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Now in the peer-reviewed literature: loss of life expectancy by 37% if one got a COVID shot.
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A Critical Analysis of All-Cause Deaths during COVID-19 Vaccination in an Italian Province. For those vaccinated with two doses, the loss of life expectancy (RMTL) in 739 days is 1.37 (CI 95 = 1.27–1.48; p < 0.0001) times that of the unvaccinated. This means…
Kaam Ki Baat is now on Twitter Space!!!
काम की बात अब ट्विटर स्पेस पर है!!! Topic: Food Fortification - Health Risks, failed pilot studies and windfall profits Global Corporates विषय: फ़ूड फ़ोर्टीफ़िकेशन - स्वास्थ्य जोखिम, असफल पायलट अध्ययन और वैश्विक कॉर्पोरेट्स का अप्रत्याशित लाभ
Date: 07 July, 2024 (Sunday)
दिनांक: ०७ जुलाई, २०२४ (रविवार)
Time: 11 AM to 12 PM
समय: सुबह ११ बजे से दोपहर १२ बजे तक
Guest Speaker: Ashlesha Khadse
अतिथि: अश्लेषा खड़से Follow Ashlesha on Twitter:
Host: Rushil Tamboli
संचालक: रुशिल तंबोली
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हम आपको ट्विटर पर चर्चा में शामिल होने के लिए आमंत्रित करते हैं।
*Please note that Kaam Ki Baat won’t be held on Telegram this Sunday.
कृपया ध्यान दें कि इस रविवार को टेलीग्राम पर काम की बात नहीं होगी।
We request all our Telegram followers who are not on Twitter (X) to kindly join the platform immediately, so that you can continue to attend our KKB sessions!
हम अपने सभी टेलीग्राम अनुयायियों से अनुरोध करते हैं जो ट्विटर (X) पर नहीं हैं, कृपया तुरंत मंच से जुड़ें, ताकि आप हमारे काम की बातसत्रों में भाग लेना जारी रख सकें!*
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AIM Kaam ki Baat: Food Fortification - Health Risks, failed pilot studies and windfall profits for Global Corporates Speaker: Ashlesha Khadse @ashleshak Please join us on Sunday, July 7, 11 am IST.
Dr Nisheetha Dixit's (MBBS, Dip Gyne & Obs, Hyderabad) Video on HPV Vaccines
एक महिला स्वास्थ्य से संबंधित ब्लॉग को दिए गए इंटरव्यू के कुछ अंश..
मुझसे पूछा गया था कि क्या 9 से 14 वर्ष की बच्चियों के लिए cervical cancer की vaxine को फ्री देने की और national immunisation program में इसको शामिल करने की केंद्रीय सरकार की घोषणा पर आपका क्या कहना है ?
एक डॉक्टर होने के नाते क्या आप इसको recommend करेंगी?
क्या ये vaxine पूरी तरह से safe है क्योंकि अब पिछले दो सालों में लगाई गई serum institute की ही covid vaxine के अनेक side effects नजर आ रहे हैं?
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Dear AIM warriors!
We are in need of volunteers for Graphic Designing, Video Editing and Translations in local languages. We are constantly trying to put out content to raise awareness on our issues. To maximise our reach, we need to present the content creatively through posters, fliers etc and we need to translate the content into local languages.
If you have any of the above skills and are willing to help out for this noble cause, please contact Jaishree on whatsapp - 95299 59223
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Awaken India Movement | WhatsApp Channel
Awaken India Movement WhatsApp Channel. We are an initiative of the citizens of India united in the greater pursuit of truth and justice and committed to the well-being of all. Our beliefs are guided by the laws of nature and substantiated by evidence based…
Grasp carefully what is happening.
Central Bank , RBI, is forcing impractical regulations on Banks- KYC, no new Customers ,etc.
Its a trend.
To collapse traditional banking.
And Promote a “Safer, Secure” alternate Currency System ( CBDC).
Public moves to CBDC, Game Over
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Grasp carefully what is happening. Central Bank , RBI, is forcing impractical regulations on Banks- KYC, no new Customers ,etc. Its a trend. To collapse traditional banking. And Promote a “Safer, Secure” alternate Currency System ( CBDC). Public moves to…
Awaken India Movement Vaccine Deaths Weekly Update
Awaken India Movement (AIM) has sent details of Covid Vaccine deaths covered by media/social media in India as on 26.04.24 to various high authorities of our country.
Vaccine Deaths in India covered by the Media! File updated till Victim #19,273
File 1 - From #1 To #15,432
File 2 - From #15433 To #18,479
File 3 - From #18480 To #19,273
CHILDREN Vaccine Deaths in India covered by the Media! File updated till Victim #186
NOTE: (1) In case it doesn’t open on your phone, you may click the download button to open file in new tab
(2) Actual cases of death after taking the Covid Vaccines can be atleast 100 times more than the cases listed in this document.
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Polio Mutation Caused By Vaccination Leads To Emergency Vaccinations In Zimbabwe
Millions of children are now being vaccinated against polio again, after health authorities detected three cases of the disease caused by a rare mutation of the strain of the virus that is used in oral vaccinations.
According to health authorities, tests of samples from sewage sites in the capital showed the presence of the mutated polio virus that was used in the oral vaccine.
The live virus used in vaccines can mutate and cause new outbreaks of the virus.
AP claims the majority of children who are paralyzed by polio are paralyzed by the virus originally linked to vaccines.
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Dr Maya Valecha speaking against the Pandemic Treaty at WHO's Pandemic Agreement Civil Society Meeting 2024
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Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 4 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 3 weeks, 3 days ago