Still in the Storm

The Intersection Between Christianity and Science
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2 months, 2 weeks ago

Life Begets Life

My latest article tackles a big subject.


You don’t want to miss it.

Read it now at the link below 👇


Life Begets Life

Welcome to another Still in the Storm Substack post.

**Life Begets Life**
2 months, 3 weeks ago

There are many different reasons why someone could want to advocate for their own health.

They all converge at some point on reading and evaluating scientific papers and/or other scientific literature.

When this happens you have two options:

  1. Depend on an expert to evaluate and explain the information to you.

  2. Learn to understand the information yourself.

Which one sounds better to you?

2 months, 3 weeks ago
3 months, 2 weeks ago
3 months, 2 weeks ago
3 months, 3 weeks ago

Estimates have the number of cells in the human body at 37.2 trillion.

There are approximately 400 cell types.

Despite this immense number and the incredible differences between types they all manage to work together to make the body function.

We are wonderfully made!

What a God! What a Christ!

6 months, 1 week ago

Have you ever thought about how we form thoughts and make decisions without even realizing it?

We are especially led by emotions such as fear and anger.

This, IMO, is why technology and social media in particular is so powerful.

Discernment is critical.

You are your own last line of defense.

6 months, 2 weeks ago

In case you don't know...

I am a senior scientist who stood up and declined to take the "vaccine".

My approximately 20-year career as a researcher, most of which was in pharma and biotech, was permanently derailed Oct of 2021.

Since then, I’ve been fighting back. Have been given the opportunity to share the truth including numerous (>40) interviews on podcasts, radio shows, and more.

Have also started a community of scientific truth-tellers @ScientistsforHealthFreedom and launched a new resource to make science more approachable @ScienceDefined.

I’m so grateful for all of the support I've received. I feel very blessed.

It's been one heck of a journey and I'm just getting started.

7 months, 1 week ago

In my opinion the biggest issues with learning science are:

  1. Teaching bias
  2. Too much information
  3. No critical thinking

Teachers teach either what they think is most important or what they are told via set curriculum.

Either way there is bias. Even with the best teachers.

As well, in most classes you are quite simply blown away by an incredible amount of information.

It amounts to nothing more than an info download.

And the tests are just how well and how much you can remember.

Perhaps the biggest problem is that you aren’t taught or equipped with what to do with the information and how.

No one tells you how to critically evaluate and apply it.

It is my vision for Science Defined to change all that.

In addition to teaching science in a way that makes it accessible to everyone I am also bringing forth a process that teaches you how to learn and think science.

It’s one thing to acquire scientific knowledge but being able to apply it to your own life is truly transformative.

Interested in learning more about Science Defined?

Go now to the link below👇

8 months ago
Hold up!

Hold up!

They just have to work out a few “kinks” and then mRNA therapies will be the drugs of the future.

And here I thought they were already safe and effective.

Good luck with that.

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