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1 year, 6 months ago

His days are Monday on the night hour of the moon, Thursday on the night hour of Jupiter and Friday on the night hour of Venus

To work with Jupiter-Amon, you need to take enormous risks for him to expand your wealth greatly since this is how Jupiter works. He can show you how businesses work, how corporations work which on the surface level it is legal nice and fine but Mammon shows that most of wealth around the world is obtained illegally and majority of the rich use legal loopholes to evade taxes. Mammon can reveal the obscene things that are in the core of our Judeo-Christian capitalist welfare system which our 'elites' frequently exploit

So he will teach you these loopholes and how to apply them. To learn how to legally not pay tax, how to get big loans you aren't supposed to get, how to buy property you are otherwise not supposed to buy and Jupiter-Ammon will teach you all of those things in a legal manner

In a Christian moral frame (designed to paralyse and enslave gentiles by being law abiding for a system made for Jews to eat up their coffers) this would be considered obscene

However we heathens and those of Jupiter, know better than to continue to play by the book in system designed for our ruin. This is unfortunately how to majority of the transactions in our current world works, to play by the rules is to be disadvantaged

The Left and Conservatives are rich and the Dissident Right is broke, If you want to start a large scale movement or some campaign of some sort. You need finance and if Jupiter respects your ambition and goal as something beneficial for the Gods and for man than he can make it happen

In the beggining you will do money spells and he will give you money but for the higher degrees of operation that Jupiter wants you to learn is to accept the obscene nature of our current system and social structure which generates majority of the wealth and power that otherwise belongs to Jupiter

Money spells will work at beggining stages but Jupiter is not a God who wants to give things freely, he is a God who wants to build empires. He is one that pushes, shapes and tests you. He is big on mindset and breaking down the obstacles in your mind

Many times we want success but we sabotage ourselves with our own minds and beliefs. Jupiter-Amon breaks this so that you can have limitless success and achieve any goal you desire. For the long term acquisition of wealth, he lets you know that it is you who limit yourself

Jupiter motivates us to take action and go the distance. So if you just want a career change or quick money work with Clauneck or Bune instead. Jupiter is an empire driven deity, he wants his practitioners to have big goals and motivations to act along with the currency inflow

Jupiter is not a God just to manifest some money. He will shatter your world and bestow you that million dollar mindset. He wants leaders

In the past Jupiter would decide which king gets to rule for how long and how much wealth a person can obtain in accord to their character and virtue. However with the fall of Heathenry for Christianity, the Jews created a system that people are meant to follow outwardly but with loopholes that they exploit to parasite wealth unjustly

So the problem here is wealth and glory now no longer went to the worthy people as Jupiter-Amon intended so it is for this reason that we must learn how this corrupt system works and how to use it to our advantage

Make sure your mind is focused on the ritual and commited to the space and give him the utmost respect since he is of Olympian pantheon. When you connect with him be polite and courteous. From my experience, he is extremely smart and you cannot make the wrong investments if you adhere to his instruction. Crypto-currency, banking, broking, all science and alchemy he knows it

Summon Mammon once a week during those hours with offerings of gold, coinage, insence, make him some tea and wine than request to improve your financial situation

This will help the world economic wealth flow into the right hands and to be directed for better causes

1 year, 6 months ago

This music track featuring J Dilla is designed to strengthen spellwork, meditation and ritual calling dedicated to Lucifer (Prometheus, Sol, Ptah). Add the power of lucifer to appropriate spiritual operations

1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago

"Muh Primordial Solar Nordic Tradition, Buddha wuz huwhite, not pacifist, we are totally not cut from the same cloth as those Abrahamists" ? (the solar practices stolen from Bon and suppressing whom they owe all too)

1 year, 6 months ago

My friend it's comical how you write about neo-vedanta and Acharya Orthodox Hinduism without mentioning the real deal. Vedanta and it's gnostic transcendentalist philosophy is easy pickings

You don't mention Shiva-Shakta dharma because Buddhism can't hang with us. We are better than you

If the West is to become Buddhism this will permanently destroy the West for good. Mark my words

Christianity, Islam, Buddhism is all right hand path drivel. Changing one poison to another won't solve anything but it will stamp the nail in the coffin for Europe

If Europe wants to save itself take heed to what I say. If Europe wants to die go and choose Islam or Buddhism as an alternative to Christianity

Europe has many enemies and we are crumbling apart because we don't have fighters. How do you expect her soldiers to fight effectively with retarded doctrine of heaven and hell, loss of material desire and other nonsense holding them back from doing what is neccesary

If you are with the Gods and attain immortality, you will reside in the abode of the Deva of your liking. So than what is the point of your enlightenment and becoming nothing. This is a downgrade to what I have on my page

The reason Tibet is under threat from China is precisely because it is Buddhist. If Tibet had remained Bon, the Chinese wouldn't threaten them

If Tibet held onto Bon religion, none of this would happen to them. So a lesser evil will only open the door to a greater evil

Without Orthodox Russia there's no Bolshevik Russia

Without Buddhist Tibet, there's no Chinese Communist party

Both deserved it. When evil starts it grows and manifest as worser forms. The previous evil is than seen as good and the next evil is seen as evil but this is its trap

Modern leftist wokeism and Antifa to Christian capitalist America would be what Buddhism was to the Native Tibetan faith of Bon. Besides, Buddhist clergy are up there with Catholic clergy on sex abuse with minors.

All Right Hand Path doctrine is modernist and disease to the mind and when Nations adopt these ways, they are all threatened and destroyed. Europe is no exception.

If Europe was to be conquered by Islam or switch Christianity for Buddhism. It is the same outcome.

This is what happens when you leave the ways of the Devas and the Gods, you get what you deserve. The Hellenists had known of Buddhism yet ignored it because it is inferior to Primordial Heathenry of the Gods aka what my page is all about.

They saw it for the self-destructive hot garbage that it was and stuck with Olympian Hellenism

Karmic social credit score when you don't have merit and you incarnate as a rat or amoeba does not exist, this is just spiritual communism

Anyone who sees this, If you have any respect for your ancestors and for the Gods, denounce all Right Hand Path religion for they go against the interests of the Devas

If you were to go with the Gods, to participate in Buddhism, Freemasonry or Abrahamism is the equivalent to treason to the Gods.

Do not expect to have good relations with Apollo, Zeus, Odin, Freya, Hermes or any of the Gods of Olympus, Norse and Egypt if you are aligned with Buddhism. Do not expect any favours from the Gods when push comes to shove if you go Buddhist

The so called "Enlightened" Beings are not them, they are of an enemy race to the Devas. Tibet sold out the Gods a long time ago and they will pay for it with the Chinese.

If you need a living tradition that badly, than go to Shiva-Sakta Dharma and help it grow. Shiva-Shakta dharma is the only living tradition that is worth initiating into as of current.

If Europa wants to end herself for good than continue in your man-made religions. If you want to be saved, go to the Devas and be guided by them

Europa already shot both her legs by opening her borders. If she wants to tie a noose around her neck than switch dying Christianity for Tibetan Christianity

Islam, Buddhism, Christianity it is all the same swindle that will result in the death of any hope for European revival. Once again, Mark My Words.


Elders of the Black Sun IV

New Age people, you're usually interested in the occult and whatnot, you find institutional religion a bit stifling. That's cool, Buddhism can scratch all of those itches no problem, just drop a comment letting us know how to best groom you, and we will…

1 year, 6 months ago

Marbas heals in the most effective not comfortable manner, he often forces the person to confront his ailment

He has helped a freind of mine overcome a specific anxious tendency of his that was indirectly affecting his life. If you have a trauma or a social condition he is ideal to consult. He's not just confined to physical healing. He is fast, quick and effective. His knowledge of things are vast that he can heal anything and uncover hidden secrets

Another sorcerer was travelling a lot, he got sick. He consulted Marbas, went to bed comfortably and the next day everything was fine. He can help and assist with more drastic illnesses or long-term chronic diseases and ailments. He can cure ranging from anxieties to mental and innate deficites and allergies one might be born with or side effects from vaccines. Someone else daughter who had asthma was cured by working with Marbas.

Marbas is not a replacement for your own care, you must also put in the work to take care of yourself and play your part. So you cant just live unhealthily and eat chocolate all the time than expect Marbas to heal you to top-notch. You must put in the work and take responsibility for your own health. Marbas should be worked alongside your healing process.

Outside of healing he can help with building natural confidence, protection, settling arguments, spiritual knowledge and success in business.

Marbas will help you understand these principles and change your biological, spiritual and mental structure to achieve this goal. Marbas is the chief engineer of the Gods, Vulcan-Hephaestus or Mulciber in demonology is the chief Architect.

If you approach him with the right respect and offerings, he is really freindly. Marbas day is Wednesday,
Zodiac Position 20-24 degrees of Aries, Element Fire, Candle color Yellow, Plant Chicory, April 9-14th are his optimal dates. For offerings he likes sandalwood or lavender insence, lavender flowers, olive oil, mint oil, pine oil, cinnamon, eggs, honey, oranges and nutmeg.

Make sure you put your insence smoke over the offerings and consecrate them solely to your target. If you can carve Marbas name onto the offering and it will consecrate it right away. Marbas colour association is yellow and orange.

First light your yellow/orange candles, prepare and dedicate all offerings you have on the altar, clear your mind for 10-15 mins than draw and connect with the sigil (no circles), enter a trance and chant until he comes than state your request and offer food and drink than thank him for coming and let your candles burn until they go out

Marbas has spiked black hair, brown eyes, small ears, and is of medium height. He rules over prescience, pendulums, glamour magick, mind tricks, tarot cards, mind reading, crystal balls, and the use of Norse runes in divination. He is capable of both inflicting and relieving illnesses, serious or otherwise


Io Barbas-Marbuel

In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Marbas

Enn: Renich Tasa Uberaca Biasa Icar Marbas

1 year, 6 months ago

"The pantheons are different, as he clarified. There is a core Cosmic truth that manifests in different expressions and pagans don't really seem to understand that at the moment so I very much appreciate what he's saying. The Gods are real and ethnic, but they are manifested from core Cosmic beings that express themselves through differentiated blood"

This, here is the right understanding of the Gods. Ethnicity and lineage does matter in practice but not all defining

It is correct that the Gods are core cosmic beings. However if you are a Baltic individual and you were faced with a choice to honor Perkunos or the Slavic Perun. Even if they emerge from the same cosmic being, they have differences adapted to each territory and timeframe. The Baltic person should honor Perkunos over Perun always. This is good sense. If you have ancestral way of doing things adhere to it as long as it is productive

I'm not against tribalism, however when this tribalism is taken to the degree of "the ways of my tribe is the only correct way and there is nothing desirable in others" than this is problematic to your growth, development and practices

For the Gods that do not emanate to be embraced in a macro-cosmic manner like Indra or Shiva but are ancestral manifestations like Odin, the quality of the individual takes precedent over ethnicity in both and all cases. A person of a better quality will always have a better time

However ethnicity for ancestral Gods does play a factor when working with culturally localised manifestations of them. A lot of practitioners were more compelled and adaptable to working with Odin than I was because they had Germanic ancestry in them and so they had an ancestral calling to work with this deity

If you were to have two individuals of the same quality and one was German and one was not German. The German individual would have a better time with Odin always

An example of when quality takes precedence over ethnicity is the Spanish colonialism of the Central Americas. The brown natives here are much more civilised, advanced and possessed a richer tradition than the White Spaniards. The Catholic Spaniards even if white are the barbarians of the two

The brown central-American Natives better reflected pre-christian europe in their ways than the Spaniards and honored our Gods, even if the Monotheist Spaniards were European. They say "human sacrifice" to justify their primitive criminal barbarism on this race when this is a hoax just like 9/11 to invade innocent Iraq instead of the true perpetrators being the Saudi Jews

As a race realist, we shouldn't shill for everything that our race has done but instead improve the quality, beauty and standards for our survival otherwise we are no different from an american negroid Black Israelite

The American theft of Iraq to steal rich mesopotamian history and the Spanish colonialism of Central America are both depraved acts of barbarism with the Jews on our backs, in the name of Christian moral dogmatism was no achievement for the White Race. There's not much to be proud about destroying superior traditions for Middle Eastern Torah filled monotheism and doing laundry for Jews as their lapdogs. It does not represent the divinely driven conquests of Alexander the Makedonian, the Persian Darius, Ragnar three sons or other instances which the conquerors were superior in quality than the conquered to liberate their newly conquered persons from inferior rulers and advance the conquered to their betterment of new heights, qualities and cultural expression. The tangent is besides the point but worth mentioning.

