Solcu Gazete Telegram kanalı.
Reklam ve iletişim için: @iletisimads
Last updated 6 Tage, 23 Stunden her
Telegram sayfamda, Instagramda paylaşamadığım, +18 paylaşımlar yapıyorum🌹
Last updated 1 Woche, 4 Tage her
Exploding the Spanish Flu Myth
This video asks why millions of reported deaths starting in 1918 were blamed on a "virus" when there were numerous other environmental factors involved, including the mass deployment of deadly chemicals during World War 1.
?? Watch my new video HERE.
İspanyol Gribi Hikâyesi ?
Hazır/paketli gıdalardan (bazı meyvesuları dahil) ve restoran yemeklerinden neden kaçınmamız gerektiğine dair güzel bir hatırlatma videosu Dr. Sam'den...
Gebeler kaçrırmasın ama tüm popülasyon en azından una katılan folik asit yüzünden deneyin parçası şu an maalesef.
Videoda gösterilen haritada Türkiye zorunlu fortifikasyon yapılan ülkeler arasında gösterilmemiş, ancak Hacettepe Üniversitesi'nin maşa akademisyenleri sayesinde Türkiye'de çoktandır uygulamada olan bir şey bu. Dikkatli olalım.
strong and credible evidence from Sweden exists that Covid mRNA shots alter human DNA, and
government agencies, media, and tech companies, and other corporations have committed enormous fraud by claiming Covid injections are safe and effective, and
The Florida Department of Health has called for a halt to the mRNA injections, and continued experimentation on humans and denial of informed consent are violations of the Nuremberg Code and therefore constitute crimes against humanity,
On behalf of the preservation of the human race, the 2024 Arizona Republican Party Presidential Nominating Convention Delegates call upon Governor Hobbs and the state legislature to prohibit the sale and distribution of Covid injections and all mRNA injections in Arizona, and for the Arizona Attorney General to immediately seize all Covid injections and mRNA injections in Arizona and perform a forensic analysis on these so-called “vaccines.”
TR'de hukuk ölmüştü biliyorum... Kimse üzerine alınmasın rica ederim...
Pastoral şiir yazmayı hukuk icrasına tercih eden, sadece sosyal medya mevcudiyeti ile "savaş" verdiğini zanneden hukukçularımızdan hiçbir beklentimiz yok.
Fakat bakınız imkansızı başaranlar var. Siz bilin, isterseniz bunun da üzerine yatın ?☘️
Arizona Republican Party passed the Ban the Jab Resolution declaring the COVID-19 injections biological weapons. A biological agent, toxin or device that does not prevent infection, does not protect against symptoms or disease, was not utilized under legal and safe human experimentation; is by 18 USC 175 definition a bioweapon. Pfizer and the FDA have admitted these statements are true in internal documents, government filings and court cases, and yet still are gaslighting global civilians claiming the mRNA shots are safe and effective.
Maybe this story will inspire others to pass a resolution or ordinance, or submit a demand to ban the mRNA injections.
The Arizona Republican Party is now the second state Republican Party to pass the ‘Ban the Jab’ resolution and declare COVID-19 injections biological and technological weapons.
Shout out to Patriot, Dan Schultz of who submitted the ‘Ban the Jab’ resolution to the Republican Party of Arizona. The Arizona GOP voted today and passed the resolution with 95.62% of the vote! This just passed so we don’t have the percentages yet. The resolution declares the COVID-19 injections biological and technological weapons and calls on the Governor to prohibit their distribution, the Attorney General to confiscate the vials and conduct a forensic analysis of their contents.
In addition to being an attorney, Dan is a former West Point graduate and former U.S. Army counterintelligence and human intelligence officer. Dan Schultz advocates the Precinct Strategy, which seeks to wrestle control of the Republican Party back to the people. Previously, Dan Schultz submitted the ‘Ban the Jab’ resolution to the Maricopa County GOP. On Saturday January 13th, the Maricopa County GOP passed the resolution with 87.4% of the vote! A total 1494 votes were cast, 1306 in favor, 188 against. Maricopa County is the largest Republican County in the nation.
The first ‘Ban the Jab’ resolution was passed in February of 2023. The Gateway Pundit recently reported on my lawsuit that seeks Ban the Jab in Florida. The case was dismissed and is on its way to the appellate court.
To date, approximately 10 Florida Republican County Parties have passed ‘Ban the Jab’ resolutions declaring Covid 19 injections biological and technological weapons, also calling on the Governor to prohibit their distribution and the Attorney General to confiscate the vials and conduct a forensic analysis. The Florida Republican Assembly, The National Federation of Republican Assemblies, the Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida have passed Ban the Jab resolutions. Recently, the Florida Department of Health has joined the call to Ban the Jab. Clackamas County GOP in Oregon and the Idaho Republican Party has passed the Ban the jab resolution.
Previously, the Arizona GOP was scheduled to vote on the resolution on January 27th, however, other business and debates caused delays to prevent getting to the vote. Dan was persistent and resubmitted the resolution.
Arizona is considered an important state in politics and passage of this resolution will help build support for prohibiting biological warfare against Americans and civilian populations at large.
The text of the resolution submitted by Dan Schultz follows:
Arizona ‘Ban the Jab’ Resolution:
Strong and credible evidence shows Covid 19 and Covid 19 injections are biological and technological weapons, and
Pfizer’s clinical data revealed 1,223 deaths, 42,000 adverse cases, 158,000 adverse incidents, and approximately 1,000 side effects, and
an enormous number of people have died and or have been permanently disabled after having been injected by the Covid 19 injections, and
Bugüne kadar homeopati ile ilgili yapılmış en vurucu, en başarılı belgesel!
CHE öğrencileri olarak izleme şansı tanındı ve hissettiğim duygular listesi şu:
- Heyecan
- Takdir
- Tüylerin diken diken olması
- Duyguların gözyaşlarına dönüşmesi
- İyiliğin, doğrunun, güzelliğin çemberinde yer alıyor olmanın şansına okunan dua, sunulan şükran
- Gurur
- Ümit.
Introducing Homeopathy The Film
Introducing Homeopathy - The Film
A new documentary film reshaping the medical landscape and restoring Homeopathy's
"Kadınlarda hacamat uygulamasının kadın hastalıkları, yaşam kalitesi ve psikolojik iyi oluşa etkisi" konu başlıklı bilimsel araştırmaya katkı sağlamak isteyen hacamatseverler aranıyor!
Oldukça zor koşulalr altında çalışma izni izni alınabilmiş, bu alanda önemli katkı sağlayabilecek bu akademik araştırmaya katılımı artırmak istiyoruz arkadaşlar.
Çalışma yazarlarından biri şahsen tanıdığım, çok değerli bir sağlıkçı dostumuz.
Şimdiden çok teşekkür ederiz ??✨☘️
Google Docs
Kadınlarda hacamat uygulamasının kadın hastalıkları, yaşam kalitesi ve psikolojik iyi oluşa etkisi
Bu araştırma, Kadınlarda hacamat uygulamasının kadın hastalıkları, yaşam kalitesi ve psikolojik iyi oluşa etkisi: Karma yöntem olarak planlanmaktadır. Burada yer alan hiçbir ifadenin doğru veya yanlış cevabı yoktur. Bizim için önemli olan sizin şu anadaki…
Solcu Gazete Telegram kanalı.
Reklam ve iletişim için: @iletisimads
Last updated 6 Tage, 23 Stunden her
Telegram sayfamda, Instagramda paylaşamadığım, +18 paylaşımlar yapıyorum🌹
Last updated 1 Woche, 4 Tage her