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Sh. Abdul Muhsin al-ʿAbbād said :
ومن البدع المنكرة ما حدث في هذا الزمان من امتحان بعض من أهل السنة بعضًا بأشخاص، سواء كان الباعث على الامتحان الخفاء في شخص ليُمحَن به، أو كان الباعث عليه الإطراء لشخص آخر، وإذا كانت نتيجة الامتحان الموافقة لما أراده الممتحِن ظفر بالترحيب والمدح والثناء، وإلا كان حظه التجريح والتبديع والهجر والتحذير، وهذه نقول عن شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية في أولها التبديع في الامتحان بأشخاص للخفاء فيهم، وفي آخرها التبديع في الامتحان بأشخاص آخرين لإطرائهم.
Among the reprehensible innovations is what has occurred in this age: the practice of some from Ahl al-Sunnah testing others using individuals—whether the motivation behind the test is suspicion about someone to examine them, or the motive is excessive praise of another person. If the result of the test aligns with what the examiner desires, they gain welcome, praise, and commendation; otherwise, their share will be defamation, declaring them innovators, abandonment, and warning against them.
These are statements of Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah: at the beginning, it is condemnation of innovation in testing with individuals due to secrecy about them, and at the end, it is condemnation of innovation in testing with individuals due to excessive praise of them.
كتاب الحث على اتباع السنة والتحذير من البدع وبيان خطرها (p.24)
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Ibn Masʿūd رضي الله عنه said :
قولوا خيرا تعرفوا به، واعملوا به تكونوا من أهله، ولا تكونوا عجلا مذاييع بذرا
Speak good so that you may be known by it, and act upon it so that you may be among its people. Do not be hasty, overly talkative, and reckless.
Shaykh ibn al-ʿUthaymīn رحمه الله said :
وليعلم أن سعادة الزوجية لا تأتي بالعنف وفرض السيطرة واعتقاد أنه سلطان عالي المنزلة وأن المرأة عنده في منزلة أدنى جندي فإن هذا من الخطأ ولكن ينظر إليها على أنها زوجته وقرينته وأم أولاده وراعية بيته فيحترمها كما يحب أن تحترمه كما أن على الزوجة أيضا أن تعرف حق الزوج وأن له حقا عظيما عليها وأن تحاول جاهدة لفعل ما يحصل به رضاه وسروره حتى تحصل الألفة بينهما والمودة والمحبة
And let it be known that happiness in marriage does not come through violence, imposing control, or believing that the husband is like a high-ranking ruler while the wife is in the position of the lowest soldier.
This is a mistake.
Rather, he should view her as his wife, his companion, the mother of his children, and the caretaker of his home. He should respect her just as he loves to be respected. Similarly, the wife must also recognize the husband's rights, for he has a significant right over her. She should strive diligently to do what pleases him and brings him joy so that harmony, affection, and love can prevail between them.
Muslim ibn Yasār said :
مرضت مرضة فلم أجد شيئا أوثق في نفسي من قوم كنت أحبهم لا أحبهم إلا لله عز وجل
I once became ill, and I found nothing more reassuring to myself than a group of people whom I loved, and I loved them only for the sake of Allāh, the Almighty
Imām Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said :
فائدة جليلة إنما يجد المشقة في ترك المألوفات والعوائد من تركها لغي الله فأما من تركها صادقا مخلصا من قلبه لله فانه لا يجد في تركها مشقة إلا في أول وهلة ليمتحن أصادق هو في تركها أم كاذب فان صبر على تلك المشقة قليلا استحالت لذة
A great benefit : Indeed, the one who finds difficulty in abandoning familiar habits and customs is the one who abandons them for other than Allāh.
As for the one who abandons them truthfully and sincerely from his heart for Allāh, he does not find difficulty in leaving them except at the very first moment, as a test to see whether he is truthful in abandoning them or lying. If he endures that difficulty for a little while, it transforms into pleasure.
Imām Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said :
أقسم سبحانه بنفسه المقدسة قسما مؤكدا بالنفي قبله على عدم إيمان الخلق حتى يحكموا رسوله في كل ما شجر بينهم من الأصول والفروع وأحكام الشرع وأحكام المعاد وسائر الصفات وغيرها ولم يثبت لهم الإيمان بمجرد هذا التحكيم حتى ينتفي عنهم الحرج وهو ضيق الصدر وانشرح صدورهم لحكمه كل الانشراح وتتسع له كل الاتساع وتقبله كل القبول ولم يثبت لهم الإيمان بذلك أيضا حتى يضاف إليه مقابلة حكمه بالرضى والتسليم وعدم المنازعة وانتفاء المعارضة والاعتراض
He – subḥānahu – swore by His Holy Nafs (Self) with an affirming oath to the negation before it, of the non-existence of the īmān of the creation until they appoint His Messenger (as judge) in all disputes (and disagreements) among them; from the fundamental principles, the branches, the judgments of the Islamic legislation, the judgments of the hereafter, all of the Attributes, and other than this. And He did not affirm īmān for them merely based upon this taḥkīm (i.e. appointment of the Messenger as judge), until there no longer exist any resistance in them – and that is constriction of the chest (i.e. unwillingness, dissatisfaction, opposition, etc.) – and their chests are happy with his judgment with full pleasure, they expand it to the full extent, and they accept it with complete content. And He also did not affirm īmān for them based upon this, before when facing his judgement they add content and submission, and not disputing, and refraining from opposing it and turning away.
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