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City of Dreams
Sound of Freedom initiated a new type of filmmaking that is entering not only collective consciousness but also Hollywood.
As Hollywood struggles in the wake of streaming services and declining cinema ticket purchases, could this be a shift in storytelling that will only escalate and snowball as the old systems crumble and people demand a better future for us, humanity, than has been offered by our systems up to now?
I believe the answer is "yes" ➡
Individually and collectively, we're creating our reality. What information will you be inputting into your internal system, and outputting into the external global system, today?
Be the example of the world you want to see. You're the one - the hero - you're waiting for!
Hypnosis is just the scientific word for the shamanic path within to connect to your own inner knowing and unleash the next level of truth/freedom from within you ⚡️
We Free Ourselves Within
Robito ? @FreedomHypnosis
Following on from a comment by Deborah in the above post ?
Why am I not worried? I've been reflecting for 2 days on why I'm not worried about Telegram going down ..
The answer is that, in my humble opinion, 'Telegram might be shut down because the CEO dude was arrested' is another fear campaign example coming from, as Deborah calls it, the 'truther' movement.
Beware logical leaps, i.e. it's currently a worry like being hit by car or involved in a car accident. It certainly could happen based on evidence.
But weigh it up with all other factors and spreading news that you might get hit by a car becomes unnecessary panic and worrying when it's best not to. In science it's normal to start with a null hypothesis (nothing will happen) and look for sufficient evidence that it will before coming to a conclusion that something other than nothing will happen.
Otherwise, we'd be worried a tree might fall on us, we'll be struck by lightening, a shark might eat us. I watched Jaws as a kid and had a fear of deep water even in a swimming pool that the shark will come up and eat me until I went diving with sharks to get over the fear. The perfect example of how our beliefs and actions are based on our emotions and not logic. The first step is to be aware of it and step back out of our beliefs and look at our reactions and behaviours objectively. Within the objectivity is the present moment and the intuition.
Objectivity, present moment and intuition together are all you need to survive the apocalypse. So if car accidents dramatically started increasing or more countries/accusations start being thrown at this Telegram dude, it might change the weight of the doom hypothesis.
Until then, as a tip for all, I'd recommend focus being on creating a life that makes you truly happy and making your immediate community happier by spreading your love amd kindness to the people around you. ?
Fed up with doom?
As we've always said:
We don't avoid the problems. We focus on the solutions. ?*✊***
If we want to live in a better/perfect world, we need to be the example of the world we want to see.
We're the ones - the heroes - we're waiting for!
We Free Ourselves Within
Robito ? @FreedomHypnosis
Fake News and Critical Thinking
I teach critical thinking. Excerpt from a student (with permission):
Recently, fake news on social media platforms has grown into a highly debated topic. Fake news refers to content that is deliberately fabricated to deceive readers and make them believe false information (Lee, 2021). This section specifically evaluates fake news in social media, to what extent it is a problem and whether public opinion has a positive or negative impact on fake news.
On the one hand, there are many scholars who focus on the problem of fake news in social media and how it affects public opinion. For example, according to Allcott and Gentzkow (2017), after the 2016 US presidential election, public opinion expressed concerns about the impact of false stories ("fake news") mainly spreading through social media. In addition, Azzimonti and Fernandes (2023) in a December 2016 Pew Research Center study found that “about two-in-three U.S. adults (64%) say fabricated news stories cause a great deal of confusion about the basic facts of current issues and events.” (ibid).
On the other hand, some scholars believe that the problem of fake news in social media is far more nuanced. For example, Horner et al. (2021) allege that the public opinion on social media is divided into two parts, specifically, participants with higher emotional levels are more inclined to take action, spread or suppress fake news. On the contrary, participants with lower emotional levels may choose to ignore or avoid participating in the spread of fake news (ibid). That is to say, participants who feel strongly about information being shared on social media are more likely to engage in fake news reporting, which could spread fake news further or create more conflict in discussion online. Additionally, those with a more objective (less emotional) view about a topic may be more likely to suppress the spread of fake news, thereby reducing their contribution to the spread of fake news to a certain extent.
Meanwhile, Talwar et al. (2020) report that two datasets were obtained from cross-sectional surveys of 471 and 374 social media users to test their proposed model. The research findings indicate that social media users share news they feel is important without checking its accuracy due to time, but those who actively take corrective measures, meaning critically think about the news first, are less likely to share fake news due to time constraints.
This finding supports the results by Horner et al. (2021) that suggest it is not necessarily fake news that is the issue but whether people are thinking objectively or responding with emotion.
