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7 months, 3 weeks ago

Hot on the heels of semaglutide is Eli Lilly’s tirzepatide, approved as Mounjaro in 2022 for diabetes and as Zepbound in 2023 for weight management. In studies of Zepbound, patients taking the highest dose lost around 21 percent of their body weight.
In a head-to-head comparison of Wegovy and Zepbound published earlier this month, Zepbound was found more likely to lead to significant weight loss.

[from: WIRED]


heels — каблуки, а также пятки

hot on the heels — (следовать) по пятам; по горячим следам

также используется и "hard on the heels", с тем же значением 

head-to-head comparison — прямое ("голова к голове") сравнение, термин часто используется именно в отношении лекарственных средств, когда в ходе их разработки их сравнивают с standard of care (лекарством, которое предписано для использования в данном конкретном случае нормативами)

7 months, 3 weeks ago

Так, еще одна (не прошло и трех лет:) попытка реанимировать этот канал… Редакция надеется, что в этот раз получится достичь должного уровня стабильности ?

1 year, 5 months ago

I SEE YOU, reader. You drink the probiotic seltzer, with its gut-improving bacteria, and the fiber-filled prebiotic. You regularly consume eclectic fermented foods and burly amounts of kale to diversify those precious microbes in your digestive tract. Because, after all, what isn’t the microbiome responsible for? It’s been all the rage for the past few years, with scientists hoping it could help treat everything from immune disorders to mental illness.

[from: WIRED]


rage — это не только (как в Rage Against The Machine) «гнев» и «бешенство», «неистовство» или «ярость», это еще и «повальное увлечение», «страсть»

It’s been all the rage — это было в моде 

1 year, 6 months ago

Now, Upside seems to be putting its whole-cut fillets on the back burner. On September 14, Upside announced plans to build a 187,000-square-foot facility in Glenview, Illinois, that will initially be devoted to creating nugget-like ground-chicken products—a process for which Upside has yet to receive a green light from regulators. Announcing the new facility, Upside said that, once complete, it would not produce the “whole-textured” chicken it’s been serving, though the company aims to do so “in the future.”

The public tasting at Bar Crenn was supposed to signal that the era of lab-grown meat had finally arrived. Instead, sources claim, Upside has struggled with technical setbacks, while projecting an image of having solved the key scientific challenge of scaling up the production of whole cuts of meat. The revelations raise questions about exactly how much cultured meat companies, after nearly $3 billion in investment over the past seven years, have accomplished—and whether certain types of cultivated meat products can ever be commercially viable.

[from: WIRED]


to put something on the back burner —отложить что-то на будущее, отставить на второй план. 

Происходит выражение, судя по всему, банально с кухни. Back burner — та конфорка, что ближе к стене, и куда обычно отставляют что-то, что не требует сейчас особого внимания и активных действий. 

На медленном огне :)

1 year, 6 months ago

We are now well into the tourist season and this year we are seeing many more independent travellers in the area, helped by the new facilities at the cliffs of [возможные проблемы с геолокацией] which are really enhancing accessibility and, through the more commercial nature, returning employment to the peninsula.

June was exceptional weather-wise, but July has failed to live up to its billing (but todays rain is tomorrow’s whiskey!)

[из отчета акционерам ирландской вискикурни, в которую нашей маленькой редакции посчастливилось в свое время инвестировать]


to live up to its billing — вести себя так, как ожидают окружающие; оправдать ожидания

Выражение происходит, судя по всему, из презумпции, что кто-то должен оплатить свои счета (bills, billings)

to fail to live up to its billing — соответственно, не суметь оправдать ожиданий

PS: ну а то, что «сегодняшний дождь — это завтрашний виски» —
это вообще высокая Поэзия!

1 year, 7 months ago

Everyone knows what the Twitter brand is. The name “Twitter” and that bluebird logo. This branding is so ingrained that you can say the “bird app” and everyone knows what you are talking about.
Changing it would be a massive risk, akin to changing Twitter’s entire identity.

To which Elon says hold my beer.

[from: HomeScreen]


hold my beer — дословно «подержи мое пиво», интернет-мем, смысл которого можно свести к тому, что произносящий эту кодовую фразу сейчас сделает что-то ну очень глупое, спонтанное и даже опасное.

Сообщается, что истоки восходят к девяностым и звезде стэнд-апов по имени Jeff Foxworthy.

Но это не точно.

1 year, 8 months ago

Alex Mashinsky has been living on borrowed time for months. In January, the founder and former CEO of bankrupt crypto lender Celsius was hit with a lawsuit by the New York Attorney General, alleging that he’d misled investors. Yesterday, Mashinsky was arrested and charged with seven counts of fraud by the US Department of Justice. If found guilty on all of the criminal counts, Mashinksy could face up to 115 years in prison. He pleaded not guilty and was released from custody on a $40 million bond.

[from: WIRED]

borrow time, borrowed time — небольшой и непредсказуемый (по продолжительности) отрезок времени, который лишь немного откладывает что-то неминуемое

Часто используется в том числе в отношении тех, кто уже вроде как должен был бы умереть.

1 year, 8 months ago

Also ingrained in the pilot personality, from what I can tell, is an absolute obsession with safety. I think back to something my brother Joe, the former Air Force pilot, once told me. We had just had a family reunion on the east coast; he lives out west, and he’d flown in on his own plane. It is a tiny little “experimental jet” that he built, it’s basically a motorcycle with wings. On the last night of the reunion, we were all having an early dinner together in the hotel restaurant. It was only around 5:30 or 6pm, and Joe stood up, said he’d enjoyed the reunion, and now he was saying goodbye. And we all said, “Joe, it’s so early, what’s your hurry?” And he said that he had several hours of flight planning ahead of him. 
And then he said: “There are old pilots, and there are bold pilots, but there are no old, bold pilots.”

from: [Freakonomics Radio]

bold — смелый, дерзкий, храбрый, самоуверенный
К процитированной поговорке, скорее всего, больше подходит «самоуверенный».

«Бывают старые пилоты, бывают самоуверенные пилоты. Но не бывает старых самоуверенных пилотов».

1 year, 9 months ago

Unfortunately for the crypto bros, Apple has also used their sovereignty over the App Store to largely keep the magic internet money out. This was confirmed by former App Store director Phillip Shoemaker, who stated that “Apple had a problem with crypto from day one. They thought it was a Ponzi scheme”.

But, if recent moves are any indication, it appears they’ve lightened their stance.

[from: HomeScreen]

stance - позиция, стойка, положение ног;
to lighten the stance - смягчить свою позицию

1 year, 9 months ago

While most investors are expecting an 11th-hour deal to be reached over the debt ceiling, interesting market dynamics are at play as the drama unfolds in Washington. Some triple-A corporate bonds from Microsoft and Johnson & Johnson are trading at a yield discount to Treasury bills, which are generally viewed as the most safe investment in the world. In fact, Wall Street just witnessed the busiest week of the year for investment-grade corporate bond issuance, helped by a $31B debt sale by Pfizer that became the fourth largest on record.

[from: Seeking Alpha]

11th-hour — одиннадцатый час. Если кто-то что-либо делает at the eleventh hour — значит, делает в самый последний момент.

11th-hour deal — соглашение, которое (как ожидается) будет достигнуто в самый последний момент

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Last updated 1 week, 6 days ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 6 months ago

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Last updated 4 weeks ago