? Islamic History In Glory

To Remember Who You Are And What You Lost!
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7 months, 1 week ago

Mujahid Imâm 'Abdullah b. Mubarak (رَحِمَہُ اللّہُ) wrote the following couplets to Fudayl b. Iyâd (رَحِمَہُ اللّہُ), who was engaged in worship at the Ka'bah when he was in Tarsus for jihad in 170 AH:

"O the Amir of Haramayn!
If you had seen our state, you would have realised that you were playing with worship.

Let those who wet their cheeks with tears know;
Our necks are wet with our blood.

Those who tire their horses in falsehood should know;
Our horses are tired in the field of jihad.

Good odours are for you,
Our odour is dust and earth and the flashes of spears.

The word of the Messenger ﷺ has reached us, the truth of which is not in doubt:

There is no mujahid who, while jihadring in the way of Allah, has the dust raised by his horse in his nostrils, so that he is exposed to the smoke of Hell.

It is the Book of Allah that speaks between us,
The martyrs are not dead and this is the truth."

Fudayl burst into tears while reading the letter, and rubbing the letter on his face, he said: "Abu Abdurrahman (Ibn Mubarak) told the truth and gave me sincere advice."

?Ibn Kathir, Zehebi


7 months, 1 week ago

⚔️ Our enemies know that Ramadan is the “Month of Jihad and Victory” What about us? • According to Ibn 'Abbas (رضي الله عنهما), the Battle of Badr, the military and spiritual victory of Islam, took place on Friday the 17th of Ramadan in the second year of…

7 months, 1 week ago

⚔️ Our enemies know that Ramadan is the “Month of Jihad and Victory” What about us?
• According to Ibn 'Abbas (رضي الله عنهما), the Battle of Badr, the military and spiritual victory of Islam, took place on Friday the 17th of Ramadan in the second year of the Hijrah. With Badr, Islam was victorious, polytheism and idolatry were defeated, and Abu Jahl and 70 of the prominent polytheists were killed in this battle. Badr was named as the day of 'Furqan' when Allah separated the truth from falsehood.

• "Verily, We have given you a clear conquest." (Fath, 1) The Conquest of Mecca, the greatest victory of Islam, also took place on the 10th day of Ramadan, the month of Jihad and Victory. With this victory, which was the greatest of conquests, shirk and falsehood were destroyed, the destruction of the idols around the Ka'bah was completed, and at that time Shaytan gave up hope that Allah would be worshipped in the blessed land.

• The biggest idols worshipped by the polytheists, Lât and Uzzâ, were also destroyed in the month of Ramadan. The house where Uzza was located was destroyed by Khalid bin Walid (رضي الله عنه) in Ramadan of the 8th year of Hijri. In the month of Ramadan of the 9th year of Hijri, a group of envoys from Ta'if from the people of Sakif came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and informed him that they wanted to become Muslims. In the same year, the idol of Lât, which was worshipped by the people of Sakif, was destroyed.

• It is also narrated that the first conquest of al-Quds took place in the month of Ramadan in the year 16 AH. During the caliphate of Umar Ibn al-Khattâb (رضي الله عنه), the Islamic army under the command of Abu Ubaydah B. Jarrah (رضي الله عنه) completed the conquest of Damascus and besieged al-Quds, which was then a Byzantine city called 'Ilya'. At the end of the fourth month, the people of Ilya, who could not withstand the siege, announced that they would surrender the city only to Amīr al-Mu'minīn 'Umar ibn al-Khattāb. The Caliph of the Muslims came in person and signed an emancipation decree and took back al-Quds , our first Qibla, from the Crusader invaders.

• On 25 Ramadan 479, near the Zellêka Valley in Andalusia, the army of the Murabaptids under the command of the legendary commander Yusuf Bin Taşfîn crushed the 100,000-strong army of the Crusader King Alfonso IV, who had sent a message saying "Inform your Sultan that we will settle accounts on the battlefield". King Alfonso VI escaped from the battlefield wounded with his few surviving soldiers and saved his life.

• The Mongol army, which committed unimaginable atrocities against Muslims in Iraq, set out with about 100,000 soldiers to subject Muslims in Syria to the same cruelty. On 25 Ramadan 658, the Mongols confronted the Mamluk Islamic army under the command of Baybars. The Mongol army, which could not be stopped by any army until that moment, was defeated with the attack launched by the Mamluk Sultan Seyfeddin Kutz by shouting "Va Islamah!". Thus, the Mongol advance in the Middle East was halted and Islam, which was about to be destroyed, was once again established.