So after evaluation, the evidence suggests that public opinion on social media platforms can indeed have a positive impact on fake news by distinguishing right from wrong through their own cognition, objective analysis and corrective measures. But conversely, quick emotional reactions that spread fake news can have a serious impact on public opinion not only in the United States but all over the world.
I love teaching critical thinking!
Thoughts ? Robito ?
Fed Up with Doom? ✊*?***
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My Freedom Work
Freedom Hypnosis ✨ We Free Ourselves Within | Robito Chatwin
Join CPN on Telegram here: ***⚡️*** Our uploaded content ***💟*** ***➡️*** List of all CPN Mentors ***✨*** Conscious People's Network (CPN) is a global conscious community held by mentors focused on collaboration, empowered healing…
I've just updated S01 E03 of the Freedom Within podcast with Jane Angel, a core team member working tirelessly behind the scenes for the People’s Health Alliance (PHA) and People’s Food and Farming Alliance (PFFA).
Jane shares her awakening process, how to get involved in the PHA and PFFA, her advice for people feeling powerless and going through the feelings of doom or grief, and the free support that is available to everyone.
*Season 1 of my Freedom Within podcast explored the lives of awake & aware individuals like you.. who saw through the Covid scam.
Guests shared inspiring stories how their journey had been shaped in a positive way, so that their wisdom may also in some way help shape yours.*
Thank you Jane for all the work you’ve done for us and humanity so far!
Listen or watch all 24 episodes here:
Who would you like to see in season 2 of the Freedom Within Podcast? ?
Hi. My name is Abram Max and I'm an artist living in Oregon, USA, offering mindset coaching using the Enlifted method of transformative story craft.
Mindset: The Stories We Tell Ourselves
You may be like me, and had a story running in your head for much of your life, a little nagging voice that is compromised by negativity … how would you like to change that story, learn better tools of attention, and learn how to be in the driver's seat with your own narrative?
Spell: A Word or Combination Of Words Of Great Influence
I can help you learn the power of words and untangle how these words have become your mindset …
Ready to Play?
Schedule a free 30 min call with me. Check out my artwork, music, podcast, and role playing workshops for youth in my Telegram group.
(be sure to let me know where you found me in the subject line).
Connect @abemaxartworks
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From CPN Mentors Sarah Chave and Athena Melchizedek. Nice idea! ?⬇️
The S.H.A.P.E. of My Chart 2 ⚡️****
Watch or download here!
These FREE interactive workshops into how to read our birth chart from Litmus are the equivalent of a 10 grand 6-month course delivered for FREE.
In part 2 Litmus presents how to use birth charts together with the Universal Celestial Calendar to Sync Our Energy with the Solar and Lunar Cycles through The Signs of The Zodiac.
To begin the whole free 'Astronomology' learning experience, or to go back to what you've missed:
The Great Year Cycle
Zodiacs & UCC
The S.H.A.P.E. of My Chart
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Hi. My name is Emily Hall.
I help ALL kids lead their best lives.
I use easy to implement strategies from my background as an Occupational Therapist, cranial sacral therapist, Acupuncturist and feeding therapist to calm the nervous system and allow your child's body to reset and repair.
I coach parents on how children with chronic medical, neurological, developmental and feeding difficulties reach their highest potential.
My career in the mainstream health and education systems lead me to look for a kinder, more hopeful way of working that honors the spiritual nature of special kids while achieving extraordinary results.
My work:
Connect @myfeedingcoach
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Hi I’m Dawn Giulietta & my passion & calling is to awaken, inspire & empower people to realise who you truly are, what you are capable of, to walk your talk & live your purpose - in body, mind, heart & soul.
I'm a Transpersonal Psychotherapist, Soul Coach, Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner & Spiritual Guide & share from my own journey of 25+ years in Self & Spiritual Realisation & Embodiment.
The experience I offer is multisensory - Transforming core inner wounds & blocks - Cultivating Self-Realisation, Awakening & Awareness - Integrating true Soul Nature - Conscious connection with Spirit - Initiating life purpose & path.
I offer workshops for Living Life in Heart & Soul. I'm writing a book on Successfully Navigating Spiritual, Emotional & Everyday Change for Real Transformation.
I live in the UK & work online with people globally.
[email protected]
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From Darryl Anka:
"While it’s possible for a channel to filter or color a telepathic message, I think the most important thing is to focus on the message rather than the messenger. Is the information empowering or is it controlling? Is it love-based or fear-based? Is it integrative or disconnecting? Is it positive or negative?"
Today channeling can be explained scientifically by understanding frequencies and brainwave states.
Learn/read more here ⬇️
We Free Ourselves Within ✨
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