Punks market v2

Punks offers from GetGems & Disintar.
@ghwnd & @punks_bot

X: http://x.com/punksfp
We recommend to visit

✅ Kanal rivojiga hissa qo'shish uchun quyidagi havola orqali o'tib, donat (ehson) qilish mumkin. Bu mutlaqo xavfsiz.

✉️ https://tirikchilik.uz/grammarnotes

Donat uchun karta raqami: 8600332998853000

🌀 Kanal asoschisi: @kh_atajanov

Last updated 1 week, 6 days ago

Welcome !

Ingliz tili & Inglizcha Statuslar

Kunlik Darslar & Qiziqarli lavhalar📍
Fanga doir testlar & Kitob , qo'llanmalar📍
Inglizcha Statuslar & Tarjima Aforizmlar 📍

Aloqa: t.me/ikhtiyarovicc
Reklama va hamkorlik uchun: t.me/Qulay_taklif

Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago

IELTS - muvaffaqiyatli kelajagingiz garovi!

O‘zbekiston Respublikasida xorijiy tillarni o‘rganishni ommalashtirish faoliyatini sifat jihatidan yangi bosqichga olib chiqish.

Certificate: 765017

Hamkorlik va reklama: @IELTSuzbekistan_bot

Last updated 2 years, 10 months ago

3 days, 3 hours ago
*****👩🏻*** Female #1563**

*👩🏻 Female #1563*

» Price: 💎 99 TON
» Rank: ~ 1816 / 5149

» Type: #Female
» Attributes: 3
» #PinkEarring
» #Beret
» #CyanVR
» Background: #Monotone5

Market: #GetGemsMarket
Floor: 96 TON

🧷 Tags: #priceUnder500 #priceUnder1000 #priceUnder1500 #priceUnder2500 #rankUnder2500

3 days, 18 hours ago
*****🤖*** Robot Female #375**

*🤖 Robot Female #375*

» Price: 💎 155 TON
» Rank: ~ 55 / 5149

» Type: #RobotFemale
» Attributes: 2
» #CyanWatchCap
» #GradientVisor4
» Background: #Monotone1

Market: #GetGemsMarket
Floor: 96 TON

🧷 Tags: #priceUnder500 #priceUnder1000 #priceUnder1500 #priceUnder2500 #rankUnder2500 #rankUnder1500 #rankUnder1000 #rankUnder500

3 days, 20 hours ago
*****🤖*** Robot Female #789**

*🤖 Robot Female #789*

» Price: 💎 178 TON
» Rank: ~ 616 / 5149

» Type: #RobotFemale
» Attributes: 3
» #CyanWatchCap
» #PinkVape
» #CyanLenses
» Background: #Radial2

Market: #GetGemsMarket
Floor: 96 TON

🧷 Tags: #priceUnder500 #priceUnder1000 #priceUnder1500 #priceUnder2500 #rankUnder2500 #rankUnder1500 #rankUnder1000

1 week, 2 days ago
*****👱🏻‍♂️*** Male #1319**

*👱🏻‍♂️ Male #1319*

» Price: 💎 150 TON
» Rank: ~ 2204 / 5149

» Type: #Male
» Attributes: 4
» #PinkSideburns
» #ManBun
» #GreenChain
» #PurpleGlasses
» Background: #Monotone5

Market: #GetGemsMarket
Floor: 86 TON

🧷 Tags: #priceUnder500 #priceUnder1000 #priceUnder1500 #priceUnder2500 #rankUnder2500

1 week, 2 days ago
*****👱🏻‍♂️*** Male #1899**

*👱🏻‍♂️ Male #1899*

» Price: 💎 112 TON
» Rank: ~ 4588 / 5149

» Type: #Male
» Attributes: 3
» #GreenEarring
» #PurpleMohawk
» #CyanVR
» Background: #Monotone2

Market: #GetGemsMarket
Floor: 86 TON

🧷 Tags: #priceUnder500 #priceUnder1000 #priceUnder1500 #priceUnder2500

1 week, 3 days ago
*****👩🏻*** Female #1606**

*👩🏻 Female #1606*

» Price: 💎 190 TON
» Rank: ~ 2312 / 5149

» Type: #Female
» Attributes: 4
» #CyanEarring
» #CyanMohawk
» #PurplegreenChoker
» #BlueGlasses
» Background: #Monotone3

Market: #GetGemsMarket
Floor: 86 TON

🧷 Tags: #priceUnder500 #priceUnder1000 #priceUnder1500 #priceUnder2500 #rankUnder2500

2 weeks, 2 days ago
*****🤖*** Robot Female #2368**

*🤖 Robot Female #2368*

» Price: 💎 128 TON
» Rank: ~ 333 / 5149

» Type: #RobotFemale
» Attributes: 2
» #PinkMask
» #PurpleVisors
» Background: #Monotone3

Market: #GetGemsMarket
Floor: 84 TON

🧷 Tags: #priceUnder500 #priceUnder1000 #priceUnder1500 #priceUnder2500 #rankUnder2500 #rankUnder1500 #rankUnder1000 #rankUnder500

2 weeks, 2 days ago
*****👩🏻*** Female #875**

*👩🏻 Female #875*

» Price: 💎 99 TON
» Rank: ~ 937 / 5149

» Type: #Female
» Attributes: 3
» #VioletShortHair
» #GreenJacket
» #PurpleEyeShadows
» Background: #Radial5

Market: #GetGemsMarket
Floor: 84 TON

🧷 Tags: #priceUnder500 #priceUnder1000 #priceUnder1500 #priceUnder2500 #rankUnder2500 #rankUnder1500 #rankUnder1000

2 weeks, 2 days ago
*****🤖*** Robot Male #3141**

*🤖 Robot Male #3141*

» Price: 💎 235 TON
» Rank: ~ 97 / 5149

» Type: #RobotMale
» Attributes: 2
» #CyanHeadWires
» #GreenChain
» Background: #Monotone2

Market: #GetGemsMarket
Floor: 84 TON

🧷 Tags: #priceUnder500 #priceUnder1000 #priceUnder1500 #priceUnder2500 #rankUnder2500 #rankUnder1500 #rankUnder1000 #rankUnder500

3 weeks, 2 days ago
*****🤖*** Robot Female #375**

*🤖 Robot Female #375*

» Price: 💎 190 TON
» Rank: ~ 55 / 5149

» Type: #RobotFemale
» Attributes: 2
» #CyanWatchCap
» #GradientVisor4
» Background: #Monotone1

Market: #GetGemsMarket
Floor: 80 TON

🧷 Tags: #priceUnder500 #priceUnder1000 #priceUnder1500 #priceUnder2500 #rankUnder2500 #rankUnder1500 #rankUnder1000 #rankUnder500

We recommend to visit

✅ Kanal rivojiga hissa qo'shish uchun quyidagi havola orqali o'tib, donat (ehson) qilish mumkin. Bu mutlaqo xavfsiz.

✉️ https://tirikchilik.uz/grammarnotes

Donat uchun karta raqami: 8600332998853000

🌀 Kanal asoschisi: @kh_atajanov

Last updated 1 week, 6 days ago

Welcome !

Ingliz tili & Inglizcha Statuslar

Kunlik Darslar & Qiziqarli lavhalar📍
Fanga doir testlar & Kitob , qo'llanmalar📍
Inglizcha Statuslar & Tarjima Aforizmlar 📍

Aloqa: t.me/ikhtiyarovicc
Reklama va hamkorlik uchun: t.me/Qulay_taklif

Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago

IELTS - muvaffaqiyatli kelajagingiz garovi!

O‘zbekiston Respublikasida xorijiy tillarni o‘rganishni ommalashtirish faoliyatini sifat jihatidan yangi bosqichga olib chiqish.

Certificate: 765017

Hamkorlik va reklama: @IELTSuzbekistan_bot

Last updated 2 years, 10 months ago