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The Venetic Language - The Missing Link of Indo-European linguistics?
The Venetic language (ISO 639-3: xve), is an ancient Indo-European language that was spoken by the Ancient Veneti. Its classification is debated: most scholars trace it to the Latin-Faliscan language family and thus the older Italo-Celtic branch, of which Venetic likely represents an earlier emanation, due to its archaic characteristics.
According to Gvozdanović, Venetic was a variety of Celtic that evolved in the Italic horizon in its phonology and lexicon, retaining Celtic grammar and structure. However, she shares the increasing awareness among scholars that the term "Celtic" may not be a discrete category, supporting the idea of Venetic as an early, independent offshoot of Proto-Indo-European.
Venetic is known through over 400 inscriptions dated from the 6th to the 1st centuries BC, mainly in the Veneto region and parts of Friuli, Austria, and Slovenia. The Venetic writing system, a peculiar runic alphabet, has been proposed by Aldo Prosdocimi as the basis for the development of the futhark runic script, which would later be adopted by most Germanic peoples.
The corpus of inscriptions includes funerary, votive, and public texts, while non-formulary texts are rare and their interpretations often debated. Despite providing valuable onomastic data, their formulaic and repetitive nature offers only fragmented glimpses of grammar and vocabulary.
Venetic was written in a boustrophedonic manner, as lines were written alternately in opposite directions: left to right on one line, then right to left on the next. The inscriptions often used a unique punctuation system, marking certain letters with dots before and after them. This likely reflects a "syllabic phase" in the adoption of the alphabet, or a retention of an aid in writing instruction.
The Veneti's strong ties with Rome led to a gradual cultural and linguistic integration, with Venetic inscriptions increasingly using the Latin alphabet and language. This process, aided by linguistic and cultural similarities, resulted in complete integration by the end of the Roman Republic, with Venetic remnants only in names and traditions.
-J. Gvozdanović, "On the linguistic classification of Venetic", in Journal of Language Relationship 7 pp. 33–46.
-A. L. Prosdocimi, "Sulla formazione dell'alfabeto runico. Promessa di novità documentali forse decisive" in Corona Alpium II, pp.427-440.
-A. Marinetti, "Venetico" in Palaeohispanica 20, pp. 367-401.
North-South Divide - in ethnic geopolitical agendas
As recent events demonstrate, a bigger state is not a guarantee of proportionate geopolitical influence, especially in the case of one as internally divided as Italy. Despite its theoretical potential, Italy struggles to act autonomously on the international stage. This inability to leverage its geopolitical position is peculiar, given Italy's industrial strength and cultural influence.
Italy's geopolitical impotence stems mainly from its loss in World War II, which left the country dominated by angloamerican interests - like many others. However, unlike Germany and Japan, which since then regained local geopolitical influence, Italy failed to capitalize on its strategic position and to establish a strong regional role.
A notable example of Italy's inability to assert its autonomy is the public perception of the Sigonella incident of 1985, where Italian forces confronted American forces on Italian soil. This incident is often lauded as an exceptional act of sovereign defiance, instead of being perceived as a routine defense of national interests - as it would in any other normal country.
The root of Italy's geopolitical impotence lies in its internal ethnic divisions, as it is home to many nations, each with differing and often divergent cultural, economic, and geopolitical agendas. This has prevented the development of a truly "national" elite, and of a "national" long-term strategy that was not directed by foreign interests.
Italian political parties mostly represent specific regions and ethnic groups, rather than socioeconomic classes, with seemingly two exceptions: the Democratic Party and Brothers of Italy. The former blatantly aligns with globalist interests, while the latter serves as the former's right-wing counterpart, pursuing foreign interests while hiding behind proclamations of “italian sovereignty”.
On the opposite end, explicitly ethnic parties like Union Valdôtaine and Südtiroler Volkspartei, although small, effectively lobby for their populations' interests in the state’s Parliament. They are thus able to obtain concessions through the exploitation of Italy's inner ethnic competition.
