Bold Vision Voice

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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage:

MyGov COVID19 page :

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk:

Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 1 month ago

7 months, 4 weeks ago

**"World Patriots, Rejoice: The Deep State's Second Pandemic Plot Unravels!"

Ladies and gentlemen, fellow Patriots and Freedom Fighters, this is a moment to celebrate, for your unyielding spirit has once again triumphed against the shadowy deep state and their globalist agenda.

Your voices, your unshakable commitment to the truth, have played a pivotal role in exposing the hidden agenda, thereby thwarting the second planned pandemic and subsequent lockdowns. The globalist deep state has been forced to abandon their malevolent scheme thanks to the MASSIVE AWAKENING INFORMATION CAMPAIGN!

Across more than 100 nations, their sinister plan has crumbled, with fewer than 5% of Americans succumbing to their booster shot agenda. Across the globe, consensus has been reached that the world refuses to bow to new lockdowns, and most now see a sinister elite agenda lurking behind the pandemic, vaccines, and lockdowns. Moreover, nations are awakening to the stark corruption undermining their two-tier governments, suppressing human rights, and censoring freedom of speech!

"Secret Vaxx Warehouses - A Billion-Dollar Fiasco"

Behind closed doors, the colossal failure of vaccine storage and distribution unfolds. Warehouses across the globe are overflowing, and the blunders are costing BlackRock and others hundreds of billions as vaccines languish without proper storage and cooling. Quietly, these vaccines are being destroyed, making this revelation a powerful testament to our fight against the deep state cabal.

"The Power of the Great Awakening"

This moment signifies a monumental victory against the deep state cabal and underscores the potency of the Great Awakening, spreading like wildfire worldwide. Your voices are the antidote to the deep state's lies, overcoming mainstream media misinformation, social media censorship, government suppression, and globalist narratives.

"Deep State Panic and the WW3 Scheme"

As the globalist cabal panics, they endeavor to concoct a WW3 scenario to fuel their illicit money laundering operations, extracting trillions from the U.S., EU, Canada, Australia, Israel, and the puppet Ukrainian regime controlled by the CIA. But their war machinations have crumbled as Ukraine's regime, feeling betrayed and abandoned, admits defeat.

"Israeli Civil War Looms"

Behind the curtains in Israel, the military plans to remove Netanyahu, paving the way for tribunals. A civil war looms, scheduled for 2024, as over 80% of Israelis lose faith in their government. White hat military strategists are preparing intricate Game Theory Operations for a bloodless military coup.

"Revelations Await in 2024"

In 2024, brace for groundbreaking revelations as military white hats and courageous individuals in the medical, government, and the broader pharmaceutical industry unleash hidden data on vaccine tests, fatalities, damages, and the corrupt agendas of global investment giants such as BlackRock, who manipulated, bribed, blackmailed, and laundered money to push through COVID-19 vaccines.

"Global Riots and Protests"

A wave of worldwide unrest will sweep through the streets, targeting the establishment in the medical, big pharma, big tech, and industries entwined with governments, presidents, and regimes beholden to globalist agendas and control. The depopulation agenda will cease to be a conspiracy, as the U.S. Congress launches investigations, intersecting with the 2024 election interference and the previous 2020 election meddling.

"A Planned Military Coup?"

This looming storm will be masterfully framed by the white hats as a meticulously orchestrated military coup engineered by the globalists, in collusion with the likes of Obama, the CIA, Pentagon, and the DOJ, extending its reach to the European Union, Canada, Australia, and the rest of the world.

Remember, Patriots, everything converges towards Q.

"Trust the Plan, Military Is the Only Way"

Follow me on Telegram ⬇️
Subscribe for more:**


Megyn Kelly Show

Happily married to Doug, crazy in love with my children Yates, Yardley, and Thatcher, journalist.

**"World Patriots, Rejoice: The Deep State's Second Pandemic Plot Unravels!"
8 months ago
**BREAKING: Biden told donors today on …

**BREAKING: Biden told donors today on a private call that “It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye.”

Join** @philgodlewskii_2

9 months, 3 weeks ago


A live broadcast that will be remembered by all of America!


