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3 месяца назад

There are no “new” False Religions, they are all just ancient, recycled lies

Each one is ancient, satanic, and heretical

It’s paramount to understand “Ecumenism” (unity religion) for example (which much of the apostate church pushes for) began in Babylon

In the past few years, it has become the cornerstone for the upcoming false church (antichrist world religion)

Ecumenism is not a unity of the faithin God and his unpolluted Word, rather its a call for a unity of common goals such as "love,” tolerance, and peace amongst different religions, even if they oppose the scriptures

The Abrahamic House in Dubai is ecumenical: meaning all ways lead to the same God/Creator which is not at all what true Christians profess

Noahide will force the acknowledgement of all faiths being true against any exclusion of others

Meaning any Christian who holds true what scripture states will be acting against the 7 Laws of Noahide (punishable by death)

Hosea 4 verse 6 states, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”

3 месяца назад
3 месяца назад

It’s mind bending seeing how hard the False Light Luciferians are pushing Chrislam and interfaith dialogue (everyday)

It seems their primary target is young/impressionable minds, such as teens

They are attempting to persuade people that Christianity is failing because we are not rising up against the current world order

(The ultimate goal is to unite Christians and Muslims, to fight against the Satanic World Order)

That Christians & Muslims are “brothers against evil,” and that Christians/Muslims have more in common with one another, as opposed to Zionism, and should rise up together against it

This is one world religion rhetoric

This ideology paints the picture that both Islam & Christianity worship the same god (just as Tate said, which is false)

The idea of Christians and Muslims joining forces in the End Times is paving the way for a one world religion— the early phases of “interfaith dialogue” are here (along with the Abrahamic House in Abu Dhabi being opened)

It’s time to stand boldly for Christ

3 месяца, 1 неделя назад
Personally, I do not care about …

Personally, I do not care about Conspiracy Theories any longer

After much research and hyper focusing on them, you will find yourself in a hopeless loop of depression and despair

For some, conspiracy brings them to Christ (Glory to God!)

But for many others, the extreme opposite. They end up drifting further from God and into damning movements such as the New Age

Though much of the conspiracies we research are true, they are ultimately irrelevant

The past cannot be changed

The future on the hand, in terms of eternity and where your souls ends up after death, can be changed

There is only one truth that matters, saves, and brings Life Everlasting

No secular, esoteric, or worldly knowledge will surpass the understanding, peace, and contentment that comes with truly knowing Christ

He is our intercessor to the Father, our Lord, and our Savior

Turn to Him today and find the peace He so graciously offers to those who place their faith in his birth, death, burial, and resurrection

3 месяца, 1 неделя назад
3 месяца, 1 неделя назад
The best lie is one that …

The best lie is one that has truth in it

And that’s what deceives so many

There’s a lot of stuff Assange has gotten right

He’s not paid to be wrong

Again, they are letting folks in on a large amount of truth, which in turn makes people dangerously susceptible to the lies they insert, because much of it is true

Because of Wikileaks, he has “truthers” wrapped around his finger

It’s safe to say mainstreaming the conspiracy movement has begun

Soon, conspiracy theorists will be vindicated and trutherism will become entirely mainstream

This will be for the purposes of leading humanity into the gnostic rebellion against the current corrupted system so that the beast and his system can rise

This is the true NWO: The shifting of humanity’s collective consciousness called "The Great Awakening” (False Light)

The Masonic "Darkness to Light” agenda is rooted in Luciferian ideology

This is purely my opinion though

We shall see what happens

3 месяца, 2 недели назад
Satan's strategy is simple.

Satan's strategy is simple.
Make sin look normal & make righteousness look weird.

Whether it’s politicians, ancient gods or goddesses, money, celebrities, sporting stars or even worshipping yourself, the world seeks to draw you into idolatry

At the core of it is misdirection through rebellion & mind control programming

The message of every cult crowned human saviour is always the same;
Be your own god and follow us?

Millions believe they themselves are gods & creators by following the path of "going within"

Only it’s not their idea, it’s a program coined by Alistair Crowley; Do as thou wilt

Man is in rebellion to His very own Creator to this day

Time to stop following the fallen

Find God?

For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. . .’
1 Samuel 15:23

3 месяца, 2 недели назад
3 месяца, 2 недели назад
Another Illuminati Playing Card PSYOP has …

Another Illuminati Playing Card PSYOP has taken place

“Stonehenge” (w/ 33 on the card)

Official Story: To supposedly “save the planet,” climate activists vandalized the Stonehenge monument by spraying paint on it

3 месяца, 3 недели назад
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