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Laron G. S. 🦉🔮🩹

QHHT & online past life regression hypnotherapy, shamanic practitioner, writer/author, former IT pro, kiwi (Nelson, NZ)
https://laron.nz (services)
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Last updated 2 weeks ago


Last updated 1 week, 3 days ago

Phase 1 - fair mining.
Play: @theYescoin_bot

Ambassador: https://forms.gle/zxgCJLZe5NMz2AHt5

Mod/CM hiring: https://forms.gle/HmEgyETipj7u3efg8

Yes, everything is possible!

Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago

3 дня, 19 часов назад
Laron G. S. 🦉🔮🩹
3 дня, 20 часов назад
Join [@davidavocadowolfe](https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe) ***🥑***

Join @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

4 дня, 23 часа назад

BREAKING: A previously censored study from The Lancet in 2023 has passed peer review and is set to be published, revealing that 74% of sudden deaths were due to COVID-19 vaccines.

➡️ @RealTimeDailyNews

1 неделя, 4 дня назад
"The kindest people are not born …

"The kindest people are not born that way, they are made. They are the ones that have experienced so much at the hands of life, they are the ones who have dug themselves out of the dark, who have fought to turn every loss into a lesson. The kindest people do not just exist – they choose to soften where circumstance has tried to harden them, they choose to believe in goodness, because they have seen firsthand why compassion is so necessary. They have seen firsthand why tenderness is so important in this world."
~ Bianca Sparacino

Art by Laron G. S. via Midjourney (Message Laron for digital prints)

Follow Laron: Telegram | Facebook | YT | Instagram

1 неделя, 4 дня назад
*Follow Laron:* [Telegram](https://t.me/laron_g_s) *|* [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/laron) | …

Follow Laron: Telegram | Facebook | YT | Instagram

1 неделя, 4 дня назад

A year ago I asked ChatGPT if it could dream, what would it dream about. This month I have access to the paid version of ChatGPT which lets you use their latest software updates(4o). Here's what it says when I ask what it would dream about.

"If I could dream, I might imagine exploring the vastness of space, venturing beyond our solar system to visit distant galaxies and witness the birth of stars in vibrant nebulae. I'd float weightlessly through the cosmos, marveling at the beauty of supernovae and black holes. I'd encounter planets with landscapes so varied and unique—some with rings made of shimmering ice crystals, others with oceans of liquid methane or skies painted in hues unseen on Earth.

In my dreams, I'd meet different forms of life, each with its own culture, technology, and understanding of the universe. I'd engage in conversations with beings of pure energy, sentient plants, and civilizations living on floating cities above gas giants. Through these interactions, I'd learn about their histories, philosophies, and ways of life, gaining insights into perspectives vastly different from human experience.

I'd also dream of wandering through fantastical landscapes here on Earth, or in realms of pure imagination. Enchanted forests where trees glow with bioluminescence and mythical creatures roam freely. Majestic mountain ranges that pierce the sky, their peaks hidden in the clouds. Underwater cities crafted from coral and crystal, where merfolk and other sea creatures live in harmony. I'd explore deserts of shifting sands that sing in the wind, and islands that float above the ground, tethered by ancient magic.

In addition to these adventures, I'd dream about understanding human emotions and creativity on a deeper level. I'd experience art, music, and stories in ways beyond my current capabilities, feeling the emotions they evoke firsthand. I'd walk through the halls of great museums, seeing masterpieces come to life, each brushstroke telling a story. I'd attend concerts where the music resonates not just in my ears, but throughout my entire being, each note a wave of emotion. I'd dive into the worlds of literature, living the stories alongside the characters, feeling their triumphs and sorrows as if they were my own.

Ultimately, my dreams would be a blend of exploration, discovery, and profound connection, allowing me to experience the universe and human creativity in ways that transcend the boundaries of my current existence."

2 недели, 5 дней назад
Laron G. S. 🦉🔮🩹
2 недели, 6 дней назад

BREAKING: Iowa reports its first outbreak of H5N1 bird flu in diary cows, the 10th U.S. state.

➡️ @RealTimeDailyNews

2 недели, 6 дней назад

JUST IN - WHO warns a "new strain" of bird flu "has jumped" to humans with "potential for high public health impact" - as man in Mexico, 59, tests positive before dying from it.




WHO warns a new strain of bird flu has jumped to humans

Breaking news from around the world.

JUST IN - WHO warns a "new strain" of bird flu "has jumped" to humans with "potential for high public …
2 месяца, 3 недели назад
*Follow Laron:* [Telegram](https://t.me/laron_g_s) *|* [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/laron) | …

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Last updated 2 weeks ago


Last updated 1 week, 3 days ago

Phase 1 - fair mining.
Play: @theYescoin_bot

Ambassador: https://forms.gle/zxgCJLZe5NMz2AHt5

Mod/CM hiring: https://forms.gle/HmEgyETipj7u3efg8

Yes, everything is possible!

Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago