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The true nature of what is to happen in this life and the next was known by him ﷺ yet the companions would never see him but that they saw him smiling.
The natural concerns for his ummah were seen on his blessed faceﷺ but the pure beauty of his being only brought out a True beautiful smile.
The smile of the beloved prophetﷺ was a reflection of his beautiful being, he was always giving to others.
The blessed smile of the prophetﷺ
- Habib Umar bin Hafiz
"It is given in an account that there was a king who ruled the entire earth except for small place wherein there was a minor king. The greater king attempted many times to gain control over the lesser king’s region so as to have control of the entire earth but was not able to succeed. After some time the greater king fought the smaller king until the latter had custody of the greater king and held him for seven days shackled. He didn’t eat nor did he drink.
The minor king prepared a house he had and had all his possessions were placed on the carpet. He put water into a dog’s bowl and placed a dry scrap of food in the house and said to his servants, ‘Bring him in’.
Once the major king was brought inside the house he drank the water and then looked at the scrap and ate it. The minor king then said to him, ‘Why is it that from all things in this house you only partook of what you did’. He said, ‘Out of the entire earth, this is the only thing I want’ (due to his extreme hunger). The minor king then said to him, ‘One who is satisfied with this small scrap should also be satisfied with all of the earth with the exception of this place’. The major king then said, ‘If you set me free I will never dispute with you again’. So, the minor king freed him. Thus everyone finds sufficiency in the world in having something to eat and drink. However the illness lies in greed.
I ask Allah to grant us success in what He loves and is satisfied with and, through His strength, cure sick hearts, and to guarantee us with faith and that our children will also believe in Him. Peace."
— Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse
Every spiritual guide from whom you do not receive graces from behind the veil, is not a true guide.’ Perhaps he means that the true spiritual guide gives aid to his disciple even when he is physically far from him. He also said: ‘By God, I can bring a man to God in a single breath...Shaykh Abu ‘l-Hasan ash-Shadhili
I pass by these walls, the walls of Layla
And I kiss this wall and that wall
It’s not Love of the houses that has taken my heart
But of the One who dwells in those houses
As for Sidi Ahmad Tijani (ra), he declared that it was the Messenger of God ﷺ himself who informed him that he was the unique possessor of this station, thus leaving no element of probability or doubt in the matter. When he made this claim, he was asked, 'Are you in a state of spiritual intoxication and annihilation, or of awareness and subsistence?' He replied, 'No, rather I am aware, and may Allah be praised.'
The Greatest Master (al-Shaykh al-Akbar), Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi (ra), made reference to the Seal of the Saints in the Futuhāt al-Makiyya, saying: 'I met with him—the Muhammadan Seal after whom there is no seal—and I saw the sign that God Most High had hidden within him from the eyes of His servants. He revealed it to me in the city of Fez, such that I might perceive in him the seal of the Muhammadan Sainthood. And I saw that he would be tried with the denial of the people with regards to what he had realized of Divine Knowledge.' This meeting occured in the spiritual realm, and Allah knows best. Ibn Arabi specified the place of [the Seal's] concealment in his discourse in the Futuhat al-Makiyya on the hadith of the Prophet ﷺ, 'A group of the people of the Maghreb (Morocco or North Africa) will continue to stand firm upon the truth until the Day of Resurrection.' Commenting on this, he said, 'God places him in the Maghreb because it is the place of secrets and concealment.'
The Shaykh and Knower of God Almighty, Sidi al-Mukhtar al-Kunti (d. 1811 CE), said in Kitab al-Tara'if that, 'The twelfth century of the Hijrah (from 1722-1822 CE) resembles the Prophet's ﷺ century in many respects. Among these is that in it is the Seal of the Saints, just as in his ﷺ century there was the Seal of the Prophets.'
These specific indications of his being in the twelfth century, in the land of the Maghreb, and in the city of Fez, did not come together in anyone [who claimed Khatmiyya] except Sidi Ahmed al-Tijani (1735-1815 CE), may Allah be pleased with him, and it is thus proven to apply to him rather than anyone else. May Allah provide us with his blessings in this world and in the hereafter, Amen."
— From Shaykh Muhammad al-Hafiz's book أصفى مناهل الصفاء في مشرب خاتم الأولياء وسيد الأصفياء ("Fountains of Unmatched Purity in the Drinking Place of the Seal of the Saints and Master of the Purified Ones").
He (Sallalhu Alaihi Wa Alihi Wasalim) tells us about the night of Shabaan. He says that Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala shows a special kind of mercy, in the night of Shabaan. That Allah forgives all His Creation, if they are exposed to His Mercy that night.
How do you become exposed to the Mercies of Allah at night? What do you do? What do you do at the end of the night? You do tahajjud. You do Salaah (prayer) and you do duah (supplication). If you're exposed, if you expose yourself to the Mercy of Allah that night, then Allah forgives you! Except, Mushrik wa Mashaakhin, if people are Mushrik (polytheists) or if people hold grudges against other people.
What do you mean? "I don't like him, he hurt me!" Sorry, you cannot be eligible for forgiveness that night, even if you expose yourself the whole night, not just a third of a night! Except if you drop your grudges against other people. That's a condition for you to be forgiven. "But Ya Allah, they said this about me" or "Ya Allah they took my money, they cheated me out, they did this, they did this". Allah is more Just than you can ever be. Drop the grudge in your heart. Allah will take your right for you. But don't hate. Don't turn your heart into a garbage of hatred...why? Your heart is suppose to be filled with love, not hate! Because hate will consume you. But today because we are talking about Shabaan specifically. If you are exposed to the Mercies of Allah on that night, you will be granted forgiveness. Can you believe it? Forgiveness!
Shaykh Muhammad bin Yahya Al- Ninowy
"Whoever reaches the shores of oneness will restrict all attention and concerns to the one ocean...
Once you bathe in the source, the secondary streams and rivulets will be of no interest.
He is the Self-Sufficient and Origin of all gifts and generosities; nothing can ever (ever, ever, ever) overtake or surpass Him."
- Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
The magnificent cosmos is a palace that has the sun and the moon as its lamps and the stars as its candles; time is like a rope or ribbon hung within it, on to which the Glorious Creator each year threads a new world.
Shaykh Said Nursi
10 Benefits of Sending Salawat
Habib `Abd al-Qadir al-Saqqaf (may Allah have mercy on him and benefit us by him), said:
"Whoever bestows abundant prayers upon the Prophet ﷺ will be guaranteed ten things:
1] They will receive what they ask for,
2] They will die upon la ilaha illa Allah,
3] They will see the Prophet ﷺ,
4] They will have felicity in this life,
5] Their children will be blessed,
6] Their provision will be made easy,
7] They will be protected from suffering in this life,
8] They will be close to the Prophet ﷺ,
9] They will receive the greatest type of care from Allah,
10] Allah and the Prophet ﷺ will be pleased with them!
May Allah Most High make us of those who send abundant salawat upon His Beloved ﷺ."
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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