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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago
My colleagues from The Parliamentary Newspaper have invited me for a viedo interview on the topic "Why foreigners are fleeing to Russia".
❓What is the reason for foreign citizens moving to Russia? What benefits can migrants bring to our state? And how significant is this migration for Western countries?
Tomorrow we will talk about resettlement to Russia together with migration lawyer Timur Ruslanovich Beslangurov.
*? The recorded broadcast will be available on August the 2nd at 10:00 on the of *The Parliamentary Newspaper' website and in the VK group.
❗️You can watch the broadcast with automatic translation, enabling subtitles in Yandex Browser on your computer. You need to move the cursor to the playback window and select the activation of subtitles in the "Translate video" pop-up block.
? Send your questions for the interview in the comments, the best ones will be broadcasted⤵️
One other thing…. We all read books, watched movies and series about Japanese Samurai’s and were stunded by the Сode of the Samurai and there dignity and honour to die for what they beleived in. That was in Japanese DNA for centuries. We are approaching another date 6th and 9th of August - Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Will we hear finally from the mouths of the Emperor or maybe prime minister the words about who was responsible for that war crime or the prime minister again will behave as last year? So what has happend with the Samurai’s spirit - its gone, why? Because Japan is long ago not a sovereign state and they taught their citizens lies about their own history to an extend that their younger generation doesn’t know who bombed their cities. Well guess what - we, in Russia will never betray our history and will always remember it and nobody will be able to change it.
Want to reside in a sovereign state that will not bend under any preasure - move to Russia
A total disgrace to Christianity and all traditional religions was the opening ceremony of the pseudo-olympic games in France. You still want to be part of those freaks without gender, honor, name or dignity? Continue watch as your taxpayers money goes to destroy your world your children’s future or you are ready to escape from your hypocratic governments and move to Russia?
‘We want to become Russian citizens’ | Family with 6 Children Fled the USA |@homeinrussia
Meet Jozef, Ann, and their 6 children (the 7th is coming soon***🤰***)@homeinrussia. This is an American expat family in Russia***🇷🇺***. They left their country to escape the controversial ideology that exists in the U.S. today. Jozef and Ann are traditional Catholics***🙏***.…
For those that are interested to be part of American villages project and are not familiar with information on Tim Kirby’s channel please visit
During today’s Forum “Powerfull Ideas For New Times” President Vladimir Putin said
On moving foreigners to Russia on the basis of cultural, traditional and family values:
Putin: “The idea is good-to focus on traditional-moral values when taking people who want to live here. Only how to determine what real values does a person adhere to? ”;
The country needs highly qualified specialists;
The need for the labor market is 2.5 million people. This is 2.5 times higher than the unemployment rate;
Arriving people must comply with Russian laws, traditions, learn language;
The best way to solve all problems, especially in the field of labor relations is to improve the demographic situation in the country
Big news for large traditional families from the West that are concerned about raising their kids in a child hostile LGBTQ environment!!! Year 2024 is announced by President Vladimir Putin the Year of the Family. There is a unique opportunity to move to Russia for families with 3 and more kids. To learn more visit the website
Family in Russia
save your kids and give them future in a normal country that understands and supports your values?
Официальный сайт Правительства Нижегородской области
Гражданин Канады планирует создать в Нижегородской области фермерское хозяйство
Гражданин Канады планирует создать в Нижегородской области фермерское хозяйство | Официальный сайт Правительства Нижегородской области
Some of you may know the Feenstra family from Canada that has very recently moved from Canada to Russia. Canadian farmers with 9 kids moved to Nizhny Novgorod. So today we had a meeting with the Minister of foreign relations on Nizhny government, Minister of Agriculture and one of the best agriculture producers of the region and with all the members of Feenstra family!
First of all - big respect to Arend and his family who had the courage to move to a country they never been before!
Second - big thanks to the Government of Nizhny Novgorod region and particularly to Guseva Olga Yurievna for making all this not only possible but for being open and kind and understanding that its important not only for foreigners moving here but to Russia as well.
This is a great example that combining the efforts and welcoming attitude of the regional authorities is the key to successfull immigration to Russia!
We have agreed that other families are also welcomed to move to Nizhny Novgorod region and local government is ready to provide administrative support.
Here is the link to Feenstra family youtube channel to follow their Russian story
Really enjoying watching this channel with great content and even beeing Russian learn more about our beautifull country. Welcome to Russia and consider moving here
Inland Visions with Sean Thomas
Interesting Conversations, Amazing Places, and Global Ideas! A fun look behind the scenes of the new program, Inland Visions from RT International.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago