Health and high vibration??Know Thy Self?All what you are searching is within you???

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2 months ago

“There is a concept that a person can create their your own reality. This concept is only partially correct because it is generally discussed in a one-way manner i.e., a person sending a message to the field with a request/intention/prayer desiring an outcome. This is only ½ of the loop. The wave you’re sending is the feed-forward part of the loop. You need to realize that the wave coming back is the feed-back which is the rest of the universe creating its reality and responding to you. The universe (Planck Field or ”the Divine”) interacts with the rest of humanity and your creation and the universe gives you a result that is a combination of everyone’s feed-forward waves. If a person could create a reality exactly the way they wanted it, a few things would happen: 1) you would be the only one in it because everybody else would be creating their own. It would be very lonely. 2) you’d also be bored within seconds since you had everything you wanted. What happens is that you put your intention out into the field and you stay open to what comes back, realizing it’s going to get modified for the highest evolution of the whole. This unexpected feed-back gives you empathy for yourself and others. You might not get exactly what you expected but now you’re learning from the experience. The totality of everyone’s learning is how the universe learns about itself.”
— Nassim Haramein

2 months ago

And, continuing this example, film is our mental field. The emotion, i.e. the lens, selects the fragments from the film that it likes, or sharpens them for us, i.e. creates our life out of them. If we ignore something, the lens thinks it's not there and doesn't focus on it, which means it's not in the movie, or it may appear but doesn't play a major role. If we want something, the lens not only selects and sharpens it, but also enlarges it.

And on this example we can also understand the existence of the so-called paranormal phenomena. Because we can show a movie on the screen that we are traveling, flying and we can even be in several places at the same time. It all depends on the film and the lens.

- Witek Wojtowicz 

2 months ago

I know that now someone may ask: if I enter another, parallel world, what about my family and friends, will they enter this world with me or will they stay in the old one and I will lose contact with them? Well, they live in their own worlds, but these worlds interpenetrate. That is, we understand, even though we live in the same three-dimensional reality, that one of us is healthy, another is sick, one is happy, another is unhappy, someone is poor, someone is rich, etc. And then it can be a change of places. Of course, my term "parallel universe" is only a certain interpretation of this phenomenon. Everyone has the right to have their own.

It is important to understand that there is a constant transformation of energy from higher dimensions to lower dimensions and back again. It is the process of converting energy into matter and matter into energy. When energy is converted into matter, energy is filtered. Why? Because here in the third dimension, higher dimensional energy just wouldn't fit. Every energy carries information. And it is impossible to translate information from a higher level to a lower one. It's like trying to translate a cube into a plane.

And our mental-emotional system is just such a filter. So when energy returns from higher levels to the physical through the mind and emotions that filter it, it simply slows down in speed, which causes it to become matter. If you feel sad, the energy that flows from your soul to your body through emotions is transformed into tears in your eyes. Anyway, the point is that everything is consciousness, just at different levels. The consciousness of the soul is much higher, i.e. it contains much more information than consciousness at the mental level, and even less information will fit on the physical plane.

So we now understand that a cube cannot fit on a plane, and at most we can project it. Plato claimed that our life here in the physical world is only a shadow of what is happening in the divine world. And a shadow is nothing more than a projection of a three-dimensional element onto a plane, i.e. two dimensions. And that's what our emotion does. It transforms knowledge from the spiritual level to the physical level. And now the question arises: which piece of knowledge will be implemented for us. And the answer is simple: the one to which we devote our concentration and our emotions.

Let's go back to this sentence for a moment: "Time appears where there is a distribution of forces, that is, where there is a transition from one force to another." But in the field of the same force, time does not exist. How to understand? Why do we perceive the existence of time and matter so strongly here? The reason is this constant interaction between the third and fourth dimensions, and it happens due to the transition of one force into another, i.e. the constant transformation of energy into matter and vice versa.

Let me give you an example: imagine a movie projector and a film reel moving inside it. The screen on which the film is displayed is our physical sphere, i.e. three dimensions. The movie is in motion, right? It rotates on spools, so it symbolizes our mind. The light in the projector is a symbol of our soul, i.e. the force that allows the existence and perception of everything. And the lens that focuses is our emotions, and they make some elements of the film clear and bright for us, and some blurry.

And now let's go back to this sentence: "Time appears where there is a distribution of forces, that is, where there is a transition from one force to another." So where in our projector do we see the transition from one force to another? Well, the screen is stationary, meaning it doesn't move, but the film does move. So we are dealing with two forces here: constant and dynamic. And it is between them that time is created. When we stop the film, a still image appears on the screen, i.e. we stop time. That is, "Time does not exist in a field with the same force."

2 months ago


Self love is an ocean and each of our hearts is a vessel. Fill it with Self Love and any excess will spill over into the lives of the people we hold dear. But we, ourselves, must come first. "All I plead with you is this: make love of your true Self perfect." Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.

People who love themselves come across as loving, kind and generous. They express their self-confidence through humility, forgiveness
and inclusiveness. No boundary or barrier surrounds the heart of a person that loves
their true Self and others unconditionally.

It’s all about falling in love with our true nature
and sharing that love with those who appreciate our expressions and manifestations of love, rather than constantly seeking and searching for love to compensate for a deficit in Self Love.

After all, dignity will only happen when we realize that having someone in our lives does not validate our worth. To find a happy ending with someone else, we first we have to find it alone.

Indeed, the most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself.
We can never get so desperate for love that we totally forget where we can always find it; WITHIN.

If we don't love ourselves, then we won't be happy with ourselves. If we can't love ourselves, we can't love anyone else. We can't give the love we do not have. We can't make anyone love us without loving ourselves first.

So, forget about self-image and self-judgment.
It's about self-love, and no one teaches you that
at school. No one teaches us that if we accept and love ourselves, nothing and no one can touch our true nature.

Simply put: Self love is the elixir of an immortal heart.

2 months ago

We are not purely reflections of our genes…

In fact, we bring our genetic template to life through the combination of lifestyle choices and patterns that reflect our perception of self.

Epigenetics is where consciousness meets the expression of DNA (aka the blueprint of life). We are born with a baseline of information…a script known as the genetic code that configures potentials for behaviors, illnesses, and other health indicators, but whether they are expressed or transmuted into conductors of well-being and longevity depends on us.

The entire course of lives, including our childhood, can be reformulated in our minds as a platform for development. New habits and healthy choices are created in the now, suggesting that disorders are a multilayered manifestation of the ego’s resistance to change rather than the higher’s self healing guidance.

Catalyzing desired changes is a matter of aligning our thoughts, actions, behaviors, attitudes, and perceptions as closely as we can with our intended template.

Everything begins with the nonphysical before evolving into the physical form, as consciousness is the ground of all being.

All that is currently being expressed reflects a reason to be, so consider the “why” behind all that you are challenged by to approach the “how” to its resolution.

Our body is a suit of energy manifested into physical form, and it is our role as its carrier to permeate our genome with constructive instructions to support a free and healthy life.
Gabi Kovalenko

2 months ago

Trying to understand life is like trying to understand the taste of a strawberry.

You can only experience it, live it, be fully aware while tasting it...
and after having the experience you can decide whether it was functional or not, whether you liked it or not, what it taught you...
Understanding is made of perception, feelings, intuition and reasoning. And also of courage,
of being able to bow to the Great Power that creates life and directs the dance.

Understanding is possible through the sum of experiences, leaning towards knowledge, study, observation, reflection... but also intuitive feeling that has no meaning grasped by the mind, but I feel deeply
with subtle and delicate perceptions. Trying to understand life is like trying to define falling in love... you can describe it with poetic words, artistic gestures, colors and shapes... but what you feel inside cannot be precisely described, it can only be felt...
What you feel inside helps you understand what you want to feed and what is best to let go...
Live, breathe, observe.
Let your Heart sing, it is a golden compass showing you the way, even when you are afraid and doubtful, even when everything seems dark and you think you have lost your way.
Only with your Heart can you start choosing the sweetness and fullness of life in all its forms again.
Smell a flower, caress a leaf, touch a stone, breathe with Heaven... and let go.
Everything passes, everything returns cyclically in a new space of awareness and maturity
Barbara Mucha

2 months, 1 week ago
Health and high vibration??Know Thy Self?All …
2 months, 1 week ago

Keep quiet. Do your work in the world, but inwardly keep quiet. Then all will come to you. Do not rely on your work for realization. It may profit others, but not you. Your hope lies in keeping silent in your mind and quiet in your heart. Realized people are very quiet.

2 months, 1 week ago

“Life really begins at 40, up until then, you are just doing research.”- C.Jung

2 months, 2 weeks ago
Health and high vibration??Know Thy Self?All …
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Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago

Supporters of the greatest President of our lifetimes, @real_DonaldJTrump!

Advertising: @The_Ivanka1

Last updated 1 year, 1 month ago