Quantum Life Germany ????

?? fundamentale Basics der artgerechten Lebensweise für den Menschen bis auf Quantenebene

?? fundamental basics of a species-appropriate lifestyle for humans down to the quantum level

Contact: @ContactQuantumLifeGermany_bot
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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States


Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage: mygov.in

MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi

Last updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.


Last updated 2 months ago

2 months ago

*?? al-Chem-y
The understanding of how consciousness relates to matter - The Science of the Mind

An open lecture given on the basics of alchemical philosophy and applications. Details on the 3 principles, 4 elements, there internal and external correspondences, the energetic (chakra) centers of man, and the creation of medicines for the body and the mind using alchemical philosophies and operations.



Operative Alchemy: Avery Hopkins

An open lecture given on the basics of alchemical philosophy and applications. Details on the 3 principles, 4 elements, there internal and external correspondences, the energetic (chakra) centers of man, and the creation of medicines for the body and the…

2 months ago
Quantum Life Germany ????
2 months ago
Quantum Life Germany ????
4 months, 3 weeks ago

Mobile telephony radiation exerts genotoxic action and significantly enhances the effects of gamma radiation in human cells

Mobilfunkstrahlung wirkt genotoxisch und verstärkt die Wirkung von Gammastrahlung in menschlichen Zellen erheblich

‘In other words, the combination of various doses of gamma radiation with a 15-min exposure to a 3G/4G mobile phone (with disabled Wi-Fi and Bluetooth functions) increased greatly and in some cases nearly doubled the effects of gamma radiation in all subjects,’ Panagopoulos said.

‘This clearly shows that living tissue is more vulnerable when subjected to conditions of combined stress than when subjected to individual stressors, and the adverse effect in the case of combined stress is greater than the sum of the individual effects from the separate exposures to each stressor.’

Mit anderen Worten: Die Kombination verschiedener Dosen von Gammastrahlung mit einer 15-minütigen Exposition gegenüber einem 3G/4G-Mobiltelefon (mit deaktivierten Wi-Fi- und Bluetooth-Funktionen) hat die Auswirkungen der Gammastrahlung bei allen Probanden stark erhöht und in einigen Fällen fast verdoppelt", so Panagopoulos.

Dies zeigt deutlich, dass lebendes Gewebe anfälliger ist, wenn es kombinierten Stressbedingungen ausgesetzt ist, als wenn es einzelnen Stressoren ausgesetzt ist, und dass die nachteiligen Auswirkungen im Falle von kombiniertem Stress größer sind als die Summe der einzelnen Auswirkungen der Exposition gegenüber jedem Stressor.

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Mobile phones and gamma radiation

Source:Newsletter EMR AustraliaAuthor: Lyn McLeanPublished: May 25, 2024 What happens when a mobile phone user is exposed to the gamma radiation used by diagnostic and cancer treatment technologies…

Mobile telephony radiation exerts genotoxic action and significantly enhances the effects of gamma radiation in human cells
4 months, 4 weeks ago

?? Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt Blending Ancient Wisdom with Modern Healing - The Five Levels of Healing
00:00:05 Exploring Chronic Illness
00:08:45 Five Levels of Healing in Medicine
00:25:28 Manual Muscle Testing and Autonomic Response
00:33:36 Seven Factors of Nervous System Dysfunction
00:45:10 Unique Treatment Approaches in Healthcare
00:56:15 Managing Electromagnetic Field Exposures
01:03:40 Cell Protection from Wi-Fi Radiation
? via Dr. Michele Burklund

5 months, 3 weeks ago



Arbeitspapier 06: WLAN zuhause und an Schulen – die Risiken.

WLAN wurde zu einer der meistgenutzten Mobilfunkfrequenzen. Es ist lizenzfrei und wird kostenlos angeboten. WLAN anzubieten, gilt als fortschrittlich. Schulen, Bahnen, Busse, Hotels, Kliniken, Einkaufszentren – alle bieten Hotspots an. Auch um Nutzerdaten…

7 months ago

In both English and German: New Website with Info how the Insect Population is Suffering due to the electromagnetic fields from Cell Phone Towers etc.

Neue Webseite mit Fokus aufdem Verschwinden von Insekten, und wie die elektromagnetische Strahlung von Mobilfunksendern hier enormen Schaden anrichtet. Und damit natürlich auch die Vögel gefährdet, über fehlende Nahrung. Dramatisch. https://insekten-schuetzen.info


ENGLISH LINKS (with the new study):

7 months, 3 weeks ago



Vorreiter der Schuldigitalisierung legen den Rückwärtsgang ein

Sie schicken ihre Kinder auf analoge Schulen, frei von Smartphones und Tablets. Sie, sind die CEOs der großen Big-Tech-Unternehmen aus dem Silicon Valley. Sie wissen es also besser. Sie wissen um die

Quantum Life Germany ????
8 months ago

Sham safety: Harmonizer interference suppression chips
He who believes is blessed: "Taming the intense rays..."

In our telephone consultation hours and by e-mail, we are increasingly being asked what diagnose:funk thinks of harmonizers, chips or so-called interference suppressors that supposedly render mobile phone radiation harmless and even have a healing effect on the body. Experts warn against these promises and the false sense of security: "I assume that the companies in question write their own success stories" (building biologist Dr. D. Moldan).
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Scheinsicherheit: Harmonisierer-Entstörgeräte-Chips
Wer´s glaubt, wird selig: "Die intensiven Strahlen bändigen..."

In unserer Telefonsprechstunde und per Mail wird immer öfters gefragt, was diagnose:funk von Harmonizern, Chips oder sog. Entstörern hält, die angeblich Mobilfunkstrahlung unschädlich machen, ja sogar heilend im Körper wirken würden. Experten warnen vor diesen Versprechungen und der Scheinsicherheit: "Ich gehe davon aus, dass entsprechende Firmen ihre Erfolgsberichte selbst schreiben" (Baubiologe Dr. D. Moldan).



Scheinsicherheit: Harmonisierer-Entstörgeräte-Chips

In unserer Telefonsprechstunde und per Mail wird immer öfters gefragt, was diagnose:funk von Harmonizern, Chips oder sog. Entstörern hält, die angeblich Mobilfunkstrahlung unschädlich machen, ja sogar heilend im Körper wirken würden. Experten warnen vor diesen…

10 months, 3 weeks ago

?? https://youtu.be/r4eJqdG228I

With 3 CMEs already inbound, the addition of a 4th, full halo CME has prompted SWPC forecasters to upgrade the G2 Watch on 01 Dec to a G3 Watch. This faster-moving halo CME is progged to merge with 2 of the 3 upstream CMEs, all arriving at Earth on 01 Dec. G3 (Strong) conditions are now likely on 01 Dec. https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/

G3 Possible Effects
Power systems: Voltage corrections may be required, false alarms triggered on some protection devices.
Spacecraft operations: Surface charging may occur on satellite components, drag may increase on low-Earth-orbit satellites, and corrections may be needed for orientation problems.
Other systems: Intermittent satellite navigation and low-frequency radio navigation problems may occur, HF radio may be intermittent. Auroras may be visible seen as low as Illinois and Oregon (typically 50° geomagnetic lat).


Four CMEs Are Heading For Earth - G3 (Strong) Geomagnetic Storm Watch - November 30. 2023.

With 3 CMEs already inbound, the addition of a 4th, full halo CME has prompted SWPC forecasters to upgrade the G2 Watch on 01 Dec to a G3 Watch. This faster-moving halo CME is progged to merge with 2 of the 3 upstream CMEs, all arriving at Earth on 01 Dec.…

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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States


Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage: mygov.in

MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi

Last updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.


Last updated 2 months ago