TON Development News

TON devlopment news and official channel of Tact Software Foundation.
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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

12,975,749 @developer

Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.

Contact: @borz

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel

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Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago

1 year, 9 months ago

? Whales Mining Pool payouts bot
This is not about the development for TON, but this is the only channel i have about TON.

As many of you know, i sold Whales Corp, but there were outstanding debt of miners that didn't withdraw their coins until bot stopped working (more than half year after mining ended! why you didn't do this?). I had a 50% stake in the Whales and now i am launching a smart contract (written in ⚡️ Tact ) and telegram bot to pay my half for all debtors that had 5+ TON on their balance.

I also added 5% to each balance just like if you had it staked.

To withdraw your coins you need to use a bot @whales_payouts_bot and send your address that you have been using for mining.

Starting 31 July 2023, balances will start to slowly burn during next 200 days until 14 Feb 2024 when all balances would be zero making a holding fee of 0.5% of the original balance per day.

If you know someone that has outstanding balance on Whales Pool, share it with them.

Sources of a contract are on GitHub.

? Bot is @whales_payouts_bot

1 year, 11 months ago

Distributed 301 920 TON (676 300 $).

The Open Nerwork is a community-driven project, each of us contributing to building a more decentralized and freer world.

TON Foundation team is glad to work together with strong developers from all over the world and invite new developers and teams to join this collective work.


1 year, 11 months ago

Personal award by Anatoly Makosov and Kirill Emelyanenko
$100 000 from our own funds to the Disintar team.

The well-known team of strong developers, which developed the popular toncli development tool, the ton-k8s tools for running a private TON testnet, the first GraphQL TON API and the explorer based on it.

We can also mention the marketplace which is part of the TON NFT ecosystem.

We hope to see new hardcore developments from them this year.


1 year, 11 months ago

Personal award by Anatoly Makosov
$100 000 from my own funds to the team.

Source code

Many of us use explorer on a daily basis.

It works great, and in my opinion is an example of excellent UI / UX of TON explorer, while excelled significantly in the backend and indexing, and in statistics and some other features.

It is also worth noting that tonscan team were among the first to implement new TON releases (such as TON DNS or TON Nominators) and are ready to work together on some features.

I wish the tonscan team further develop the service and invent new approaches in blockchain user interfaces.


1 year, 11 months ago


High-level OOP Python library for work with TON; create, deploy and scan wallets; Scan NFT Collections, Items, Sale contracts; Scan Jettons, Jetton Wallets; Transfer Tons, Jettons, NFTs and so on.

Award: 2000 TON (~$4480)


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Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

12,975,749 @developer

Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.

Contact: @borz

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel

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Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago