Al Haqq🔻

The Truth. Pro-Axis of Resistance.

Covering all things justice, resistance, martyrdom, and liberation related.

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1 week, 6 days ago

*?? Letter from the Political Bureau Chief of Hamas, Yehya Sinwar, to the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah ⬇️ *His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, may Allah protect him,

Secretary-General of Hezbollah in Lebanon,

Peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings.

Allah Almighty says: "..and that He will take witnesses from among you..."

We, at the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), received your kind message with great appreciation and esteem. Your condolences and congratulations on the martyrdom of our comrade and fellow fighter in fight and resistance, and the late leader and Fighter Mr. Ismail Haniyeh "Abu Al-Abed", head of the Political Bureau of the movement, and his companion, the Fighter brother Wasim Abu Shaaban "Abu Anas", were deeply valued. We thank you for your solidarity, mixed with sincere and noble feelings, which has been demonstrated by your blessed actions on the fronts of the Axis of Resistance, in support, backing, and engagement in this battle. We ask Allah to bless your efforts, and to protect you and your country from all harm.

Our martyr leader, the symbol of the nation and Palestine "Abu Al-Abed", ascends in the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, one of the most honorable historical battles of our Palestinian people. His blood, along with the blood of his children, grandchildren, and family, will merge with the great sacrifices made by our people in Gaza, the West Bank, Al-Quds, and the occupied territories, affirming that the blood of our leaders and fighters is no more precious than the blood of our people. These noble bloods and blessed martyrs will only grow stronger and more resolute in confronting the Zionist Nazi occupation.

We also affirm that the movement will remain, as always, steadfast in honoring the blood of the martyrs. The high principles advocated by the late leader Abu Al-Abed will remain constant and present, guiding our movement and fighters. These principles include the unity of our Palestinian people around the choice of fight and resistance, the unity of the nation, and the core of it being the Axis of Resistance in confronting the Zionist project in defense of our nation and sacred sites, foremost among them Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa, until the occupation is defeated and removed from our land, and the establishment of our independent state with full sovereignty and Al-Quds as its capital.

We pray to Allah to protect you, your people, and your homeland with goodness, security, and stability.


1 week, 6 days ago
Al Haqq🔻
2 weeks ago
*****♦️***The word *jihad* comes from the …

*♦️The word jihad comes from the Arabic term al-jihad*, meaning "struggle." It has various meanings, including:

1️⃣ Jihad refers to fighting in accordance with Islamic law.

2️⃣ Jihad is the effort to exalt the religion of Allah or to keep the faith alive.

3️⃣ Jihad represents a serious effort to achieve the good of humanity as a whole.

4️⃣ Jihad is the pursuit of religious knowledge.

It can be divided into four levels ⬇️

1️⃣ Jihad an-nafs, or the struggle against oneself.

2️⃣ Jihad ash-shayatin, or the struggle against Satan.

3️⃣ Jihad al-kuffar wal-munafiqin, or the struggle against disbelievers and hypocrites.

4️⃣ Jihad arbaab azh-zhulmi wal-bida’ wal-munkaroot, or the struggle against figures of tyranny, heresy, and evil.

♦️It is necessary to counter misconceptions and the attacks of hypocrites, which can (most of the time) be defeated through knowledge.


3 weeks ago

*?? Al-Qassam Brigades ⬇️*



3 weeks ago

*??* Al-Qassam Brigades:


Time is running out…


3 weeks ago


All praise is due to God, our debut book has finally been completed and finished and we are ready to start taking pre-orders.

*? Order via our website - hardcover edition is $30 per copy and ships worldwide:*

Orders will start shipping by the beginning of October. The book itself will be released on October 21st, 2024.

Aside from well-known martyrs like Malcolm X, Edoardo Agnelli, and Samir Kuntar, our book has biographies and narratives of martyrs not yet written about before, including Malcolm X's grandson Martyr Malcolm Latif Shabazz, where we disprove the lies and slander against his name by the Zionist media regarding the circumstances around his suspicious death.

Features special guest contributions from former US congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Dr. Mohammad Hassan Ghadiri, and the family members of some of the martyrs.

A portion of proceeds will go to charity.

4 weeks, 1 day ago

*??* Statement issued by Hezbollah on the occasion of the seventh anniversary of the Second Liberation.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Hezbollah extends its congratulations and blessings to all Lebanese on the seventh anniversary of the Second Liberation, the day of victory for Lebanon, its people, its army, and its resistance over the takfiri armed groups and their expulsion from the borders of the homeland. Special greetings go to our honorable people in the Bekaa who sacrificed greatly in the battle of honor and dignity to rescue our country from evil, extremism, and strife, granting their people and their country security and stability.

The anniversary of the Second Liberation Day, where the blood of martyrs from the resistant south mingled with the blood of martyrs from the dear Bekaa, and where the golden equation for defending Lebanon was established on the battlefield and in the arenas of war and combat, is a historical occasion. It is a time to revive the concept of true national unity in its finest form and to learn from it the most significant lessons in confronting aggression and occupation.

The War of the Liberation of the Juroud, fought by the Resistance and the Lebanese Army in cooperation with the Syrian Arab Army, led to Lebanon's liberation from the terrorism of the extremist groups that wreaked havoc on the land and threatened Lebanon’s security and stability, as well as the security of our region, in service of the Zionist-American project.

This anniversary comes this year amid Al-Aqsa Flood and the heroic epic being fought by the resistant and oppressed Palestinian people, who lament the lack of supporters and helpers, except for the support fronts that make the greatest sacrifices in backing and victory for the truth against falsehood and aggression. More than ever, they are determined to continue on this path and course.

The 28th of August each year will remain the Second Liberation Day, a bright beacon of the immense sacrifices made by the convoys of the Islamic Resistance martyrs in Lebanon, the Lebanese Army, the Syrian Arab Army, and the honorable people of the Bekaa, especially the families of the martyrs. This glorious day will remain eternal in the history of our nation and people.

Wednesday, 28-08-2024
23 Safar 1446


1 month ago
1 month ago

*??*?? Statement issued by Hamas on the first phase of Hezbollah’s response ⬇️

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

We, in the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), commend and congratulate the great and qualitative response carried out by the fighters of Hezbollah this morning against several vital and strategic targets deep within the zionist entity, in response to the zionist occupation's crime of assassinating the great jihadi leader, Sayyed Fouad Shukr, may Allah have mercy on him, as well as its ongoing crimes and aggression in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon.

We affirm that this powerful and focused response, which struck deep within the zionist entity, is a slap in the face to the fascist occupation government and a message that its terrorism and crimes against the Palestinian and Lebanese people will not go unanswered and will not achieve its aggressive objectives and plans.

At the same time, we in Hamas strongly condemn the zionist occupation's escalation of its brutal aggression against the brotherly Lebanese Republic and its continued barbaric and criminal bombardment of Lebanese lands and civilians. We consider this a blatant violation of all international covenants and norms, and an escalation that once again reveals that the zionist entity is a rogue state posing a real threat to the region, endangering international peace and stability. This places full responsibility on the United States administration, as it is a supporter and partner in the zionist entity's ongoing aggression and crimes in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and Iraq.

Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas
Sunday: 21st Safar 1446 AH
Corresponding to: 25th August 2024


1 month ago
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