《 Nyx Thinks 》

Nyx~The primordial Greek goddess of the Night.
Here, I write what you can't express.🌙

The Night is the time, when both the heart and mind, go wild. As if reliving both nightmares and fantasies. 🌙 🌉 🌃

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9 months ago

Hearts have been broken,
tears have been shed,
Yet we seek for each other,
Wandering aimlessly
till the end of the moon.

9 months, 1 week ago

*And if I beg for forgiveness now,
Confess to my sins and my desires,
Would you come back to me,
back in my arms?

Or have the words already lost their worth
to your now frozen heart?*#scribble

9 months, 1 week ago

*This vast, endless sky
is a reminder to my heart,
that my own haven,
was far too small
to keep you caged.

I let go of you,
not out of the kindness in my heart,
but the fear that if I keep you trapped
in these arms of mine, I would be no different than those I saved you from;
Once you loathe and curse.

So I hope you find your freedom,
and never look back;
I'm afraid I would become greedy
If you ever came back to me.*


9 months, 2 weeks ago

She drowned in the ocean of my sorrows,
I got lost in the void of her heart;
She found her tears,
I could finally breathe.


9 months, 2 weeks ago

*Write me a story,
I beg of you;

One, where my tears have value,
and my voice is heard,
Where my feet aren't tired
walking among the dead.*#scribble

9 months, 2 weeks ago

*Through the cracked and shattered mirror,
I see fragments of my fragmented mind.
My thoughts, like twisted vines,
Tangle and strangle my sense of self.
My spirit feels fractured,
Splintered into a thousand pieces,
Lost in a labyrinth of darkness.

Standings at the edge of this ambiguity,
I have no one to blame, but myself.

My own gullible self
for being the perfect marionette,
entangled in the threads of fate
In this play of pride and prejudice.*#random

9 months, 2 weeks ago

*As days went by,

words we spoke with love
turned to venom,

Hands that felt like summer
became icy thorns to touch,

Smiles that carried spring
became lips that never wavered.

The silence became so loud,
It engulfed the laughter in the halls.
Leaving the pages burnt
and hearts cold.

Winter came,
and never left us ever after.*

#OC #Atuneofbrokenhearts

9 months, 3 weeks ago

*You speak of peace
With words full of malice.

You speak of trust,
With a tongue full of lies.*#random

9 months, 3 weeks ago

I hope to lie in your arms,
gazing at the quite sunset,
when the reaper comes
to claim my soul.

9 months, 4 weeks ago

*I have fallen from grace,
abhorred by my own kind,
caged in my own spells;

Be that as it may,
I still wish for thy happiness,
for I, never learned to curse.*#HID

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Game: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot/start

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