
Welcome, dears🫶🏻
🇺🇿Ingliz tili, IELTS, Thoughts ☕️
Aloqa uchun: @englishmadeena_connect

TikTok: @englishmadeena
Instagram: : @englishmadeena
We recommend to visit

Davlat boshqaruvi, kadrlar siyosatiga oid muhim manba

Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago

Welcome, dears🫶🏻
🇺🇿Ingliz tili, IELTS, Thoughts ☕️
Aloqa uchun: @englishmadeena_connect

TikTok: @englishmadeena
Instagram: : @englishmadeena

Last updated 2 months ago

📑 Mahalla tizimiga oid Qonun, Qaror, Farmon va boshqa me'yoriy hujjatlar

🔗 Guruhimiz: https://t.me/hujjatlar_toplami

Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago

2 months ago
2 months ago

Sizga shu kunlarda qanday kitob/materiallar kerak bo’lyapti? Kommentariyda yozing??

2 months ago

?Ingliz tilini #eeendi o’rganishni boshlaganlar uchun qisqa kitob.

The Lost Phoebe by Clare Gray

“Henry and Phoebe loved each other. They were middle - aged people and lived together for many years. They were farmers. Their whole world was a field of harvest, fruit trees and a large yard with pets and birds. Henry and Phoebe lived happily. The spouses often quarreled, like any couple. The wife threatened to leave Henry, but he understood it was not serious.”

2 months ago

?Pre-intermediate darajadagilar uchun ajoyib kitob??

Forrest Gump by John Escott

"This is a true, wonderful and funny story about Forrest Gump. Forrest is a young kind-hearted man from Alabama in the USA. He has won a medal for gallantry in the Vietnam war. The President Of the United States awarded the hero. Forrest was a footballer, a businessman and a film star. He also went in space. His best friend was an ape called Sue."

2 months ago

Avgustdan top materiallar va kontent share qilishni boshlayman??????

2 months ago

Bormisiz ey

2 months ago

IELTS ni gramotno tushunish va ossooongina 7+ olish ucuhn must read kitob

3 months, 2 weeks ago

Yozni foydali o’tkazish uchun biron kurs qilmoqchiman. Ko’proq odamga yetib borishi uchun. (Albatta pullik bo’ladi)

Takliflar bormi?

3 months, 2 weeks ago

Assalomu alaykum, speaking bilan writingda qiynalaman gʻoyalar keladi lekin gapirolmayman, yozolmayman. Grammatikani zoʻr bilaman.

We recommend to visit

Davlat boshqaruvi, kadrlar siyosatiga oid muhim manba

Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago

Welcome, dears🫶🏻
🇺🇿Ingliz tili, IELTS, Thoughts ☕️
Aloqa uchun: @englishmadeena_connect

TikTok: @englishmadeena
Instagram: : @englishmadeena

Last updated 2 months ago

📑 Mahalla tizimiga oid Qonun, Qaror, Farmon va boshqa me'yoriy hujjatlar

🔗 Guruhimiz: https://t.me/hujjatlar_toplami

Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago