اللجنة العلمية دفعة 27 UST

اللجنة العلمية دفعة 27 طب بشري جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا
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القناة الرسمية والموثقة لـ أخبار وزارة التربية العراقية.
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Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

1 month, 1 week ago

كامل نماذج التشريح في ملف واحد
ومن لديه نماذج/ملخص لبقية مواد ورقة أولى يرسل لنا عبر


1 month, 1 week ago

نماذج تشريح مهمة:

1- Which of the following is innervated by the
trigeminal nerve?
(A) mylohyoid
(B) geniohyoid
(C) stylohyoid
(D) posterior belly of the digastric
(E) thyrohyoid

2- An epidural hematoma consists of blood from
which vessel?
(A) middle meningeal artery
(B) cerebral veins
(C) internal carotid artery
(D) circle of Willis
(E) vertebral artery

3- The inferior alveolar nerve is best blocked at
which location for dental work?
(A) mental foramen
(B) greater palatine foramen
(C) less palatine foramen
(D) mandibular foramen
(E) lingual forame

4- The facial veins make clinically important connections with the cavernous sinus through
which veins?
(A) lingual veins
(B) trigeminal vein
(C) superior ophthalmic veins
(D) great cerebral vein
(E) meningeal veins

5- The maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve
is transmitted through which of the following?
(A) foramen rotundum
(B) foramen ovale
(C) superior orbital fissure
(D) foramen spinosum
(E) foramen lacerum

6- Which of the following foramina is located in
the anterior cranial fossa?
(A) foramen cecum
(B) optic canals
(C) superior orbital fissures
(D) foramen ovale
(E) condylar canal

7- Parasympathetic fibers from CN IX travel to
the parotid gland via which of the following
(A) auriculotemporal nerve
(B) great auricular nerve
(C) directly from the glossopharyngeal
(D) external carotid nerve plexus
(E) retromandibular nerve


1 month, 1 week ago

نماذج تشريح مهمة:

  1. The jugular foramen transmits all of the following EXCEPT
    (A) glossopharyngeal nerve
    (B) vagus nerve
    (C) accessory nerve
    (D) inferior petrosal and sigmoid sinuses
    (E) sympathetic plexus

2-. Which of the following is NOT true regarding
the buccinator?
(A) It is a muscle of mastication.
(B) It is innervated by the facial nerve.
(C) It presses the cheek against the molar
teeth to assist in chewing.
(D) It expels air from the oral cavity.
(E) It draws the mouth to one side when acting unilaterally

3- The foramina in the cribriform plate transmit
which of the following?
(A) axons of olfactory cells
(B) posterior ethmoidal arteries
(C) ophthalmic arteries
(D) dural veins
(E) sympathetic plexus

4- The superior orbital fissure transmits all of the
following EXCEPT
(A) ophthalmic division of the trigeminal
(B) maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve
(C) oculomotor nerve
(D) trochlear nerve
(E) abducens nerve

5- Which of the following transmits a nerve branch
to the meninges?
(A) foramen spinosum
(B) mastoid foramen
(C) jugular foramen
(D) foramen magnum
(E) foramen oval

6- Which of the following is NOT a muscle of facial expression?
(A) platysma
(B) nasalis
(C) frontal belly of occiptofrontalis
(D) orbicularis oculi
(E) temporalis

7- The facial nerve innervates all of the following
(A) procerus
(B) corrugator supercilii
(C) masseter
(D) depressor anguli oris
(E) zygomaticus major

8- Which of the following cutaneous nerves is derived from the ophthalmic nerve?
(A) external nasal nerve
(B) infraorbital nerve
(C) zygomaticotemporal nerve
(D) zygomaticofacial nerve
(E) auriculotemporal nerve

9- Which of the following nerves arises by two
roots that surround the middle meningeal
(A) auriculotemporal nerve
(B) buccal nerve
(C) mental nerve
(D) zygomaticotemporal nerve
(E) zygomaticofacial nerve

10- Which of the following is NOT a branch of the
facial artery?
(A) inferior labial artery
(B) superior labial artery
(C) lateral nasal artery
(D) angular artery
(E) retromandibular artery

11- Which of the following is NOT contained
within the parotid gland?
(A) facial nerve
(B) facial artery
(C) retromandibular vein
(D) parotid lymph nodes
(E) branches of the facial nerve

12- Parasympathetic fibers from CN IX travel to
the parotid gland via which of the following
(A) auriculotemporal nerve
(B) great auricular nerve
(C) directly from the glossopharyngeal
(D) external carotid nerve plexus
(E) retromandibular nerve

13- The cavernous sinus receives blood from all of
the following EXCEPT
(A) superior and inferior petrosal sinuses
(B) superior ophthalmic veins
(C) inferior ophthalmic veins
(D) superficial middle cerebral vein
(E) sphenoparietal sinus

14- The oculomotor nerve emerges between which
two arteries of the cerebral arterial circle?
(A) posterior inferior cerebellar artery and
anterior inferior cerebellar artery
(B) anterior inferior cerebellar artery and
labyrinthine artery
(C) labyrinthine artery and superior cerebellar artery
(D) superior cerebellar artery and posterior
cerebral artery
(E) posterior cerebral artery and middle
cerebral artery


1 month, 2 weeks ago

نماذج جراحة مع نموذج لدفعة 26:

اسئلة الجراحة لدفعة26 د/زهير:
٤اسئلة ب٤ درجات:

1.The most common bacteria that causes brain absess?


