

📔Dedicated to sharing notebooks on Islamic sciences, as well as concise reminders from the Qur’ān and Sunnah, in accordance with the understanding of the Salaf as-Sālih.

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- اهلا بك في سورس بلاك .
- لطلب تمويل القنوات : @xxx1x
- قناة التمويل : @nnnon
- لطلب التمويل : @ossss
- فريق الدعم - @TwSLBlackBot
- انستا

Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

بعض القصص لا تنتهي أبداً 🖤.
- لطلب تمويل تواصل ← : @ooooow
- قناة التمويلات : @xxxxzz

Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago

Last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago

1 week, 2 days ago
1 week, 3 days ago


The #Ramadhān1446 Crescent has been SEEN in Saudi Arabia.


Saturday, 1st March 2025 is the beginning of the month of Ramadhān

May Allāh accept our deeds in this blessed month

2 weeks, 3 days ago

📢 IMPORTANT NOTICE 🚫 Knowledgeknotes will be closed for the entire month of Ramadhān. 📦 Any orders placed during the month of Ramadhān will only be processed and dispatched after Ramadhān ends إن شاء الله 🎁 If you plan to send a gift during Ramadhān or…

2 months, 2 weeks ago

Today إن شاء الله

2 months, 2 weeks ago

We appreciate the kind comments and supports from you all. However, we wanted to state that success is not from us! Truly، it is from our Rabb

2 months, 2 weeks ago

The size of the notebook is A7, not A6. i.e pocket size

Apologies for the confusion

5 months ago
**Who said you have to have …

Who said you have to have neat handwriting to become a scholar?!
Look at Sheikhul Islām Ibn Taymiyyah raḥimahullāh

Ibn Kathīr raḥimahullāh (Ibn Taymiyyah's student) said:

«كان ابن رشيق المغربي أعلم بخط الشيخ منه إذا عزب شيء منه على الشيخ استخرجه له»

"Ibn Rāshiq Al-Maghribi was more knowledgeable about the handwriting of the Sheikh (Ibn Taymiyyah) than the Sheikh himself. If something became unclear to the Sheikh in his own writing, Ibn Rāshiq would clarify it for him."
[البداية ٥١٠/١٨]

Ḥammād Al-Anṣāri raḥimahullāh said:

«اجتمعت مع أربعين رجلا لمدة أربعة أيام، لقراءة بعض فتاوى ابن تيمية بخطه فما استطعنا القراءة»

"I gathered with forty men for four days to read some of Ibn Taymiyyah's handwritten fatwas, but we were unable to read them."
[المجموع ٦٣٣/٢]


5 months ago

Part I

As you progress in your studies, you will come across numerous benefits in many sciences. It is important to record all of it & organize them appropriately. The longer you're in this career, you'll realize the importance of this.

However, this may be difficult in the beginning stages due to being unfamiliar with what exactly to write down & how to arrange.

This is exactly why we seek the advice of those who are successful in their respective fields: to learn the proper method of attaining proficiency. Why do people spend their hard earn money to buy books written by millionaires about business? Obviously so that they can mimic their habits & produce the same - if not - even better results. The same concept exists when seeking Islamic knowledge, فاسألوا أهل الذكر إن كنتم لا تعلمون "Ask the people of remembrance if you do not know" (an-Nahl)

So, how do you record benefits & what do you record?

Listen to the Muhaddith of Makkah, Sh. Muhammad Ali Aadam al-Ityoobi حفظه الله وشفاه when he said,

واجتهد في درسها معلقا … نفائس الدرس وخذ ما ينتقى
وحل ما يشكل واحرصن على … كتب الفوائد وجهدك ابذلا
وأرشد الرفقة للفوائد … إياك والبخل من العوائد

“Apply yourself in studying while recording/annotating the invaluable lessons you’ve come across in your studies (lectures & readings); capture the best of it.

(Note down/)Scrutinize obscure issues of knowledge, strive in recording (those) benefits, & exert your efforts in doing so.

Guide your companions towards those fawā'id (by sharing & showing the correct method of seeking knowledge),& beware of being stingy with those benefits."

There is much to discuss here & I will have to make another post, but for now I want to highlight a few points:

  1. Write down anything you don't understand. You should have a journal specifically dedicated to issues you don't comprehend. Whenever you come across a scholar you can ask them, or even answer yourself months/years later.

  2. Compile any benefits you've come across into a booklet & always reference. Perhaps you read something 10 years ago & can't find the reference. If you wrote it down in your "daftar" it will always be with you & no time is wasted trying to search for it again.

  3. Learn how to summarize a science & organize its topics. This only comes as a result of in depth understanding & plenty of practice until you get it right. Dedicate a notebook for a science or matn/poem. Gather all the masā'il w/ their evidences & details. Start off simple, then add as you progress/restudy a text.

✍️ Abu Awzaa’ee Abdus-Salaam al-Makki al-Hanbali وفقه الله
? Makkah al-Mukarramah حرسها الله
? Safar 7, 1441 (Oct. 6, 2019ce)
? Keys To Knowledge |

#K2KStudyTips #K2KAdvices

5 months, 1 week ago

⬆️ Etiquettes to adhere when jotting down notes

?Compiled by Ustādh Abū Fajr حفظه الله

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- اهلا بك في سورس بلاك .
- لطلب تمويل القنوات : @xxx1x
- قناة التمويل : @nnnon
- لطلب التمويل : @ossss
- فريق الدعم - @TwSLBlackBot
- انستا

Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

بعض القصص لا تنتهي أبداً 🖤.
- لطلب تمويل تواصل ← : @ooooow
- قناة التمويلات : @xxxxzz

Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago

Last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago