We are dedicated to the truth, true journalism, and the truth movement. The truth will set us free and enlighten, inspire, awaken, and unite us!
Last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago
#Salaar is an Indian action film *ing Rebel Star #Prabhas, Directed by #PrashanthNeel. Produced by #HombaleFilms. #SalaarCeaseFire On Dec 22, 2023.
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
The main controller channel of Memers Gallery!
Contains the index of what it controls.
💹 Ads: t.me/Memers_Gallery/43
Buy ads: https://telega.io/c/memers_gallery
Last updated 11 months, 3 weeks ago
Halo moots! Maaf baru sempet ngabarin, untuk beberapa hari kedepan, channel ini akan rehat dari segala aktivitas dikarenakan ada keperluan yang harus diurus, terimakasih dan maaf sebelumnya, diperbolehkan unsubs jika kamu tidak menyetujui keputusan ini, namun tolong hubungi @Oonamiibot terlebih dahulu ya! Terimakasih sekali lagi moots! Sehat"yaa ❤️❤️❤️
Kalo semisal ada pesan hfw yg kelewat km bs hubungi @oonamiibot yaaa cintaq, trmkci ??
Good morning, moots! I hope this morning becomes a great start to your day. Keep up the spirit! Create exciting moments and be the best version of yourself. Have a fantastic day!❤️
Moots, can you help me spread this message to your channel? Untuk feedback bisa kamu hubungi @oonamiibot ya, terimakasih❤️
{ ᧔♡᧓. The red sun is ablaze on the horizon of twilight. Hello, all our fellow moots, would you kindly help spread this short message to your channels? Thank you! it would mean a lot to us! }
Warm greetings to all of us, we @papertestiquee are currently seeking new mutual friends. All types of business channels are allowed, but only for main account purposes. We would be delighted to welcome you as our new mutual friend. Please contact @narukamabot for registration as our partner! Thank you, we are waiting for you!
omong" aku udah open fw yaa, nanti pesan di ch kalian bakalan aku fw kesini, kalo mau minta tolong fw in pesan yg lainn bolehh kok silahkan hubungi bot @oonamiibot yaa terimakasih moots!!❤️❤️✨✨
We are dedicated to the truth, true journalism, and the truth movement. The truth will set us free and enlighten, inspire, awaken, and unite us!
Last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago
#Salaar is an Indian action film *ing Rebel Star #Prabhas, Directed by #PrashanthNeel. Produced by #HombaleFilms. #SalaarCeaseFire On Dec 22, 2023.
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
The main controller channel of Memers Gallery!
Contains the index of what it controls.
💹 Ads: t.me/Memers_Gallery/43
Buy ads: https://telega.io/c/memers_gallery
Last updated 11 months, 3 weeks ago