c'est la vie. (taylor 's version) actv.

ㅤ (sassy) ♥️ ↓
⤿“adj. daint”─i, zephyr.
ㅤㅤ eunoia &. reverie

contact—side; @lloveshabot  🌺| signed letter ↺ rosy felts envelope.
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Pemburu yang diburu.

Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago

Memaparkan maklumat awal dan kemaskini terkini berkaitan kemalangan, bencana, jenayah dan isu-isu semasa dalam dan luar negara setiap hari.

Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago

Rakyat Malaysia tunggal di Palestin. Berkongsi kehidupan seharian di Gaza.

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

3 weeks ago

if you want to unsub, cleaning, deak, go on hiatus, etc. get used to confirming first to @lloveshabot p.s : unsubs not confirming = banned permanent.

1 month, 2 weeks ago

livingsouls reason that doesn’t make sense changes my benevolence when i sit-down hence sprinkle a spark of thought about myself whereabout. thoughts of unwiseness that should be attached when self-existence grows older notwithstanding instead assemble inversions ostensibly the midnight is useless for sleeping. an enormous pressure continues to salute from cosmopolite who are left behind with question marks like peeking at peek-a-boo in wholecadooble corner, repeating old events like ancient mysteries mythical lookalike stories thenceforth i feel that the mirror i’m looking at now has cracked catalyzing weak energy is fading; dwellers didn’t accept it and i banged on their dwelling “it’s me! hi, i’m the problem it’s me!” perhaps they are confused nevertheless end-up being aware against my existence which continuously sees pedestrian feet ratherthan my own steps. well i also feel how exhausted ’tis to dealwith moreover agreeing with anti-hero.

1 month, 2 weeks ago
c'est la vie. (taylor 's version) …
4 months, 1 week ago
c'est la vie. (taylor 's version) …
4 months, 1 week ago
*"A concrete version o' paradise."

"A concrete version o' paradise."
— Marisa Casciano.

Belle teenager amidst her dexterity adjacent midnight, preoccupied among the chromaticity tha bureau-buffet her. her psychesoul color; dark autumn wh is spot she extendvary adequately betwixt chestnut furthermore auxiliary dust tinge, a flair t atnotime blunder facing znag society's absorption whilst digitigrade. amber cardigan moreover doighy trousers, periodic beloved ensemble clientele regarding hymn against taylor swift, the desire embrace perpetually remain eager considering. demulcent headphones tat prevail eternally beyond the belfry equall s sailing {journal} indulgence the durable hunch th hurricane her. <3 ✿

5 months, 2 weeks ago
c'est la vie. (taylor 's version) …
6 months ago
c'est la vie. (taylor 's version) …
6 months ago
***?*** ⓘ. sunflower &amp;. gardening ? …

? ⓘ. sunflower &. gardening ? ׅ  ۫  ㅤsheets ii — surfing time. personal! @swifties. beauty seraphim love!

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Pemburu yang diburu.

Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago

Memaparkan maklumat awal dan kemaskini terkini berkaitan kemalangan, bencana, jenayah dan isu-isu semasa dalam dan luar negara setiap hari.

Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago

Rakyat Malaysia tunggal di Palestin. Berkongsi kehidupan seharian di Gaza.

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago