Nurul Islam

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6 months, 1 week ago

A reminder to those who continue to post themselves, despite the constant naseeha given to them:

No amount of fabric can cover a woman that wants to be seen.

Contemplate on this, dear sisters.

6 months, 1 week ago

The fitnah of female social media influencers.

It’s to be understood that social media is an attention grabbing tool and what’s the greatest way to gain the popularity and praise you desire?

By unveiling yourself.

Under the pretence of going through a “hijab journey,” these individuals find ways to validate their evil deeds.

Understand this: the “hijab journey” narrative is a myth.
If we accept this to be true, what’s stopping us from having a “salaah journey” or men having their “providing journey.”

When the women before us heard of the verses to cover themselves, they immediately ripped the clothes that they had to cover themselves with. We should just be as haste when a command from Allah is known.

When you post yourself on social media, you’re one step closer to self destruction.

Do you ever wander where your pictures or videos you post on social media end up?
Are you not filled with discomfort with strange men having such access- to save your pictures, and gaze upon you at anytime they want?

There’s a beauty in being unknown, and when sisters truly internalise this, they will find great comfort in not having their pictures online and not looking up to such influencers who violate the sanctity of the hijab.

6 months, 1 week ago
6 months, 1 week ago

Many things in life may appear unfortunate, but it’s all about one’s perspective.

Depending on your perspective, you will either be defeated and deprived, or you will come out stronger and enriched.

Our reality is the reality of tawheed, the reality of the Qur’an and Sunnah. So when Allah ﷻ says the people of Burooj attained the greatest victory, then that is what we truly believe.

We truly believe that a people burnt to death and nothing was left of them were truly the victorious ones because they stayed steadfast on their deen. They put the pleasure of Allah before and above anything else.

They feared the fire of the hereafter more than they feared the fire of this world.

That’s why they remained victorious. Even if the true believers are killed, and nothing remains but ashes, they attain the greatest victory because Allah ﷻ informs us about His believing servants that;

إِنَّ الَّذِينَ امَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ
Verily, those who believe and do righteous good deeds,

لَهُمْ جَنَّاتٌ تَجْرِي مِن تَحْتِهَا الاَْنْهَارُ
for them will be Gardens under which rivers flow.

6 months, 1 week ago
6 months, 1 week ago
6 months, 1 week ago

❝The Mushrikīn try to hide their shirk by giving it names other than shirk . In the time of Shaykh Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdil-Wahhāb they would call the one they made du’ā to, Sayyīd and they would call their shirk, tawassul. In our time they do the same, and they call their gods, kings and presidents, members of parliament and civil courts and they call their shirk as democracy or secularism or international law or freedom of speech.

Today the Mushrikīn of our time believe that Allāh is Lord and they do acts of worship, but they appoint legislation to other than Allāh and judging and such. They believe that Allāh is Lord and they do acts of worship, but they follow the way of the secularists in politics and education and economics and with regards to women. They believe that Allāh is Lord and they do acts of worship but they have taken their rulers as gods and they obey them in Shirk and Kufr under the name of obeying the “Walī al-Amr”.❞

-Shaykh al-Khudayr

6 months, 1 week ago

Shaykh ‘Abdur- Rahman ibn Muhammad ad-Dawsari mentioned at the end of his notes on the book Kashf ash-Shubuhat by Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abdil-Wahhab: where he revealed the veil from the new idol, the contemporary shirk, just as Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abdil-Wahhab revealed the shirk in his time.

Shaykh ‘Abdur-Rahman ad- Dawsari said that Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abdil-Wahhab, dealt with the shirk in the form of calling upon the dead, the absent, and the sanctification of the graves. Then he made mention of the types of shirk that popped up with names and titles to fool the ignorant, which was what those who started it intended. Then he said they allied with the Jews and Majus when they feared the rise of the pure authentic Islam which Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abdil- Wahhab and his supporters established.

And in this time, they have garnered supporters from those who look like us. Thus they inflamed the ignorant with exciting slogans of nationalism in each part of the Islamic nation.

The modern shirk then appeared with its worship of materials and desires, and sanctifying the self. Under the pretext of nationality and patriotism, a new apostasy formed in the Islamic
and in particular Arab
world with its nationalistic principles and schools of thought, colorfully decorated with its apparent titles such as
mercy, while it is a hidden punishment.

After this introduction, Shaykh ‘Abdur- Rahman ad-Dawsari spoke about the meaning of ilahiyyah and its foundations; they are:

1.Disbelief in everything that is worshipped besides Allah

  1. Singling out Allah with all acts of worship and submitting to His rule.

Then he spoke about the reality of worship, loving for the sake of Allah, and hating the enemies of the din.
Then he spoke about the reality of the Millah of Ibrahim.

And he said, with it (i.e., knowing the Millah of Ibrahim), you come to the realization that the majority of those who ascribe themselves to Islam have sunken into the modern shirk, they followed those who misled them from the ones they worshipped with love and exaltation and considered them lords beside Allah, such as Arabism, nationalism, and what they include of materialistic perspectives.

Then he mentioned the one who thought the nation to be a lord beside Allah with the statement of: “Your country, establish it over any religion..”

And that they permitted allying with the enemies of Allah with the excuse of race and country, and suspended ruling with the Shari‘ah by the excuse of corrupt “development”, worshiping every taghut for that reason.

And from their false principles are:

- ​The principle that:​ the din is for Allah and the country is for all.

- ​The principle that:​ the din is the relationship between the slave and his Lord only, and it has
nothing to do with other aspects of life.

- ​​The principle that:​ the will of the people is from the will of Allah.

And he mentioned that the graduates of these colonial schools assure these principles and concepts in [the minds of] the different layers of the Islamic nation; and he said that these schools, through them, were the first thing that the colonials used to compel upon us their culture. Then he said, “It is obligatory upon the Muslimin, the youth and elderly, governments and peoples, to resist this modern shirk and new idol.”

6 months, 1 week ago

Make dua. Even if you think everything has been decided and nothing can be done. We are incapable of understanding how Allah handles our matters and a sincere dua goes a long way. Allah can change it in a second, it could be that your one dua can move the mountains. ?

6 months, 1 week ago
*The best of women are those …

The best of women are those who are not heard by the men nor found laughing and joking with men, nor seen by the men, nor known by men except for their modesty, shyness, righteousness and knowledge.

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