• Again, the conquest of Andalusia took place in Ramadan, the month of jihad and victory. Târık b. Ziyâd, with an army of 7000 people under his command, defeated the Visigoth commander Radrik and his army in the Bukhayra area on 28 Ramadan 92, and immediately afterwards, the biggest cities of Spain were conquered one by one. In Andalusia, which even today is the peak of Islamic and world civilisation, the Shari'ah of Allah ruled for about 800 years. May Allah Azza wa Jalla return it to us.

• In the month of Ramadan of the 10th year of Hijri, Islam also prevailed in Yemen and began to spread.

7 months, 1 week ago
? Islamic History In Glory
7 months, 1 week ago
*****?*** Occupation Defence Minister Gallant:

*?* Occupation Defence Minister Gallant:

We understand that Ramadan is a month of jihad for Muslims. We warn anyone who thinks of confronting us. We are ready for war, make no mistake.**

7 months, 1 week ago
**Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased …

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“Of the people who live the best kind of life is the man who holds the reins of his horse (ever ready to march) in the way of Allah, flies on its back whenever he hears the war cry or the command to face the enemy; he flies to it seeking martyrdom or death at places where it is expected.”

? Muslim

7 months, 1 week ago

"O Allah! Make me healthy for the month of Ramadan. And make Ramadan a month of peace for me. Take the month of Ramadan from me with my deeds accepted."

? Hilyat al-Awliyā, 3/69 (3353)

7 months, 1 week ago


Commander Salâhaddîn Ayyûbî (رَحِمَہُ اللّہُ), the Conqueror of Quds, was smiling as the hour of his death approached... When it was told to him that people cried before his death and he smiled, he said:

The time has come for me to smile. I have liberated Masjid al-Aqsa and now I am about to meet the Rasûlullah ﷺ. When I see him, I will say; 'I have liberated the place where you ascended on Mi'râj'


7 months, 2 weeks ago


⚔️ A Cry: "Wa Mu'tasimah!"

The city of Amuriyah (a city located between Istanbul and Çukurova, the ruins of which have survived to this day) The Greek governor took many captives on his way out of one of the Muslim towns he had plundered. One of these captives, a Muslim woman, says "Wa Mutasimah! / Where are you, O Mutasim!" in the face of the Greek governor's torment and insults. Hearing this, the Greek governor mocked the woman and laughed: "Of course, Mu'tasim will come now with his armies on white horses and rescue you".

When this woman's cry reached the palace of the Caliphate, Mu'tasim Billah was sitting on his throne, sipping his favorite drink. As soon as the woman's cry echoed in his ears, he handed it to his servant and said: "I have arrived, O my sister! I have arrived! Soldiers! Soldiers!" He jumped up and immediately gave the order to equip the army.

Mu'tasim Billah prepared a huge army, led by a cavalry unit of 4,000 (some reports say 17,000) men on white horses, just as the Greek governor had sarcastically described. The Abbasid Caliph sent a letter to the Greek governor in which he wrote: "From Mu'tasim Billah, the Emir of the Believers, to the dog of the Greeks! If you do not release my sister whom you took captive immediately, I am preparing such an army for you that one end will be here (Baghdad) and the other end will be there (Amuriyah)!"

And Mu'tasim did as he said on the cry of a single woman, "Wa Mu'tasimah!" and marched on Amuriyah with a huge army and conquered this great Greek city. When Mu'tasim Billah conquered Amuriyah, as he entered the city, he exclaimed: "I have arrived, I have arrived!"

Mu'tasim Billah killed the governor of Amuriyah, personally untied the hands of the woman who cried out to him, freed her from captivity and said: "O lady believer! I assure you that as soon as I heard your call, I immediately set out without waiting a moment." Then he turned to the servant and said: "Now bring me my drink". Mu'tasim Billah drank the drink and said, "Now I will not be able to enjoy the taste of this." (al-Kalqeshendi, Measir al-Inaka Fî Mealimi al-Khilafah / Ibn al-Imad al-Hanbali, Shaziratu al-Zahab Fî Ahbârin Min Zeheb)

Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!

**Where are those who raised armies for a single woman? Today, tens of thousands of chaste women of the Islamic Ummah are screaming "Wa Mu'tasimah!" in unison in the filthy clutches of Jews, Rafis, Crusaders and Magi!

And is there not a Mu'tasim among the 2 billion Ummah to answer this call!**


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