinals.
Very intriguing and promising match.

9 months, 2 weeks ago

Hayit ayyomingiz muborak! ?

*?? @Rasulov_Jamshidbek ??***

9 months, 2 weeks ago

Hozirgi kunda gender tengligi uchun kurashib, aynan va faqat qizlar uchun ko'plab sharoitlar va imkoniyatlar yaratilyapti. Shuncha imkoniyat berilishi yaxshi, lekin shu joyida menda 1ta o'y paydo bo'ldi. Yaratilgan faqat-qizlar-uchun imkoniyatlardan shundoqham ota-onasi bor imkoniyatlardan foydalanishga ruxsat beradigan qizlar foydalanishyapti. Ammo, conservativ ota-onasi bo'lgan qizlar esa har doimgidey qolib ketmayaptimikan? Meni atrofimni kuzatishimdan, shunaqaga o'xshayapti.

Qisqa qilib aytsak:
Ota-ona umumiy (o'g'il-qiz bolalar) imkoniyat larga shundoqham ruxsat beradi ----> shu qizlar yana faqat-qizlar-uchun imkoniyatlardan foydalanishadi
Ota-ona umumiy (o'g'il-qiz bolalar) imkoniyat larga ruxsat bermaydi ----> shunday qizlar qatnashishi uchun yaratilgan faqat-qizlar-uchun imkoniyatlarni ishlatish uchun tabiyki yana ruxsat yo'q

Bu fikrga qanday qaraysiz? (Menga ko'rinmayotgan jihatlar bormi?) ?

PS. Bu yerda feminism yoki (men vs women) haqida hechqaday gap yo'q, va hechkim imkoniyatlarni yaratish yomon degani yo'q.

*?? @Rasulov_Jamshidbek ??***

We recommend to visit

Eng ishonchli AKKAUNT SAVDO ??
Xalolik foydadan ustun ✅

‼️ Eslatma: Kanalimizga Joylanayotgan Akkauntlarning Barchasi Turnirda Yutilgan!


Last updated 11 months, 4 weeks ago

QASHQADARYO24 - Қашқадарё вилоятида энг тезкор янгиликлар ва видеолар етказиб берувчи биринчи рақамли каналга хуш келибсиз!

🌐 https://Qashqadaryo24.uz

⚡Реклама хизмат: @QashqadaryoReklama_admin

📩 Хабар юбориш: @zoirovs

Last updated 2 weeks ago

Bizni kanalda pubg akkauntingizni sotishingiz yoki sotib olishingiz mumkin🤝🏻

Reklama Narxi 19,000 so'm✅

👨‍💻Reklama uchun: @Cardinal_Admin
🤝Garant uchun: @cardinal_admin
💰 UC Uchun: @cardinal_uc
☎️Tel: +998906666646

🕗Reklama oraliq vaqti 20 minut

Last updated 1 month ago