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Last updated 4 days, 21 hours ago
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Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago
Join Ustadh Nouman in Dallas, or sign up to join online by going to
Muslims outside the Arab world, which is the overwhelming majority of Muslims, have been learning how to read the Quran in Arabic for generations and hundreds of millions of them also teach the same to their children every year. While this global community can memorize, recite, or at least sound out the Qurans words, the education it would require to teach them how to understand Arabic seems too big of a task and frankly, it seems like too much of an ask for people with busy lives.
This post is for those who understand English, read the Arabic Quran and yet wish they understood what they’re pronouncing. I am certain I can help you.
I’ve been teaching Quran and Arabic for over two decades. Experience with thousands of students and my own experience as a student tells me that you are only as good as your foundation.
But that’s just it, how are you supposed to get a rock solid foundation on which to build knowledge of this seemingly intimidating ocean of knowledge we call Arabic. I am certain I can help you and I also want you to help me. Can you give me ten continuous nights of committed study from May 13-22? If so, I promise I can get you past the hardest part of Arabic learning to understand the Quran: The Foundation.
But I also need your help. I need you to commit and then I need you to convince your brother, sister, cousin, barber, sworn enemy- I mean mother in law, neighbor and their kids to do this with you. I want to see you make a mission out of this journey. I’m guaranteeing you you will no longer be intimidated by Arabic after ten days. You won’t be an expert but you’ll have the foundation and the confidence to complete this journey.
This is not a gimmick. I’m not telling you you’ll know arabic in 10 days. I’m telling you you’ll know your foundation and you will actually start enjoying the continued path to break down the language barrier between you and the Quran.
I’m going to teach my Fundamentals of Classical Arabic course at the East Plano Islamic Center in Texas starting May 13. But I will also be broadcasting it live on YouTube for free for any of you who wish to join in. But if you want the study materials, my own notes for each day and follow up help, you’ll have to do the free sign up regardless. Become a part of this effort and let’s work as a team. Let’s get 100,000 people learning Quranic Arabic this year. Make the commitment and get to work spreading the word.
Those of you that can make it out to Texas to study with me in person, the fee is $100 because there is limited seating. I hope you’ll join me and I hope you’ll become ambassadors for this noble cause.
bayyinah - Bayyinah
Bayyinah TV
Community chat:
Last updated 4 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago