Patriotic Alternative London

The official Telegram broadcast channel of the London Region of Patriotic Alternative.
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2 months, 3 weeks ago
Patriotic Alternative London
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Patriotic Alternative London
2 months, 3 weeks ago
**Polling Day - 2nd May**

Polling Day - 2nd May

There are only a handful of nationalist candidates across Eastern Region standing for district/borough council posts but everyone in Essex has the opportunity to vote for Robin Tilbrook who is Chairman of the English Democrats, legal adviser to PA and is standing for the highly significant post of Essex Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.

PA activists have been assisting the English Democrats with their campaign since November last year, delivering 30,000 leaflets door to door and holding a number of successful street stalls in towns across the county.

It would be folly to try and guess the outcome. When the English Democrats stood for the same post in 2021 Robin secured 9.8% of the vote on the back of very little in the way of campaigning. We would like to think that the huge effort undertaken these past six months, plus the expected collapse of the (incumbent) Conservative vote will see a huge increase in support for a nationalist candidate who pledges to end political correct policing and scrap diversity quotas, ensuring that the best person gets the job.

If readers have not yet voted, the polls are open until 2200hrs today. Remember to take photo ID.

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4 months, 1 week ago
**LIVESTREAM: New Extremism Legislation Explained

LIVESTREAM: New Extremism Legislation Explained
Tonight - 7pm UK (3pm EST)

This week Michael Gove launched an attack on freedom of speech and freedom of association and used his parliamentary privilege to name and spread malicious lies about a number of groups when discussing this new anti-freedom legislation. But what does this all really mean – what are the real-world consequences and why did he do this now?
- What the law REALLY means
- Who is aimed at and what effect will it have
- Audience Q&A

4 months, 3 weeks ago
**Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura …

Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler
LIVESTREAM - 7pm UK time (2pm EST)

Join Laura Towler and I as we discuss Sam’s sentencing in Leeds Crown Court. Sam was sentenced to two years in prison. We will also answer questions from the audience and report what went on as well as discussing our feelings on the matter.

4 months, 4 weeks ago

By now you will have heard that my husband Sam Melia was sentenced today to two years in prison for his intentions behind publishing stickers that the prosecution said were both lawful and truthful.

The sentencing guidelines gave the judge the option of choosing anywhere between 2 years and 6 years, and the minimum was given due to the lack of seriousness regarding the offence. The judge could’ve suspended the sentence (and sent Sam home) at two years, however he chose not to and said the reason why was because he wanted the sentencing to act as a deterrent to other people with the same beliefs.

Before today, Sam met with his Probation Officer who said that Sam was no risk to the public and there was no chance of reoffending, and recommended a community order. The judge chose to ignore this.

The worst case scenario is that Sam will serve 12 months in prison. Potentially, he could serve 6 - 8 months. He is considered low risk and could therefore be on day release from as early as in a few months.

If you take anything from this, let it remind you why we do what we do. We live in a country where our people are attacked by the anti-White state for advocating for their own safety and interests.

I don’t want cuddles and condolences. I don’t want thoughts and prayers. I want you to join me in filling the void that Sam leaves for the next few months. There are no excuses. Not everybody has to be on the front line. There is plenty you can do behind the scenes.

Sam should hold his head up high knowing that he put his head above the parapet when many others dare not. He didn’t back down at any point over the last three years, nor did he take any offer they offered him. He remained defiant for us, and now it’s our turn to repay his sacrifice by carrying his flame until he is back.

6 months, 2 weeks ago

Lost London

X (formerly Twitter)

Robin Tilbrook (@RobinTilbrook) on X

London is no longer an English city. The English are now a minority in the capital city of the United Kingdom. Do YOU think London is now LOST?

Lost London
6 months, 2 weeks ago

Patriotic Weekly Review is LIVE with special guest Henrik Palmgren.
- Epstein list – who wasn’t on the list?
- Jewish tunnels under New York City
- British CHILDREN commit 18 rapes per day
You can find tonight's episode of PWR LIVE on:


Patriotic Weekly Review - with Henrik Palmgren

Episode 244 of Patriotic Weekly Review with special guest Henrik Palmgren.

6 months, 3 weeks ago

Get ready for tonight's stream :) LIVE AT 6pm GMT!

Join us Patri.Art and Mark Collet in Episode 1 of game play through of The Talos Principle 2!



Patri.Art Gaming - The Talos Principle 2 [Ep.01]

Join Patri.Art and Patriotic Arts Community in a communal gaming play through of The Talos Principle 2. This week's guest is Mark Collet... We'll Tackle first person puzzles whilst being absorbed in European centric aesthetics, philosophical themes and…

6 months, 3 weeks ago
London is lawless cesspit of multiculturalism …

London is lawless cesspit of multiculturalism and degeneracy where White people are no longer safe.
This is peak liberalism.

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