  1. Indication for needle aspiration except?
    Fungal absess.

  2. Spinal injury management expect?
    Elevation of the head 30 dgrees.

  3. Indections for CT radiography in spinal cord injury except?
    No focal nerulgical defect.


1 month, 2 weeks ago
1 month, 2 weeks ago

تجميعة اسئلة الاناتومي لدفعة 26:

الاسئلة المقالي: د. العداشي
1/enumerate structures of anterior wall and floor of 3rd ventircle
2/enumerate structure of anterolateral and posterolateral surfaces  of medulla

نموذج ثاني:
1-enumerate the cerebellar peduncles.
2-enumerate the walls and communicatons  of atrium

تبع د. فهد
1/structures within paroted gland
2/nuclus group of spinal cord in cervical segment
3/contents of pterygopalatine  fossa
4/superficial  realtion of buccinator muscle

بالنسبة للاختيارات
د. فهد:
-which structure is not  found in the infratemporal fossa:
- pterygopalatine ganglion

-regarding to anterior spinal artery all of the following are true except:
- it arise from the vertebral artery
- it supply roughly the anterior two third
- it descends infront the anterior median commisure
- Adamkiewicz artery arise from it

- one of the following is not extra-pyramidal tract:
-corticospinal tract

-about dural sinuses all are correct except :
- is internal cerebral vein drain to confluence.
- superior sagital sinus is drain to right transverse sinus.
- inferior sagital sinus drain to left straight sinus

- regarding to lateral pterygoid muscle all of the following are true except:
- it has two heads
- it has a relation with maxillary artery
- the nerve supply of it is by the facial nerve

- which layer of the scalp is potential space

- What's the foramen that can't be seen from the base of the skull

- which nerve that supply the orbicularis muscle

بالنسبة للlumber cistern جاب سؤال خيارات عليها يتضمن :
على ايش يحتوي
فين يبدأ واين ينتهي
الchorda equina ايش رقم  الاعصاب حقها

بالنسبة لاسئلة الاختيارات  د. العداشي نموذج ٢:
- related to tentorial surface of cerebellum which one is not found:
-  lingula
- pyramid
- declive
- quadriangular lobules

- regarding to diencephalon one of the following is false:
- metathalamus is formeb by pineal body ,habenular trigones and habenular commisure
- epithalamus is located in the upper surface posteriorly

-which structure arise from anterolateral sulcus:
- hypoglossal nerve rootlets

-the basilar artery ends by dividing into:
- two posterior cerebral arteries

- related to central sulcus all of the following are true except:
- it is also called sulcus of sylvius
- it separates between motor and sensory area

- speech area is located in :
-  superior frontal gyrus in right hemisphere
- superior frontal gyrus in left hemisphere 
-  inferior  frontal gyrus in right hemisphere
- inferior  frontal gyrus in left  hemisphere
- inferior temporal gyrus


1 month, 3 weeks ago

شرح sensory كامل د. سناء فسيو عملي.pdf

1 month, 3 weeks ago
1 month, 4 weeks ago

تجمعية أسئلة سنوات سابقة لمادة الأناتومي:

1_ ventricle system with CSF ,CSF circle , important of basilar cistern

2_  compmnent of floor of fourth ventricle and boundries and angle of fourth ventricle

3_ structure within in parotid gland  from medial to lateral

4_communication and content of pterygo palatine fossa

5_internal capsule
Dural sinuses {enumerate, connections, beginning & terminations}

6- Transverse section of cervical segment with its nuclei and ascending 

7- The ventricle extension, boundaries, and floor

8- Pterygopaltine fossa {boundaries and contents}

9- Posteromedial relations of parotid gland
Talk about
1_dura venous sinus
2_transverse section of cervical vertebra.(( ركزوا على هذا السؤال لان فيه
انوية مش موجودة في الcervical))
3_layers of the scalp
1)floor of the 3rd ventricle and roof of the 4th ventricle?
2)internal capsule?
3)dural folds?

4 months, 2 weeks ago

وبدأت الليالى العشر من شهر ذى الحجة، وهي من أعظم وأفضل الأيام..

أقسم بيهم الله عز وجل : "وَٱلۡفَجۡرِ وَلَیَالٍ عَشۡرࣲ"والعظيمُ سُبحانه لايُقسم إلا بعظيم ..

" نهار الايام دى أهم من الليل، عكس العشر الأواخر من رمضان ".

والنبى ﷺ قال:
"ما من أيامٍ العملُ الصالحُ فيها أحبُّ إلى الله من هذهِ الأيام".

والأعمال الصالحة دى كتيرة زى " الصيام - الصلاة - الصدقات - القرآن - قيام الليل - صلة الأرحام - ذكر الله - التسبيح - التحميد - التكبير - إلخ."

لذلك واجب علينا تعظيم شعائر الله فى الأيام دى شغلوا التكبيرات فى بيوتكم واذكروا الله كثيرًا طول الوقت..

ذَلِكَۖ وَمَن یُعَظِّمۡ شَعَـٰائرَ ٱللَّهِ فَإِنَّهَا مِن تَقۡوَى ٱلۡقُلُوبِ".?

We recommend to visit

القناة الرسمية والموثقة لـ أخبار وزارة التربية العراقية.
أخبار حصرية كل مايخص وزارة التربية العراقية.
تابع جديدنا لمشاهدة احدث الاخبار.
سيتم نقل احدث الاخبار العاجلة.
رابط مشاركة القناة :

Last updated 1 year, 1 month ago

فيسبوك : https://www.facebook.com/Ibnbabeledu?mibextid=ZbWKwL

يوتيوب :https://youtube.com/@iraqed4?si=jBm20qB6g9iiobV-


Last updated 3 days, 2 hours ago

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago