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5️⃣ Idioms about Man 👨‍💼

  1. "Man of few words" - This idiom describes a person who doesn't speak much and prefers to keep their thoughts to themselves. It implies that the individual communicates sparingly and often chooses brevity over verbosity.

Example: Rahul is known as a man of few words. In team meetings, he carefully listens to others and only speaks up when he has a significant contribution to make.

  1. "Every man for himself" - This idiom suggests that individuals prioritize their own interests and well-being in a challenging or competitive situation, without considering others. It reflects a self-centered approach to survival or success.

Example: During the intense job interview process, it's every man for himself. Candidates focus on showcasing their individual skills and experiences to secure the position.

  1. "A man's home is his castle" - This idiom emphasizes the idea that a person's home is their private sanctuary, where they have control, comfort, and authority. It highlights the importance of personal space and privacy.

Example: After a long day at work, Rani finds solace in her cozy apartment. She truly believes in the saying, "A woman's home is her castle," and cherishes the tranquility it offers.

  1. "Man of his word" - This idiom describes an individual who consistently keeps their promises and can be trusted to fulfill their commitments. It underscores the person's reliability, trustworthiness, and integrity.

Example: When Sameer promised to complete the project on time, he went above and beyond to deliver it with exceptional quality. His colleagues know him as a man of his word.

  1. "Man of the world" - This idiom refers to a person who possesses a broad knowledge and understanding of various cultures, customs, and experiences, often due to extensive travel or exposure to different environments. It suggests sophistication, cosmopolitanism, and a global perspective.

Example: After backpacking across Europe and Asia for a year, Karan returned as a man of the world. His interactions with diverse people and immersion in different cultures have broadened his horizons and enriched his worldview.

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Last updated 6 days, 13 hours ago