All is A Tom

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2 weeks, 1 day ago
All is A Tom
2 weeks, 2 days ago

THE CURRENT QUALITY OF TIMEThe New Moon with a Solar Eclipse on October 2 shapes the first days of the month. The Sun and Moon in Libra are in close conjunction with Mercury and Lilith at the Moon's South Node and in a wide square with Mars in Cancer. Mars forms a trine with Saturn in Pisces. At the same time, Venus in Scorpio is in trine with Saturn (exactly on October 4), completing a wide grand trine with Mars and Saturn.
The quality of time speaks of new beginnings and unexpected disruptions. With a bit of tact and willingness to compromise, valuable things can be created during this time, whether through creative work or relationships. For the endeavor to succeed, we need courage, initiative, and trust. If you face disagreements, consider how much energy you want to spend on resolving the conflict. During this time, it might be more beneficial not to be held back by negativity but to work for the good energetically. Honest efforts to resolve conflicts will now receive a boost.
On October 6, the square between Mercury and Mars will be exact. Venus reaches the exact trine to Mars on October 8. At the same time, Mercury trines Jupiter and opposes Chiron. Don't just talk about your plans; take action now. Intellect and emotion go hand in hand, and what you have been planning for a long time could now actually succeed. It's a good time for all relationship matters. If someone picks a quarrel with you these days, don't let them provoke you, but don't be tempted to make a lazy compromise either.
On October 9, Jupiter begins its period of retrograde motion, which will last until the beginning of February 2025. We can deepen our experiences from the last few months and reactivate some missed opportunities during this time.
Pluto also changes direction: on October 12, it will become direct on the final degree of Capricorn. The big topic of epochal changes remains at the top of the list. Planets changing signs will always come into contact with Pluto. For example, Mercury first squares Pluto on October 13 and then moves into Scorpio a few hours later. The desire to criticize could be very pronounced. Take time before you judge, and keep your thoughts (and words) in check.
On October 14, the Sun opposes Chiron, trines Jupiter, and squares Mars. On the 15th, Venus opposes Uranus and trines Neptune. The Aries Full Moon of October 17 occurs during this charged time. The desire for intensity is now clearly apparent, and some seek fulfillment. Keep a cool head because things could get chaotic and develop faster than expected. On the day of the Full Moon, Venus enters Sagittarius, reminding us that there is more to life than instant gratification.
On October 22, Mercury trines Saturn. The Sun is in the last degree of Libra and squares Pluto in Capricorn. On the 23rd, it enters Scorpio. The quality of time indicates that power and powerlessness are two sides of the same coin. Now is the time to make decisions, even if you can hardly predict their consequences. Trust your gut feeling.
On October 28, Venus in Sagittarius forms a square with Saturn in Pisces. This calls for ethical behavior and a commitment to the greater good. Mars trines Neptune in Pisces and approaches the opposition to Pluto (exact on November 3). Mercury reaches its exact opposition to Uranus in Taurus on October 30.Events now take on an unmistakable urgency, and nervousness increasingly makes itself felt. If the supporting structures are too weak, cracks could now become visible. During this time, try to relieve the pressure on yourself and those around you as much as possible and go with the flow.

1 month ago
All is A Tom
3 months, 2 weeks ago

“From Philip Daniel Miles instagram“
Saturn retrograde is something we get to embrace, having a dutiful excitement to
accomolish working on all that can give us a greater feeling of reassurence that we are in a state of sustainability within all that we are manifesting within our lives.

Task master of the Zodiac
Saturn gives us time & space to focus our attention on a certain area of our lives bringing that part of our experience into restoration so that we are able to function without feeling any squeeze.

As we show up & do the work (whichever house Saturn is transit, corresponding to the phase we are within in our own personal Saturn cycle as well as any aspects being made to our own natal placements) bringing our intentional due dilligence to these areas by showing up as Saturn we bring security & trust to our manifestations.

The furthest planet that is visible in our sky symbolically represents time, responcibilities & maintaining our physical boundaries with our health, work & all things that ware away through time.
Over a 28 year Saturn cycle we shall spend on adverage about 2.5 years with Saturn in each of the twelve signs which fall into different areas of our lives due to the house that signs falls in our own natal chart.

The most brilliant thing about Saturn is that knowing where it's transit is taking place in our own personal sky tels us where our greatest work is & as we embody the qualities of Saturn embracing our responcibilities we can manifest the life of our dreams.
Saturn stations retrograde
19°25 Pisces moving back to
12°41 where it shall station direct on November 15th
which is where Saturn entered shadow back on March 23rd.

We can bring greater solidarity to the most important areas of this years experience leaving it in a state of empowerment, Saturn shall not return here to this part of our sky for another 28 years.
So many huge changes taking place in all of our lives as individuals as well as within the templates of our collective, the greatest of our manifestations shall be our labours of love.

Saturn shall over these same degrees for a third time as we render the results of our efforts coming back to 19°25 by the 18th of Febuary 2025.

3 months, 3 weeks ago

What is this image showing ? Cheers Tom

7 months, 3 weeks ago

For once, no Pluto themes are in the spotlight of this month's newsletter. In March, the focus is on Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Neptune. They indicate an active and open atmosphere. A lunar eclipse in Libra at the end of the month calls for a sincere commitment to a stable foundation.

THE CURRENT QUALITY OF TIMEOn March 1, the Pisces Sun forms a sextile to Jupiter in Taurus and is in a loose conjunction with Saturn and Mercury. Sincere thoughts and discussions are now on the agenda. Some prefer to remain silent and deal with spiritual issues. Social injustice and the suffering of the innocent are among the themes of the time.
At the same time, Venus in Aquarius forms a sextile to Chiron and the Moon's North Node in Aries. On March 3, she reaches the square with Uranus in Taurus. The powerful desire for personal freedom now urges many people to take action and work to improve the situation. The Moon's Node is conjunct Chiron until the middle of the month. Dealing with aggression and war could be at the top of the agenda during this time.
Mercury is in sextile to Uranus on the 4th, and Mars sextiles Chiron on the 7th. Business matters could now take unexpected turns that may well lead to success. However, you should assess the situation carefully and realistically before taking risks. Due to Mercury's conjunction with Neptune on March 8, there is a risk of misperceiving reality or deceiving someone.
Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus on March 9, indicating a tendency to act out and cause accidents. Pay particular attention to your behavior during this time and be careful in sports and road traffic.
On March 10, the New Moon in Pisces sextiles Uranus. Mercury has just reached Aries and makes a sextile to Pluto in Aquarius. One day later, Venus enters Pisces. That creates a somewhat contradictory quality of time. On the one hand, there is a yearning for peace and tranquillity, but the underlying nervousness could feel disturbing. Instead of the longed-for peace, minor conflicts and general dissatisfaction could consequently characterize everyday life.
On March 17, the Sun conjuncts Neptune. Once again, we realize that not just performance counts but that trust and a sense of belonging are also prerequisites for a successful life.
Three days later, on March 20, the Sun enters Aries. It is now the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and night and day are the same length. The Sun's entry into Aries marks the start of the astrological year and signifies a new beginning, which we could celebrate.
At the same time, Mercury is conjunct Chiron and the Moon's Node, and the Sun sextiles Pluto on the 21st. It is evident to all that we need to solve complex problems, but all options seem painful.
Venus conjuncts Saturn on the 22nd, indicating a willingness to find pragmatic solutions. Mars enters Pisces on March 23. His impulsiveness is now somewhat mellowed, focusing more attention on social issues.
On March 25, the Full Moon is at 5° Libra, linked to a lunar eclipse. It thematically picks up on recent events and calls for a serious examination of the changed conditions. A phase of consolidation now begins in which we must create a more stable situation.
It is advisable to tackle unfinished business without delay and clear the air, including in personal relationships. The quality of time of the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8 indicates that ignorance and denial of reality can become a real problem. Better tackle it now because the sextile of Venus and Uranus on March 28 offers excellent opportunities to get a deadlocked situation moving again.

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