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5 days, 15 hours ago

#LEEHAN Weverse update

ONEDOOR!! Hari ini aku benar-benar terkejut.. ㅎㅎ Aku menantikan (kemenangan) meskipun aku tidak menunjukkannya, tetapi aku tidak menyangka akan menerimanya di Woonkiegayo. Aku terus berpikir "Apakah aku memberi terlalu banyak beban pada ONEDOOR" dan aku merasa menyesal... Terima kasih banyak ?
Hari ini aku merasa seperti menjadi pemeran utama drama. Aku sangat bangga bahwa kami telah menyelesaikannya dengan baik tanpa ada yang terluka selama kegiatan ini
Karena Woonhak sangat menyukainya, jadi itu membuatku memiliki banyak emosi yang berbeda. Aku sangat gugup sebelumnya sehingga aku tidak bisa mengatakan apa-apa tentang itu. Aku ingin banyak bicara, tetapi melihat ke belakang, itu memalukan. Aku senang bahwa aku dapat mengatakan perasaanku yang sebenarnya di sini.
Terima kasih telah bersama kami selama 3 minggu terakhir, ONEDOOR juga bekerja keras. Seperti yang Jaehyun hyung katakan, kita akan memiliki lebih banyak hari untuk bertemu segera. Kita akan segera sampai di sana. Tunggu sebentar lagi
Terima kasih selalu dan aku mencintaimu. (Meskipun kita tidak mendapatkan nomor satu hari ini, sungguh)
Kalian semua telah bekerja keras dalam mendukung kami, semoga mimpi indah

ONEDOOR !! I was really surprised today .. ㅎㅎ I was looking forward to (win) although I wasn't showing it, but I didn't expect to receive it at Woonkiegayo. I kept thinking that "Did I give too much burden to ONEDOOR" and I felt sorry ... Thank you so much ?
Today felt like I was a main character of drama. I'm very proud that we've finished it well without no one getting hurt during this activity
Since Woonhak really likes it, so it made me had a lot of different emotion. I was so flustered earlier that I couldn't say anything about it. I wanted to talk a lot, but looking back, it's a shame. I'm glad that I was able to say my true feelings here.
Thank you for being with us for the past 3 weeks, ONEDOOR worked hard as well. Like Jaehyun hyung said, we'll have more days to meet soon. We'll be there soon. Just wait a little bit
Thank you always and I love you. (Even if we didn't get number one today, really)
You've all worked hard in supporting us, have a sweet dream


5 days, 15 hours ago

Today's feeling... it's beyond words. ONEDOOR made me smile right up until the moment I went to bed.

Just as you all protected my joy and laughter today, no matter if your chance for happiness feels like it's only 0.01%, just like ONEDOOR did for me, I’ll be the singer who can fill it up to 100% with love.

I know how grateful it is to receive 1st place as a singer, and I will never lose the emotions I feel for you who made today possible. I am so thankful and full of love for everyone who shared in this honor.

I won’t share my final thoughts on this album’s promotions just yet because my 19.99 is still ongoing ?

To all ONEDOOR who are with me during this time that will never come again, as I live through my 19.99 years—this is for you ?


1 week, 5 days ago
Already the existence itself is plotting …

Already the existence itself is plotting | Even babies and puppies can't come over and get it | 'Nice Guy' MV Behind | BEHINDOOR | EP.30



1 week, 5 days ago
3 months ago

“옷차림도 머리도 걷는 폼까지도” 다른 옆집 소년들 | BOYNEXTDOOR 전곡 플레이리스트 | BOYNEXTDOOR PLAYLIST | weverse magazine

#플레이리스트 #playlist
#위버스 #weverse #위버스매거진 #weverse_magazine



“옷차림도 머리도 걷는 폼까지도” 다른 옆집 소년들 | BOYNEXTDOOR 전곡 플레이리스트 | BOYNEXTDOOR PLAYLIST | weverse magazine

***☑️*** #플레이리스트 #playlist #보이넥스트도어 #BOYNEXTDOOR #위버스 #weverse #위버스매거진 #weverse\_magazine

3 months ago
[#RIWOO](?q=%23RIWOO) Weverse update

#RIWOO Weverse update

I met my favorite?!


3 months ago
3 months, 1 week ago


아 진짜 긴장돼 죽겠네!!! ヾ( •́д•̀ ;)ノ

평범하지 않은 노크와 함께 등장한
MZ 댄서 ChillLit ?
알고 보니.. 원도어였던 썰 푼다

Chill하고 Lit하게 놀아보자고!
Skrr~♪♬ ????



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