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🛰Aryan Space Program🌌

The title of this video is incorrect. However, he makes some very interesting points and it's worth a watch. The pantheons are different, as he clarified. There is a core Cosmic truth that manifests in different expressions and pagans don't really seem to…

1 year, 6 months ago

Those who fixate on Yahweh for Abrahamism are missing the point or only seeing half the picture. Yahweh is just an method, Yahweh is not "the God of the Jews". Yahweh is a program on Earth for Jews to enact control. Yahweh is not an embodied entity. Yahweh…

1 year, 6 months ago

Those who fixate on Yahweh for Abrahamism are missing the point or only seeing half the picture. Yahweh is just an method, Yahweh is not "the God of the Jews". Yahweh is a program on Earth for Jews to enact control. Yahweh is not an embodied entity. Yahweh does not have DNA hence Yahweh is just a thoughtform to serve a higher force

The one who runs the program is the Canaanite God El, the Bull-Horned God of Saturn which is why you have a Bull idol in Wall Street and in the Old Testament they put up a Bull Idol of all animals. The Jews are just Saturnus cultists.

Angels do not exist, the Abrahamic distinction between Angel and demon is any entity that serves El-Anu and who does not is demonised. Lucifer is not an angel because in Pagan Lore you had a deity called Helel who tried to dethrone the Canaanite High God El. Hermann Gunkel's reconstruction of the myth told of a mighty warrior called Helal, whose ambition was to ascend higher than all the other stellar divinities, but who had to descend to the depths; it thus portrayed as a battle the process by which the bright morning star fails to reach the highest point in the sky before being faded out by the rising sun

El wife is Asherah and Yahweh wife is Asherah because Yahweh is El. Yahweh-Jehovah did not usurp El but was programmed into existence to serve El purpose. The Abrahamic God did not arise to power with Abrahamism but the Abrahamic God is just a facet of this more sinister being who was at work for thousands of years prior. He failed with Akhenaten but succeeded with Constantine

It is also no suprise that El was just the high God of the Canaanites while Gentile populations of the Middle East took storm God Baal or Hadad as their high God and so you had the rivalry between Baal and Yahweh/El in the Old Testament. Zeus against Cronus and Yahweh-El losing to Chemosh who is the variant of the Sun God, Shamash. Basically, El is Cronus who had two known sons, Baal who is Zeus and Kothar Wa Khasis who is the equivalent of Poseidon-Prometheus even equated to Ptah by the Egyptians. Anu, Enlil and Enki.

It is important to look at the polytheism of the Semites to understand what has happened here that has made the rest of the Pagan world permeable to the cult of El of the Semites since the Semites (Anu-Cronus chosen people to carry out Humanity destruction) originate in the Middle East.

El does not interfere in worldly affairs directly, he uses thoughtforms, egregores and other servile beings to enact his will on Earth for a Talmudic Communist slave state.

Unless you recognise El-Anu as the real cause of Abrahamic world domination and associate Yahweh with El, you will remain as controlled opposition. El is the cause of Yahweh and Abrahamism is a small fraction of a much larger issue. Yahweh is not the cause of Jewish power, El is. The Polytheist El is the Old Testament Monotheistic God. Yahweh is just a programmed emanation of El and this is why God the son (Yahweh the egregore) and God the father (El) are one and the same in Christianity

1 year, 7 months ago

Revel in the moment of personal power and notice how it feels. Tune in on the signals your body gives so that you can recognise this again and tap into this state whenever you intend.

Now turn away from the flame, climb down the mountain and find the path again. Your power store is stronger and will become more so every time you visit the flame on the mountaintop and you can do so anytime you choose.

Breathe deeply and relax before bringing your attention back to your surroundings.

Bhagavan Shree Ganesh ☀️

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