This perspective can offer insights into the dynamics of future ethnic conflicts in the broader Western world, especially in the likely scenario of increasing instability in the coming decades. It is also crucial for developing new strategies and tactics in the context of the demographic impact of recent migrations, especially for any identitarian movement.
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Remigration - A Full-Spectrum Solution
As Venetians, we are familiar with life in a multiethnic society - both because of recent migrations from outside Europe and because of the earlier wave of migration from Southern Italy. This makes the topic of Remigration as relevant to us as to all European identitarian movements.
Remigration, as a counter-movement to increasing ethnoracial "diversity" and multiculturalism, involves the attainment of ethnoracial and cultural coherence in the European Homelands. This objective would have to be achieved through the return of non-europeans to their ancestral homelands.
From the Indo-European migrations to the German exodus after WW2, large-scale movements of peoples have historically reshaped entire continents. Today, modern technology and transportation facilitate relocation across vast distances and on a massive scale: there is no practical reason why recent migrations can't be reversed, given the political will.
Remigration would help to rebuild community bonds, reduce political polarization, as well as to enhance intergenerational solidarity. Intended as an act of self-defense against ethnocide, it implicitly addresses issues like low fertility and social atomization - necessitating a “full-spectrum”, holistic solution that goes beyond mere economic considerations.
Remigration will be a gradual, multigenerational process that doesn't have to cause disruption, as it could rely on incentives and voluntary programs rather than coercion.
However, implementing remigration without political power will require alternative strategies.
Identitarian groups should focus on building parallel institutions through which to substitute the state in the provision of services to ethnic Europeans, exercising local influence to achieve Remigration on a local scale. The intermediate strategic aim should be to create self-sustaining ethnic enclaves, as a template of Remigration to later apply to our Homelands.
Orania, in South Africa, is a successful example of an Afrikaner-only town founded with the aim of preserving Afrikaner culture and promoting self-governance. No-go zones, despite being effectively competitors, provide an example of parallel institutions able to contest state authority and consolidate ethnic identity.
Remigration necessitates - as a basis for intraethnic coordination between distinct European peoples - a shared ethnoracial consciousness that transcends the increasingly useless national borders.
The holistic nature of our Struggle will have to inform the nature of the solution, forcing us to re-evaluate every aspect of European existence with a single goal: a New European Renaissance.
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Radical Dose proudy presents a brief guide to the history of the Venetian people, written by our friends at The Third Venetia.
Radical Dose
Dawn of the Third Venetia | Part 1 - A History of The Veneti - Radical Dose
Radical Dose proudly presents the Third Venetia 's history of the Venetian people and Venetian state from antiquity to today.
The War of the League of Cambrai (1508-1516)
Pitting the Republic of Venice against a coalition of France, the Habsburgs, and the Papal States, its causes were rooted in Venice's territorial expansion and dominance in trade routes, sparking fears of Venetian hegemony among its neighbors.
Despite facing overwhelming odds, Venice showed remarkable diplomatic acumen, skillfully navigating the treacherous political landscape of Renaissance Europe. Through strategic alliances and shrewd negotiations, Venice managed to hold its own against the combined might of its adversaries, exploiting divisions within the coalition and playing one power against another to its advantage.
While suffering setbacks and losing recently occupied territories, Venice emerged from the conflict territorially intact, preserving its status as a dominant maritime power in the Mediterranean.
This war was the zenith of Venetian power and influence, and cemented its reputation as a formidable diplomatic player on the European stage.
From Rio Grande do Sul to Venetia our people struggle against the rainfalls. Let's hope for better times
Exurge, Venetia!
Venetia, descàntate!
Today we celebrate the legendary founding of Venice which, according to legend, took place on the 25th of March 421.
On this occasion, we begin with a presentation of the institutional development of the Republic of Venice, as well as presenting its history in this context.
The Third Venetia
Institutional History of the Republic of Venice - Part I
Birth and Maritime Expansion (421-1381)
By popular demand, here's our newest article about the Venetian Arsenal, its history, meaning and significance as an institution reflective of the unique sociopolitical setup of the Republic of Venice.
The Third Venetia
The Arsenal of the Republic
A Brief History
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