Still in the Storm

The Intersection Between Christianity and Science
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4 months, 2 weeks ago
**The Greatest Grassroots Movement of All …

The Greatest Grassroots Movement of All Time

When you think of grassroots movements what comes to mind?

Today, I’m sharing what I think is the greatest movement of all time.

Read the article to find out which one and let me know what you think.

4 months, 3 weeks ago

Understanding science is key to advocating for yourself and your family.

What are your biggest pain points with learning, reading, and evaluating science?

What do you think would help you more effectively advocate for your health?

5 months, 4 weeks ago

Christians should be like firemen running into a burning building but, that is exactly the opposite of what happened during covid.

Why? Because firemen are fearless and exhibit self-sacrifice at the cost of saving the lives of others.

History shows that was the case in previous epidemics/pandemics where Christians ran into sick villages to help but non-believers ran out.

During COVID we were told to run and cower in fear, to save ourselves which in turn would save other lives.

But what about all those left alone?

It is a harsh fact that so many were left alone to die in isolation.

Would you flee the scene of a fire to save those inside the burning building?

To a fireman, that would be ludicrous.

I guess if you were afraid of getting hurt, burned, or even dying but that is not Christian love, the love of Christ.

The love that we get from Christ is self-sacrificial. It seeks to lay down one's own life to help others.

Is that what happened during COVID?

No, the churches told us to do the exact opposite.

But, what does Jesus tell us?

Those who save their lives will lose them, those who lose their lives for His sake will gain eternal life with Him.

Yes, this refers to the soul (soul-life) but any time we seek to save ourselves at the expense of others we are going against Christ, for it all starts with the will.

An emotional stimulus of fear triggered many to choose their own will to save themselves.

Jesus also tells us that whatever you do to the least of my brethren (sisters and brothers) you do to me.

Therefore, we were harming Christ by giving into the fear and allowing ourselves to be isolated.

I don't say this to guilt or condemn but to convict, so that you may know what His will is and what we are truly called to.

We are not our own, but we were bought at a price, redeemed by Christ with His life.

And we are called to something magnificent but it requires sacrifice and love.

Instead, satan through the world and fallen humans used COVID to turn us against each other.

This is who we are and what we are truly up against.

9 months ago

There are many different reasons why someone could want to advocate for their own health.

They all converge at some point on reading and evaluating scientific papers and/or other scientific literature.

When this happens you have two options:

  1. Depend on an expert to evaluate and explain the information to you.

  2. Learn to understand the information yourself.

Which one sounds better to you?

9 months ago
9 months, 3 weeks ago
9 months, 3 weeks ago
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