The Angry Albertan

A place for Angry Albertans! Fighting for liberty, one mind at a time.
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1 month, 2 weeks ago

Amazing how Alberta’s loudest separatists are from Quebec and Ontario. Hey clowns, go home we’re full.

1 month, 2 weeks ago

I’m still wondering why in the hell the convoy went to protest Trudeau when for two full years nearly EVERY restriction was placed from either a provincial or municipal level. Trudeau did two things, banned the unvaccinated from travel and booted them from the public service. Your local government closed the playparks, muzzled you, banned you from society, dictated who you were allowed to have in YOUR OWN HOUSE, placed curfews. In Edmonton police were even pulling people over for simply being on the road at night during the early lockdowns. And the convoy idiots sat there on the couch and drank it all up for two whole years, only then to place all the blame on Trudeau, and simultaneously take all the attention off of the the little gobshites that did 99% of the damage. If the convoy idiots would have stood with the rest of us early on, this would have been over in 2020.

The convoy was nothing more than the rehash of the first oil and gas convoy that Pat the Rat King did a couple of years earlier. They used your rage against the mandates to push their old tired agenda.

1 month, 2 weeks ago

Anyone else notice that the same people who said the world was overpopulated ten years ago are now pushing mass migration?

8 months, 2 weeks ago

What the hell is up with Danielle Smith and the big Pharma lobby??? If she got any closer to Shopper’s Drug Mart, Shopper’s would need treatment for herpes. Is this what you thought you were voting for?

8 months, 2 weeks ago

Just to remind all you Tucker/Danielle/Peterson/Black sycophants, Danielle was pro vaccine, even fundraised to push the J&J shot, told people to rush across the border to get it. Peterson pushed both the masks and the shots emphatically. Black didn’t think the experimental vaccines were rushed to market fast enough, and loves them all. Are you seeing a trend here? I could go further down the line, Hodkinson for example just wanted more testing, and “focused protection,” in care homes, which is EXACTLY what happened and is murdering thousands. Ari Joffre was the same. The JCCF seems up to its eyeballs in this latest shindig, and they were less than useless, at times they really appear to be batting for the other team, just like Action 4 Canada and Rocco Galati. Yet you worship all of them. And this is why, nothing changes for the better. Ever. People posting on Twitter about how full these latest events were, as if that actually meant something good was coming. If attendance meant anything, the convoy should have changed something. No? Time will prove me right, as it usually does. Until then, Baa ?.

8 months, 2 weeks ago

Pretty sure God was referring to Alberta here:

So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.

10 months, 1 week ago

Still relevant today: ⬇️

10 months, 1 week ago

Covid was just the cover story for a long-standing plan to reduce the population and seize control over every aspect of your life. Don’t think for a second that it’s over. It’s not. Don’t believe me? Just keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll figure it out eventually.

10 months, 1 week ago

I dare you to read my last six months worth of postings (at least). Ignore me at your own peril. My track record is there.

10 months, 2 weeks ago

All that remains of the Fweedumb movement are drug addicts, grifters, and cons. All by design. Seeing Bob Blayone treat Fweedumb George as a legitimate source of truth only reveals the depths of depravity that these people will go to to remain relevant. Gross. Be your own hero, the ones provided for you SUCK.

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