Architec.Ton is a ecosystem on the TON chain with non-custodial wallet, swap, apps catalog and launchpad.
Main app: @architec_ton_bot
Our Chat: @architec_ton
EU Channel: @architecton_eu
Support: @architecton_support
Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago
Канал для поиска исполнителей для разных задач и организации мини конкурсов
Last updated 1 month ago
Коллега из Шведций сегодня поделился как они обращаются к бабушкам и дедушкам
"mor" = mother, "far" = father.
mormor = mother's mother
morfar = mother's father
farmor = father's mother
farfar = father's father
morfars farmor = mother's father's father's mother
farfars farfars farfar = father's father's father's father's father's father
"bror" = brother, "syster" = sister
farbror = father's brother
faster = father's sister
morbror = mother's brother
moster = mother's sister
Знакомый запустил бесплатный курс по Data Science на казахском!
cheat sheet for heated work interactions ?✍
Architec.Ton is a ecosystem on the TON chain with non-custodial wallet, swap, apps catalog and launchpad.
Main app: @architec_ton_bot
Our Chat: @architec_ton
EU Channel: @architecton_eu
Support: @architecton_support
Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago
Канал для поиска исполнителей для разных задач и организации мини конкурсов
Last updated 1 month ago