The topics that will be discussed at this meeting have been published. THIS IS AMAZING! Several names were mentioned that no one would even suspect... The government is now dissolved!

  2. - Public [REMOVAL]
  3. -  J . . . B . . . . 001331
  4. - T . . . H / 003113

You don't want to miss this. Many things will change after this..


10 months, 1 week ago
*****?*** Attention patriots and warriors for …

*? Attention patriots and warriors for truth,*

Are you weary of censorship and silence on mainstream platforms? Embrace a new bastion of freedom!

I, a fervent advocate for liberty, established a covert Telegram channel. Amid encrypted discussions, we'll unveil realities hidden from the masses.

In days, I'll reveal secrets behind forces against our nation. No more stifled voices; truth shall prevail!

Join our crusade for transparency. Together, we'll defend cherished values.

Tap to join MAGA War Room:

Embrace patriotism, embrace truth. ??**

10 months, 1 week ago
Hello Everyone,

Hello Everyone,

My name is Judy Mikovits and I just joined Telegram. You may know me by the "PLANDEMIC" documentary that has been banned everywhere on social media. Please be advised that Telegram is the only platform that allowed me to share all my information without censorship so I would greatly appreciate it if you JOIN my channel.

The media tried to discredit me over and over again, but the TRUTH will finally be revealed. I'll post 3 BOMBS now and I'll post a lot more later.

Finally you will know who is behind ALL THESE EVIL! Also I'll share tips on how to NATURALLY prevent the MRNA spike proteins damaging you after Covid jabs.

Please JOIN and SHARE this channel with everyone you know and be patient. The TRUTH is coming.

Join Dr. Judy Mikovits Telegram channel

10 months, 3 weeks ago

*?? Trump Support: Free Checks for Americans! ??*


You have the chance to receive a Trump Check of $10,000 - FOR FREE! But hurry, time is running out!

? Only the first 200 to contact will receive it! ?

Connect with us now for the opportunity to win your Check! Send a message with the text "URGENT" and your contact information to qualify!

Don't waste time! Your chance is here, but spots are limited!

? Click here to contact Best of luck to all participants! ?**


MAGA Organization

Official Telegram profile of @real\_DonaldJTrump

*****??*** Trump Support: Free Checks for Americans! ***??***
1 year ago

Almighty God,
Thank you for creating me. Thank you for preserving me and my family until this time. I pray for your protection against spiritual and physical enemies.
I pray for the strength to resist the devil’s attacks. Help me put on your full armor and your breastplate of righteousness. Protect me when I sleep and when I wake. Please remove all the traps that have been set for me that I cannot see. Please protect me from the eyes and snares of the evil one. Order my steps for me so I do not walk in the company of the wicked. Protect my family from any worldly cultures that will result in them losing their souls. Protect us from all evil attention from strangers and from those who are close to us. Block anyone with bad intentions from coming into our lives. Be a shining light unto our feet so we won’t walk in thorns or slippery slopes. Protect us from all evil including those we bring upon ourselves. Let us not wander away from your protection come what may. Give us the strength to walk with you. Guide us from dawn til dusk. Watch over us in everything we do. Be our companion wherever we go. Thank you for the answered prayer, Lord.

Subscribe for more:


Graham Hancock

Exploring lost mysteries and ancient secrets! Join me on a journey through intriguing facts and stories of ancient civilizations. Let's uncover the enigmatic side of history together. ***🔍******✨***

Almighty God,
1 year, 1 month ago

BREAKING: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has called to expel, denaturalize, and deport congresswoman Ilhan Omar.@BoldVisionVoice

1 year, 1 month ago

BREAKING: Judge rules Trump can remain on Washington's primary ballot.@BoldVisionVoice


Bold Vision Voice


**BREAKING: Judge rules Trump can remain on Washington's primary ballot.**[**@BoldVisionVoice**](
1 year, 2 months ago
**Merry Christmas vacation weekend ...**[**@Q17\_Patriots**](

Merry Christmas vacation weekend ...@Q17_Patriots

We recommend to visit

Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage:

MyGov COVID19 page :

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk:

Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 1 month ago