Cinema Hall: Info channel

All the information regarding Movie Nights and Events in Cinema Hall
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3 months, 2 weeks ago
*****🎊***Event:** UFC 300 Live Broadcast

*🎊Event: UFC 300 Live Broadcast
*📅Date: April 14 (Sunday)
Time: 7:00 (Morning)
📍Venue:** Cinema Hall, Block 25 (D8)

Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping Sunday morning! NU BJJ & Grappling Club is thrilled to bring you the live broadcast of UFC 300 in the Cinema Hall.

Other Details:
Language: ENG / KAZ / RUS
Registration: Not Required
Organizing Club:
NU BJJ & Grappling Club

3 months, 2 weeks ago
***🎬*****Film:** 2001: A Space Odyssey

🎬Film: 2001: A Space Odyssey
📅Date: April 12 (TOMORROW)
Time: 18:25
📍Venue: Cinema Hall, Block 25 (D8)

*We continue with this week's choice

In the introduction of this masterpiece our member Diaz have prepared a presentation about the movie, its director, and its influence.

"2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968) a movie by the legendary Stanley Kubrick is a sci-fi masterpiece. A visual marvel, this is a story about relentless technological advancements and limits of our mortal lifes before the unknown. Downfall of human kind in the face of AI and then its rebirth raise dilemmas about our technology and our future, or rather today, as we live in the age of AI, over 50 years after the release.

Other Details:
Language: ENG
Subs: ENG
Registration: Not required
Organising Clubs:*
The Film Society

3 months, 2 weeks ago
***🎬*****Film:** Le voyage dans la lune

🎬Film: Le voyage dans la lune
📅Date: April 12 (TOMORROW)
Time: 18:00
📍Venue: Cinema Hall, Block 25 (D8)

*This Friday we begin with watching "Le voyage dans la lune" (1902) or "A Trip to the Moon" by the master Georges Méliès. Fantastical sci-fi short filmed almost 125 years ago shows his wonderful creativity. He used innovative special effects techniques and inspired generations of filmakers. Still to this day this movie marks one of the most brilliant advances in film history.

After this short movie we are going to watch "2001: A Space Odyssey" ...

Other Details:
Subs/Text: Eng
Registration: Not required
Organising Clubs:*
The Film Society

3 months, 2 weeks ago
***🎊*****Event**: Burlesque Grand Concert

🎊Event: Burlesque Grand Concert
📅Date: April 10 (TOMORROW)
Time: 19:00
📍Venue: Cinema Hall, Block 25 (D8)

Prepare yourselves for a night of allure, elegance, and electrifying performances, as we proudly present our first-ever grand concert - “Burlesque"! 🖤*🎭

Join us on the night of a great performance with exquisite costumes, beautiful dancers, and an exciting atmosphere 💃🏻

Don’t forget to mark your calendars, gather your friends, and come to a night of sheer delight and extravagance 🤫🎟- There will be a lottery, where you can win by your ticket 🎟
- There will be a photo zone, where you can take pictures with your friends
- There exists a dress code, which is all-evening attire (e.g. corset tops for girls and jackets for boys) Other Details:
Language: ENG
Registration: Required.
Organising Club*: Qiial DC

3 months, 2 weeks ago
*****🎊***Event:** Directors' View

*🎊Event: Directors' View
*📅Date: April 9 (TOMORROW)
Time: 19:30
📍Venue:** Cinema Hall, Block 25 (D8)

*⚖️Две семейные пары делят слепого парня в суде
🧰Чемодан, который путешествует сам по себе 💕Первая любовь, принесённая через годы
👠Три девицы за столом пьют "чай"
📢Неожиданные, глубокие, смешные и серьёзные постановки от наших режиссёров!

🎭NU Theater приглашает всех на постановки DiRE:ctors' View*

Other Details:
Language: RUS
Registration: Required, 🔗Link
Organising Club:NU Theater

3 months, 3 weeks ago
***🎬*****Film**: “Менің Әкем Жоқ”

🎬Film: “Менің Әкем Жоқ”
📅Date: April 7 (TOMORROW)
Time: 15:00
📍Venue: Cinema Hall, Block 25 (D8)
*Missed the premiere? Or want to watch the film for the second time?

Due to the high demand of interest in our film, we are happy to announce that we will conduct a second screening this weekend!

The film tells us a story of experiencing a father void and the way it affects main character's life. The film is fully in Kazakh.
No registration is needed, just come and watch it with us 👀*

Other Details:
Language: KAZ
Subs: ENG
Registration: Not required
Organising Club: 25th July Cinema

3 months, 3 weeks ago
***🎬*****Film:** Goal!

🎬Film: Goal!
📅Date: April 5 (Tomorrow)
Time: 20:00
📍Venue: Cinema Hall, Block 25 (D8)

In collaboration with NU Football League and NU Film Society, we are also watching “Goal!*” (2005) a movie about aspirations and impressive sports action.

Other Details:
Language: ENG
Subs: RUS
Registration: Not required
Organising Clubs:*
The Film Society
NU Football League

3 months, 3 weeks ago
***🎬*****Film:** Cries and Whispers

🎬Film: Cries and Whispers
📅Date: April 5 (Friday)
Time: 17:00
📍Venue: Cinema Hall, Block 25 (D8)

*🎥We welcome you this Friday to a guest lecture with Mikhail Nefyodov of cinéma insolite. We are going to watch "Cries and Whispers" (1972) by Ingmar Bergman, an acclaimed Swedish director, and have a discusion about the movie and cinema afterwards.📽

Visually striking, "Cries and Whispers" has received an Oscar for its cinematography. Strong use of color and contrast helps to set a stage for the intense and evocative narrative. This drama explores intimate and dark parts of human experience - an intimate story of three sisters facing the inevitabilities of life.

Other Details:
Language: Swedish
Subs: ENG
Registration: Not required
Organising Clubs:*
The Film Society

3 months, 3 weeks ago
***🎊*****Event:** Piano Concert: "Melody of Eras"

🎊Event: Piano Concert: "Melody of Eras"
📅Date: April 4 (Tomorrow)
Time: 19:30
📍Venue: Cinema Hall, Block 25 (D8)

*🥀Bring yourself and your loved ones to enjoy our wonderful, wide array of live-performed music that will be like candy to your ears (source: Club President, trust me)*

Other Details:
Language: ENG
Registration: Not Required
Organising Club: Piano Club

4 months ago
***🎊*****Event**: NU Choir Annual Spring Concert

🎊Event: NU Choir Annual Spring Concert
📅Date: April 1 (Monday)
Time: 19:30
📍Venue: Cinema Hall, Block 25 (D8)

Step into a world of pure nostalgia with our enchanting concert
Childhood Memories!***

Don't miss this unforgettable evening filled with music that transcends time!🎶
Other Details:
Language: ENG
Registration: Not Required
Organising Club*: NU Choir

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