The Dark Troll

Dark Commentary
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🧑‍💻 Reklama: @Rek_Kanalda 👈

Last updated 11 months, 1 week ago

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2 weeks, 6 days ago

The Crimea cope is good for Russia. Had Ukraine redirected those efforts to softer targets, it could have resulted in much more significant damage.

2 weeks, 6 days ago
3 weeks ago

Back in the real world, I haven't posted much about Volchansk recently because it has turned into a stagnant death pit.

Ukraine continues to stream forces across the Vovcha river to die, and no significant change in lines to show for it.

3 weeks, 6 days ago

My account is almost as small as they come. Why do I get so many spammers?

3 weeks, 6 days ago

No news so far in the Sumy region of Ukraine. I'm going to file Ryzhivka under small border skirmish unless anything changes.

4 weeks ago

So, more in depth commentary. This Ryzhivka town is close enough to the Russian border it was likely not difficult to simply walk into. It's even possible Ukraine doesn't realize they lost it.

It's not going to tell us much about the state of Ukraine's defenses in that part of the front, but it will very significantly complicate Ukraine's force distribution. We shall see what happens next.

1 month ago

The USA has made it very clear they intend to take and railroad political prisoners. This is just the latest in the long line. Look at what they did to the people that opposed their abortion religion. This is unfortunate for my own brOSINT self interest as…

1 month ago

The USA has made it very clear they intend to take and railroad political prisoners. This is just the latest in the long line. Look at what they did to the people that opposed their abortion religion.

This is unfortunate for my own brOSINT self interest as I worry the handful of intellectually honest voices in the USA will be silenced or intimidated into silence. However, I do plan on remaining neutral in the USA's war against humanity, as usual.

1 month ago

Society commentary time. Degenerate parades exist because it gives adults an opportunity to play dress up according to their fantasies.

This is basically what happens when you don't have more wholesome forms of costume parties for people with stunted maturity.

You may notice some superficial similarities between them and nafo, another dress up fantasy.

1 month, 1 week ago

As I've mentioned before, the final cope is the F35. If those fall, the USA falls with them.

And I'm still convinced after Ukraine is neutralized, one will be mysteriously destroyed in a proxy war.

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🧑‍💻 Reklama: @Rek_Kanalda 👈

Last updated 11 months, 1 week ago

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