Samandar Qosimov

Business and Finance at New York University

your homie on a grind

About: Finance, Management, Entrepreneurship, Personal Development, Startups, Eco-system, Business and personal life

contact: [email protected]
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Eng ishonchli AKKAUNT SAVDO ??
Xalolik foydadan ustun ✅

‼️ Eslatma: Kanalimizga Joylanayotgan Akkauntlarning Barchasi Turnirda Yutilgan!


Last updated 12 months ago

QASHQADARYO24 - Қашқадарё вилоятида энг тезкор янгиликлар ва видеолар етказиб берувчи биринчи рақамли каналга хуш келибсиз!


⚡Реклама хизмат: @QashqadaryoReklama_admin

📩 Хабар юбориш: @zoirovs

Last updated 2 weeks, 3 days ago

Bizni kanalda pubg akkauntingizni sotishingiz yoki sotib olishingiz mumkin🤝🏻

Reklama Narxi 19,000 so'm✅

👨‍💻Reklama uchun: @Cardinal_Admin
🤝Garant uchun: @cardinal_admin
💰 UC Uchun: @cardinal_uc
☎️Tel: +998906666646

🕗Reklama oraliq vaqti 20 minut

Last updated 1 month ago

4 months, 2 weeks ago

seems like old enough, but knowing nothing

In 18 years, I have experienced numerous things, met bunch of people, was in different situations and still moving forward.

I hope this one would be the most successful compared to previous ones, and the next ones will be more and more successful.

so, a year closer to death

4 months, 3 weeks ago

"Only about five percent of Fortune 500 CEOs were promoted directly from the role of CFO - more than half were appointed from the role of COO or Presidents"

Sanders 2011

4 months, 4 weeks ago

Muvaffaqiyat faqat va faqat uyqusiz tunlar, qattiq shijoat, ko'p qilingan mehnat, uyqusiz tunlar va eng muhumi sabr orqali keladi.

Biz birhilda hammasini qilib tezroq natija bo'lishini hohlimiz, sabr qilishni hohlamaymiz.

Go'yoki hamma narsa bir zumda bo'lib qolishini hohlaymiz.

Sabr qilishni unutmaylik...


5 months ago

From 15x to 0.5x

We often find ourselves struggling with a problem or just arguing with a friend. Sometimes, we are looking in the tiniest details and can't seem to find a solution. I call this the "15x zoom."

Yeah just like on the camera, where some people have a 10x zoom and others have a 15x zoom, we can get too focused on small details when searching for solutions.

To find a solution, we need to zoom out until we can see the bigger picture. Sometimes, this means zooming out to 5x or even 0.5x. I often imagine the "iPhone effect" of zooming out to 0.5x when I'm trying to find a solution.

Not related to phones, some people can zoom out to 0.5x, while others might only zoom out to 3x. The same goes for zooming in—focusing on the smallest details of a problem at 10x or 15x. It's all about your mindset and perspective.

your homie on a grind

5 months ago

Past week have been game changing for me...

I have witnessed a significant turning point in my life. After over a year and a half of dedication to a startup I worked in, I made decision to quit. This wasn’t just a job or a project—it was something I poured my heart into. In addition to it, a bit similar case happened with one close person to me, not related to first thing.

It’s easy to become attached to what had gained a special place in your heart, whether it's a person or something else. But growth demands that we sometimes break away from what no longer serves us, even if it’s painful.

As I close this chapter, I’m opening myself up to new opportunities and challenges. The future is uncertain, I feel like I am going through fog, but I’m ready to embrace whatever it brings, knowing that the choices I’ve made are paving the way for something greater.

your homie on a grind

6 months ago

Difference between self-confidence and arrogance.
Self-confidence is having a positive and realistic view of oneself, believing and trusting that you can achieve your goals through hard work and determination.

Arrogance is a sense of one's importance and abilities. Those individuals often dismiss others' opinions and believe they are superior.

The key difference lies in the mindset. Self-confidence is about growth and cooperation, while arrogant are not open-minded. Being self-confident means knowing your worth without undermining others.

The reason why I am writing it, because I also couldn't identify the difference at first. Being very self-confident at the beginning, the one can cross the line to arrogance side.

Understanding this distinction helps us strive for self-confidence while avoiding the arrogance. It's all about balancing self-belief with humility and respect for those around us.

your homie on a grind

6 months, 1 week ago

In the past months, I've noticed that many teenagers are becoming increasingly focused on their careers and personal development, which is damn really good. This shift often leads some people to delete social media accounts, especially Instagram, to avoid distractions and stay on a grind.

If you find yourself struggling with the temptation to re-download the app, I have a simple suggestion. Just delete the app from your phone and instead, log in through Safari or Google Chrome.

This method makes scrolling through reels and posts less engaging and enjoyable. The experience of using Instagram via a browser is often clunky and uncomfortable.

Eventually, this discomfort will lead you to quit using Safari altogether. This small change can significantly reduce your screen time and help you get back to focusing on your goals.

Give it a try and see how it works for you, and share with the results in the comments

your homie on a grind

6 months, 1 week ago

Bunch of things are happening in my life.

Between work, personal life, and interesting events in my life, it's easy to lose track of everything happening around me. Productivity has seem to decrease over the time I come back to Tashkent. I often find myself struggling to remember important tasks and meetings.

That's why I've started focusing on organizing everything more efficiently. One of the best ways to do this is by using digital calendars. For Android users, Google Calendar is a fantastic tool to schedule meetings and important events. If you're on iOS, the built-in Calendar app works wonderfully too.

In addition to scheduling, I've found that writing down a to-do list before going to sleep is incredibly helpful. This practice sets a clear plan for the next day and even the upcoming days.

To create these lists, I've been using Notion and Obsidian. Notion offers a lot of flexibility and features, while Obsidian's minimalistic design is perfect for those who prefer simplicity. But like if you don't care about the apps or don't want to download another app even Telegram can be a useful tool for just writing down tasks and reminders. Tbh, you can even use your diary for that.

Just try this practice and your life will never be the same

These are just basic things about my life. I have so much to say, but can't make it to only one post, so stay tuned for more informative ones)

your homie on a grind

6 months, 2 weeks ago

Time to change

I am back with great news. I decided to change the theme of the channel to more informative and professional. I deleted many things from this channel.

Will share only useful content in my way of learning and building myself.

Only insights from courses at NYU and NYU Stern, reflections and my learning.

Different style. Less emotions. Only content

for personal life theme:

8 months ago

Inna lillahi va inna ilayhi roji'un

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Eng ishonchli AKKAUNT SAVDO ??
Xalolik foydadan ustun ✅

‼️ Eslatma: Kanalimizga Joylanayotgan Akkauntlarning Barchasi Turnirda Yutilgan!


Last updated 12 months ago

QASHQADARYO24 - Қашқадарё вилоятида энг тезкор янгиликлар ва видеолар етказиб берувчи биринчи рақамли каналга хуш келибсиз!


⚡Реклама хизмат: @QashqadaryoReklama_admin

📩 Хабар юбориш: @zoirovs

Last updated 2 weeks, 3 days ago

Bizni kanalda pubg akkauntingizni sotishingiz yoki sotib olishingiz mumkin🤝🏻

Reklama Narxi 19,000 so'm✅

👨‍💻Reklama uchun: @Cardinal_Admin
🤝Garant uchun: @cardinal_admin
💰 UC Uchun: @cardinal_uc
☎️Tel: +998906666646

🕗Reklama oraliq vaqti 20 minut

Last updated 1 month ago